RSSAll Entries in the "Community and Arts Life" Category

Briefs Here & There: Family Center buys building; smoking cessation; Mountain Man event, Food bank and farm fund-raisers

Briefs Here & There: Family Center buys building; smoking cessation; Mountain Man event, Food bank and farm fund-raisers

The Chester-Andover Family Center has finalized the purchase of its new building and the sale of its current building at 656 Depot St. The new building will allow the center to increase its space to expand its ability to provide help to individuals and families in need. Center workers now will begin the arduous task […]

Four Chester silversmiths prove their mettle

Four Chester silversmiths prove their mettle

By Kelsy Allan Originally used for trade in early Greek, Spanish and Roman empires, and later used in technology, decoration, jewelry, film and even insulation, silver has been alluring people since 3000 B.C.  Made into coins, molded into various patterns and designs, formed around stone and glass, silver in all of these forms and more […]

Briefs: Lindbergh on her mother; gallery's 1st anniversary; Irene oils exhibit; St. Luke's Supper

Briefs: Lindbergh on her mother; gallery’s 1st anniversary; Irene oils exhibit; St. Luke’s Supper

Reeve Lindbergh on Anne Morrow Lindbergh at Misty Valley Books Reeve Lindbergh, a daughter of world-renowned aviator Charles Lindbergh and celebrated author Anne Morrow Lindbergh, returns to Misty Valley Books at 5 p.m. Thursday, July 26 to discuss the latest collection of her mother’s previously unpublished works, Against Wind and Tide. The book of letters […]

Arts Here and Away: Film on street art, Gilbert & Sullivan, ballet

Arts Here and Away: Film on street art, Gilbert & Sullivan, ballet

Enjoy the viewing and discussion of the movie Exit Through the Gift Shop, the inside story of Street Art, a brutal and revealing account of what happens when fame, money and vandalism collide. This Reel to Real conversation will be held at 8 p.m. Thursday July 19 at Vermont Institute of Contemporary Art, 15 Depot […]

Family center bear goes to Misty Valley Books; Now name it!

Family center bear goes to Misty Valley Books; Now name it!

Bill Reed of Misty Valley Books has won the 30-inch chainsaw-carved bear that was raffled off last week by the Chester-Andover Family Center. The bear is making its new den in the children’s section of the bookstore. Reed said that Misty Valley is holding a bear-naming contest. Come into the bookstore, submit a proposed name […]

Festival Series ends evening performances; focus remains Arts-in-Education

Festival Series ends evening performances; focus remains Arts-in-Education

By Cynthia Prairie The 28-year-old Green Mountain Festival Series evening performances will no longer be held. The GMFS board of directors  announced on Wednesday, July 11, that the series was ending its annual performance lineup to focus on its Arts-in-Education program. In announcing the decision in an email, the board wrote, “For many years the […]

Introducing A Good Nose: A guy walks into a wine shop ...

Introducing A Good Nose: A guy walks into a wine shop …

By Shawn Cunningham Anyone with a well-rounded elementary school education knows that “you can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can’t pick your friend’s nose.” Good advice, until you need to pick a friendly nose for wine. And since as we age, more and more of us prefer wine, it’s […]

Summer Concert Series to fill five Thursdays with music

Summer Concert Series to fill five Thursdays with music

The Chester Rotary’s Annual Summer Concert Series will be held five Thursdays in a row starting July 12 when The Dave Keller Band returns following last year’s noteworthy performance. On July 19, Chester’s own blues treasure Chris Kleeman will take center stage with his band. The husband and wife duo of Lisa Brande and Mark […]

Opera Theatre of Weston gets grant for children's Irene project

Opera Theatre of Weston gets grant for children’s Irene project

Opera Theatre of Weston has been awarded a $2,000 grant from the Vermont Humanities Council to help support the cost of The Storybook Opera: Tropical Storm Irene Project . Storybook Opera is a pre-performance educational project designed to enrich the lessons offered in the opera  Noye’s Fludde (Noah’s Flood) by Benjamin Britten, which the Opera […]

