All Entries in the "Community and Arts Life" Category

Henry Homeyer: Easing a long winter with a good book and ample learnings
By Henry Homeyer © 2022 Telegraph Publishing Here in New England winter is long, especially for gardeners. We want to be outside in the garden but most days we can’t really do much. I compensate by learning about gardening from books. I recently finished a good one, Hummelo: A Journey Through a Plantsman’s Life by […]

AIAVT seeks affordable housing projects for charrette
The American Institute of Architects, Vermont Chapter, will be hosting an Affordable Housing Charrette event on March 25 and is seeking project submissions from towns and organizations throughout the state that might benefit from an afternoon of pro-bono architectural design input. Click here for details and an application. Project applications must be received by Jan. […]

Connecticut River Conservancy gets grant for native turtle protection
GREENFIELD, MASS. The Connecticut River Conservancy has announced that it has received a new grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation that will help protect native turtles. The grant will fund landowner outreach by CRC and wood turtle site assessment by project partner, The Orianne Society. Wood turtles (Glyptemys insculpta), primarily found in river […]

Derry Rink Grand Opening now set for Saturday
The Grand Opening for the Derry Rink has been rescheduled to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 22. Refreshments will be served. Located behind Jake’s Restaurant at the Mountain Marketplace in Londonderry, the ice rink was completed on Dec. 28, 2021 by volunteers and through generous contributions. The 120-foot by 50-foot skating rink is a project […]

Chester Chatter: Recuperating after surgery
By Ruthie Douglas ©2022 Telegraph Publishing LLC Ruthie is taking the week off as she recuperates from surgery. Look for her column next Monday.

Henry Homeyer: How to plan your winter veggies
By Henry Homeyer © 2022 Telegraph Publishing I am probably not the only person who is determined to lose a little weight after all those delicious but fattening meals and desserts served up over the holidays. One way to feel satisfied and lose weight is to eat more salads and enjoy more vegetables. That’s my […]

Chester Dems hold annual Share Heat fundraiser
The Chester Town Democratic Committee is holding its annual Share Heat Fundraiser to provide financial support for those in our community in need of assistance in paying for the cost of home heating fuel. As fuel prices have risen significantly, the need for heating fuel assistance to provide warmth and comfort continues to grow. The […]

Need a vax? Springfield Hospital holds walk-in clinic
Springfield Hospital, working in close collaboration with the state of Vermont and the Vermont Department of Health, is utilizing the six-person FEMA team to provide an outpatient vaccination clinic onsite at the hospital. The vaccine clinic is held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. through Friday, Jan. 14 at the hospital, 25 Ridgewood Road in […]

Chester Chatter: Thank you for birthday greetings
By Ruthie Douglas ©2022 Telegraph Publishing LLC Thank you all for the wonderful birthday wishes over the past week on both Facebook and in The Chester Telegraph. They warmed my heart so very much. I have been busy in this little house packing up all my Christmas decorations. Seems like a lot of decorations for […]

Henry Homeyer: How to craft your winter wreath
By Henry Homeyer © 2022 Telegraph Publishing Winter is upon us and it may seem there is little for a gardener to do. No weeding, nothing to plant, no flowers to pick. But last year’s garden may still have some remnants that, with a little imagination, can create something pleasing to the eye. I went […]

Whiting Library eliminates late fines in yearlong test
Happy New Year from Whiting Library! Let’s all start 2022 with a clean slate — one without library fines! The library has been awarded a grant facilitated by the Association of Small and Rural Libraries to participate in a one-year fine free trial. What does this mean? There will be no fines for overdue library […]

Derry on Ice: New rink to open Sunday, Jan. 9
The One Londonderry Recreation Group invites everyone to the Grand Opening of the Derry Rink at the Mountain Marketplace behind Jake’s Restaurant, 5700 Vermont Route 100, at 2 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 9. Refreshments will be served and we expect that the ice will be firm. Construction began on the the 120- by 50-foot skating rink […]

Chester Chatter: Happy new year and a happy birthday!
By Ruthie Douglas ©2022 Telegraph Publishing LLC Wow a new year has begun and with it another birthday — my 81st! Where did all that time go? Sitting in my recliner, I am recalling more memories of my birthdays past, when I was so much younger. Most of the gifts I received for my birthday […]

Henry Homeyer: Introducing children to the ‘World of Wonders’
By Henry Homeyer © 2022 Telegraph Publishing One recent morning I decided it was time to finish reading a small book of essays I had started long before, and savored, but had (inexplicably) put off finishing. World of Wonders: In Praise of Fireflies, Whale Sharks and Other Astonishments is a delight, from start to finish. […]

Henry Homeyer: Guide to your winter mulching and composting
By Henry Homeyer © 2021 Telegraph Publishing Although we had a little snow on the ground for much of November and December, snow has been scarce as we move towards the New Year. If this continues, does this have any consequences for our gardens? Yes, it can. If we have bare ground and a very […]

Chester Chatter: The best Christmases ever
By Ruthie Douglas ©2021 Telegraph Publishing Co. It was the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a little nice mouse. And down the hall into the bedroom Ruthie Douglas lay on her bed, with memories of Christmases running through her head. It started way back when […]

Poets with Chester ties recognized Former Chester resident’s first book named an 'impressive indie press book' for 2021
Susan Powers Bourne sees first published works in literary mag Susan Powers Bourne of Chester recently had several poems published in The Knot Magazine of literature. Bourne says these are her first published poems. Bourne says she is “a lifelong learner and elder yogini who creates pieces of haiku, found art, found poetry, vignettes of […]

Chester Chatter: Remembering Helene Douglas
By Ruthie Douglas ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Helene Douglas was a wonderful woman. She became my mother-in-law when I married her son Don in 1957. We all lived together in a big farmhouse. For the first month or so I thought I was something special, floating down the staircase, ordering my breakfast like I was […]

Henry Homeyer: ’tis the season of paperwhites and amaryllis planting
By Henry Homeyer © 2021 Telegraph Publishing As winter drags along, I long for warm sun and green plants surrounding me outdoors. It’s much too early to start spring seeds (even indoors), but I can plant some flower bulbs. I love paperwhites and amaryllis, and both are readily available for planting now – and they […]

Green Mountain Gardeners serves up tasty, festive table arrangements for the homebound
The Green Mountain Gardeners of Landgrove, Londonderry, Peru and Weston have returned to their annual tradition of creating and donating holiday table arrangements for the homebound in the mountain towns, decorating the villages with holiday wreaths and donating to local organizations. The gardening elves created small table arrangements of greens and tiny ornaments at home […]