All Entries in the "Community and Arts Life" Category

RVTC students aid Chester Townscape beautification work
Chester Townscape, formerly known as the Chester Beautification Committee, has continued to bring together dedicated volunteers, organizations and town departments to improve the appearance and economic sustainability of Chester. On Thursday, May 21, Chester Townscape arranged for instructor John Harmer and seven horticulture students from River Valley Technical Center in Springfield to hold the first […]

Volunteers sought for July 18 Race for the Cure; kid chefs sought for TV’s ‘Chopped’
MANCHESTER The 23rd annual Komen Vermont Race for the Cure – which takes place this year on Saturday, July 18, at Riley Rink at Hunter Park in Manchester – is looking for volunteers for before, during and after the 5K walk, 5K run and 10K run. Volunteers with or without experience are invited to help […]

Salmon hors d’oeuvres are made simply, but look fancy
By Jim Bailey Simple yet fancy, these are delicious smoked salmon appetizers. I think the buttery flavor of inexpensive, round crackers pairs perfectly with fish so heave-ho to the fancy crisps and opt for a truly frugal, but better tasting base for your summer get-together. 12 ounces smoked salmon, cut into bite-sized pieces 20 […]

People in the News
Local high schoolers join Springfield Players Two newcomers to the Springfield Players are local high school students tackling challenging roles in a production of The Lion in Winter. Tuck Wunderle plays the sullen youngest prince, who finds himself wondering, “What would John do in this situation?” He recently appeared in Green Mountain Union High School’s production […]

Picnic perfect: Bean sprout salad with apple vinaigrette
By Jim Bailey This is a light meal that fits that “feel-good” category of recipes. And as for the apple vinaigrette? Let’s just say this will be the last vinaigrette recipe you will make. It’s beautifully tart and reminiscent of that ol’ Yankee charm, making this a keeper. Apple Vinaigrette: 1/2 cup frozen apple […]

Run or Walk: GMUHS Interact Club 5K race Saturday
The Green Mountain Union High School Interact Club will be holding its annual 5K race Saturday, June 6 to benefit the Chester-Andover Family Center. Runners and walkers are asked to gather at Chester-Andover Elementary School, 72 Main St., for 7:30 a.m. with race kickoff at 8 a.m. The race is a good way to test […]
SMCS honors EMS teams from 10 communities
Springfield Medical Care Systems honored 70 local emergency medical staff and volunteers, on Tuesday, May 19, at a dinner at Crown Point Country Club, in celebration of Emergency Medical Services Week, May 17 through May 23 . “We want to recognize and thank each of you for the work you do, putting yourself on the […]

Not just for kids: When it’s raining, pore over these fun books
By John Hoover ©2015-Telegraph Publishing LLC June is the month that summer really begins and for our younger readers, the month school lets out for the longest break of the year. So, young readers, what are you going to do with all your free time? I’m sure you’ll have lots of things planned and, I […]

Rockingham Library board seeks nominees; teams form for July 18 Race for Cure
The Rockingham Library’s Board of Trustees currently has a vacancy, and is looking for nominees. The Rockingham Select Board will appoint the new trustee after receiving nominations from the library board. The appointee will then serve until the next annual Town Meeting in March 2016, when a permanent trustee will be elected for a 3-year […]
Library on sustainable architecture, landscape design open to public
A small library on sustainable architecture and landscape design — just a short trip from Londonderry, Grafton and Chester — is being opened until mid-September to anyone, free of charge. Call 802-875-2194 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily for an appointment. The library is located at 578 Hitchcock Hill Road, just off Route 121 […]

Two refreshing watermelon desserts in time for summer
By Jim Bailey Place 3 pounds of watermelon chunks (without the seeds) in a food processor or blender (in batches) and puree on high until it is as smooth as possible. This will take no longer than one minute. Transfer to a medium saucepan over medium-high heat. Meanwhile, in a bowl, blend together 2/3 […]

West River Farmers Market kicks off season in Londonderry
The West River Farmers Market, at the flashing light at Route 11 and 100 in Londonderry, kicked off its 2015 season under bright but chilly skies. That didn’t dampen the spirits of the 40 or so vendors and their eager customers who all seemed pleased to be back after a long cold winter. Farmers offered […]

Wilder Library seeks book donations for fund-raiser; Kids’ Cakes for Mom raises dough for Vermont Race for the Cure
Wilder Memorial Library at 24 Lawrence Hill Road in Weston is collecting used hardcover or paperback books, either for children or adults, for their Annual Book Sale fundraiser. They are also looking for DVDs and books on CD in good, working condition. They will not accept smelly, mildewed books, textbooks or encyclopedias. Donations will be […]

Peach melba lace cookie sandwiches a yummy gluten-free alternative
By Jim Bailey Boy oh boy. When you make a crunchy sandwich out of peaches and raspberries, you will be ready to make them again the next day. You’ll adore not only the healthy aspect of these simply made “florentines,” but you’ll love the perfect blend of flavors. You can substitute all-purpose flour with […]
Whiting Library offering passes to historic sites
The Whiting Library is once again offering free or discounted passes to Vermont historical sites, Vermont day parks and regional museums. This includes eight Vermont state historical sites: Bennington Battle Monument, Chimney Point in Addison, Hubbardton Battlefield, Justin Morrill Homestead in Strafford, Mount Independence in Orwell, Old Constitution House in Windsor, the home of President […]

Weston Playhouse offers discount tickets to Vermonters
The Weston Playhouse Theatre Company kicks off its 79th season with a family-friendly performance schedule and discounts for Vermonters. “There’s something for everyone on our stages this year,” says Producing Artistic Director Steve Stettler, “and with our ability to offer major local discounts, we hope that our neighbors from throughout the state will come make […]

Kurn Hattin luncheon held to honor more than 100 volunteers
WESTMINSTER K urn Hattin Homes for Children held its Annual Volunteer Recognition Luncheon on Thursday, April 30 to honor and thank the more than 100 volunteers who devoted their personal time and energy throughout the year. Executive Director Connie Sanderson thanked the volunteers for their selflessness, also acknowledging their importance in making a long-term difference […]

Springfield community fundraiser aids three organizations; Post Office collects food for CAFC
Springfield on the Move, the Springfield Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Springfield Rotary Club each received $3,450 from the proceeds of a community fundraiser, which consisted of ticket sales for a series of weekly drawings that culminated in a $2,000 Grand Prize award. Throughout the winter months, each group sold raffle tickets. The prizes […]

Weston Playhouse offers two summer theater programs for students
The Weston Playhouse Theatre Company is offering two fun theater opportunities for students this summer. Weston’s Student Ambassador Program provides 15 students with free admission to all seven summer shows, and an opportunity to discover how professional productions go from planning to stage. Backstage tours, first read-throughs, tech rehearsals, actor/director talkbacks and more are part […]

Going on a picnic? Don’t forget this ‘ultimate glazed chicken’
By Jim Bailey This is what I consider to be the picnic chicken. You know the kind: dripping with glaze and so sticky that the only way to clean up after yourself is with a wet washcloth. Honestly, it might take a dozen wet naps to clean your hands alone. So get out the potato salad […]