Pinske bear raffle to benefit Family Center

Pinske bear raffle to benefit Family Center

Want a chance to win a Barre Pinske bear while helping to support the expansion efforts of the Chester-Andover Family Center? The 30-inch carved bear will be making guest appearances around town so keep your eyes out for him. Tickets for a chance to win are $1 each or $5 for 6, and may be […]

Bittersweet Family Day as CAES bids farewell to Plunkard

Bittersweet Family Day as CAES bids farewell to Plunkard

Becky Plunkard has been with Chester-Andover Elementary School for 19 years — it’s been so long that she had to look back in her records to check, she said. Secretary, paraprofessional, special education teacher, substitute teacher, mentor, Respect Club adviser, special events  and after school activities coordinator. “I have kids that I remember when they […]

Fish-Diette Academy presents Snow White ballet

Fish-Diette Academy presents Snow White ballet

The Fish-Diette Academy of Ballet will be performing a ballet of the classic children’s tale, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs at its recital at 2 p.m. Sunday, June 10. This performance will be held at the Green Mountain Union High School auditorium, 716 VT Rt. 103 S in Chester. Admission is $10 for adults; […]

A Day of Remembrance: Chester's Memorial Day 2012

A Day of Remembrance: Chester’s Memorial Day 2012

Traffic came to a standstill for a short time on Routes 103 and 11 on Wednesday as Chester once again observed Memorial Day on its traditional May 30th date. Hundreds of residents including students from Chester Andover Elementary and Green Mountain Union High School took part. The annual parade kicked off at 9 a.m. with […]

3 GM 7th graders honored by state for essays

3 GM 7th graders honored by state for essays

Three Green Mountain Union 7th graders have been recognized by the office of the Vermont Secretary of State for essays they have written on the rights and responsibilities of voters. Secretary of State Jim Condos honored the winners of the 2012 Vermont Secretary of State’s Poster and Essay Contest today, Tuesday, May 22nd at the […]

Family Center hopes to buy Putney Pasta building

Family Center hopes to buy Putney Pasta building

By Stephen Seitz Should the remaining cards fall properly, the Chester-Andover Family Center may soon find itself in a new and much larger home. “Even if we close in July, we won’t be able to move until September,” said Sherry Willumitis, the thrift shop manager. “There’s a lot of work to be done.” The 27-year-old […]

2012 Rotary Golf Tourney to aid Chester Emergency Services

2012 Rotary Golf Tourney to aid Chester Emergency Services

by Stephen Seitz Time to start polishing the clubs for the 2nd Annual Chester Rotary Charitable Golf Tournament, to be held at the Tater Hill Golf Course on Sunday, June 3. Click here for a registration form. Proceeds from this year’s tournament will go to benefit Chester Emergency Services, according to tournament organizer Ron Theissen. […]

Alumni weekend schedule of events

Alumni weekend schedule of events

The CHS/GMUHS Alumni Association has been hard at work preparing for the 2012 alumni weekend. Below is the list of events from the association.  But for much more information, go to the association’s website. Friday, June 8th Noon:  Golf Tournament at Tater Hill Country Club.  Sign up for the tournament with the registration form or […]

Rotary seeks families to host Thai student

Rotary seeks families to host Thai student

The Rotary Club of Chester will be sponsoring a young woman from Thailand as the Rotary International Inbound Exchange Student for the school year 2012/2013, and is looking for host families for her. Host families will enjoy the benefits of having a teenage daughter to share their household with, together with an opportunity to learn […]

Fire leaves family of five searching for a new home

Fire leaves family of five searching for a new home

By Cynthia Prairie It was dinner time at the Picz home, a chilly April Saturday good for grilling out but eating in. At the grill,  Greg Picz was the first to see the smoke crawling from the basement stairs. He yelled for his wife Angie and their three children to get out of the house – […]

VTica opens Carbonetti exhibit

VTica opens Carbonetti exhibit

The gallery at the Vermont Institute of Contemporary Art was wall-to-wall with visitors on Saturday evening, May 5, for the opening of a month long display of the works of Jeanne Carbonetti, an internationally known water colorist who lives in Chester.  VTica, at 15 Depot St. in Chester, is open 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. […]