RSSAll Entries in the "Community and Arts Life" Category

Clearing a trail, one bite at a time

Clearing a trail, one bite at a time

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Day and night during the last two weeks of July, a band of workers quietly and methodically rid 14 acres of the new Chester hiking trail of the invasive barberry bush – by eating it. Actually the 16 goats – from Slippery Slope Farm in Londonderry – […]

Derry Tri-Mtn. Lions Club holding raffle

Derry Tri-Mtn. Lions Club holding raffle

Londonderry Tri-Mtn. Area Lions Club will be holding a raffle this month, with the drawing occurring at the club’s booth on Saturday, Aug.  28 at the Bondville Fair. While at the booth, you can also pick up free earplugs to prevent hearing loss while viewing track events. First prize is a handcrafted quilt, 85 by […]

Local collaboration brings Yale Divinity grad to intern at area UCC churches

Local collaboration brings Yale Divinity grad to intern at area UCC churches

Through the end of August, ECCO — the Experiment in Covenantal Community Outreach — a collaboration of several area United Church of Christ churches, is sponsoring Jack Mahoney, a recent graduate of Yale Divinity School, in an internship as he pursues his goal of becoming a Navy chaplain. As part of a two-year experience in […]

Winhall Library bids farewell to librarian Dawn Santos with open reception

Winhall Library bids farewell to librarian Dawn Santos with open reception

The Winhall Memorial Library Board of Trustees invites the public to a farewell reception for  librarian Dawn Santos. Join the trustees from 3 to 6 p.m.  on Thursday, Aug. 12. “It has been a pleasure and joy to be welcomed into the wonderful community of Winhall. Over my five years of employment, I have made […]

Grace Cottage Fair Aug. 7, auction Aug. 1-8

Grace Cottage Fair Aug. 7, auction Aug. 1-8

Grace Cottage Family Health & Hospital will hold its 2021 Hospital Fair Day as both a virtual and an in-person event this year. More than 200 unique items are available via the Online Auction, which opens for bidding on Sunday, Aug. 1 and ends on Sunday, Aug. 8 by clicking here. This year’s Fair Day […]

Left in Andover: The Macy's of Southern Vermont

Left in Andover: The Macy’s of Southern Vermont

By Susan Leader ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC New York City and Boston can keep their Macy’s and Filene’s. We had Furman’s Department Store. The brick veneer building just past the library on Springfield’s Main Street was destination enough for me as a second grader. When Grandma came to visit, it was a ritual for her […]

Chester Chatter: Evenings on the front porch

Chester Chatter: Evenings on the front porch

By Ruthie Douglas ©2021 Telegraph Publishing Co. On warm, soft summer nights, many times I sat out on our big wide wraparound porch on our farmhouse. Our favorite spot was the front porch, which looked out over the river. Oftentimes before it got completely dark, we watched the deer head down to the river for […]

Henry Homeyer: Defending against invasives

Henry Homeyer: Defending against invasives

By Henry Homeyer ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Since ancient times, explorers have brought back seeds and plants from exotic lands. Some, like the apple, have been a boon to the citizens of their adoptive home. Others, like the notorious Japanese knotweed (a.k.a. “bamboo”) have been more headache than boon. New England, with its cold climate, […]

Green Mtn. Gardeners' Garden Tour 'most successful ever'

Green Mtn. Gardeners’ Garden Tour ‘most successful ever’

Mountain Garden Walks, the biannual garden tour of Green Mountain Gardeners, drew over 260 people on Saturday, July 17 for self-guided tours of six beautiful properties in Londonderry and Weston. Total proceeds from ticket sales, sponsorships and a raffle for a house portrait by local water colorist Doris Ingram totaled nearly $10,000.   Net proceeds to […]

Hosted walk Aug. 1 for new trail in Cavendish

Hosted walk Aug. 1 for new trail in Cavendish

The Cavendish Association of Trails invites you to a guided nature walk on Hardy Hill, a newly established hiking trail located in Cavendish. The walk will take place on Sunday, Aug. 1, starting at 10 a.m. hosted by the land owner, Pieter Van Schaik. Trail parking will be located at the intersection of East Road […]

Left in Andover: The Grange movement takes hold in tiny Vermont towns

Left in Andover: The Grange movement takes hold in tiny Vermont towns

By Susan Leader ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Obscured by a lush screen of greenery, the long narrow building in the heart of Andover village is easy to miss. But it is impossible for me to drive by it without my brain clicking on the song, “Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer due, I’m half crazy, […]

Chester Chatter: When simple entertainments were in the cards

Chester Chatter: When simple entertainments were in the cards

By Ruthie Douglas ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC In times gone by, folks living out on the dusty back roads had little time for enjoyment. When they did get a break, they often went a calling on their friends. Entertainment was very simple:  a long walk, especially at night, catching fireflies in glass jars; riding bicycles […]

Henry Homeyer: Vines, meet the trellis

Henry Homeyer: Vines, meet the trellis

By Henry Homeyer ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC The story of Jack and his bean stalk fame really appealed to me as a boy, and still does. I love climbing vines and grow many including those that are perennial or annual flowers, and some vegetables. Vines are a great way to save space and to get […]

Derry Arts Society seeks local artist for exhibit

Derry Arts Society seeks local artist for exhibit

The Londonderry Arts and Historical Society’s annual Local Artists Exhibit runs from Aug. 7 to Sept. 4 at LAHS headquarters, The Custer Sharp House, 2461 Middletown Road, in Londonderry. Exhibit hours are 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays, opening at 10 a.m. on  Saturday, Aug. 7. If you would like to exhibit, please […]

Gus Bloch to perform at West River Farmers Market

Gus Bloch to perform at West River Farmers Market

From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, July 24, the West River Farmers Market will host musician Gus Bloch, a solo acoustic artist playing a variety of styles of music including country, cowboy, folk revival, old time and classical jazz. His ability to engage children in his music is legendary. A seasoned and versatile […]

'An Iliad' an intense, engaging play kicks off return of live theater to southern Vermont

‘An Iliad’ an intense, engaging play kicks off return of live theater to southern Vermont

By Bob Behr ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Imagine this. The world you see is not all there is. Your world is really one of gods, goddesses, human men and women, and half-human/half-gods, all with big hearts, big egos, and a tendency to throw temper tantrums. Everyone’s got baggage, stories, agendas. It’s enough to make your […]

Blue skies for first of Chester Summer Music Series

Blue skies for first of Chester Summer Music Series

© 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Remarkably enough, last Thursday it didn’t rain and with warm temperatures and under blue skies more than 70 people gathered on the lawn of Chester’s Academy Building for the first of five concerts in this summer’s free music series, under the auspices of the Chester Rotary. The Stockwell Brothers played […]

Chester quilt artists honored at Billings artshow

Chester quilt artists honored at Billings artshow

Two Chester residents are among three quilters who have been recognized by the Billings Farm & Museum of Woodstock during its 35th Annual Quilt Exhibition, which is taking place now at the museum. The Juror’s Choice and Staff Choice awards were presented at the opening reception on Friday, July 16. The Quilt Exhibition is a […]

Planning for services, celebration for the late Delores Barbeau

Planning for services, celebration for the late Delores Barbeau

The community will celebrate the life of Dr. Delores Barbeau, co-founder of Neighborhood Connections with Gloria Dawson, Carol Olstad, and Carol Robbshaw to provide social services to the residents of the mountain towns of southern Vermont, in mid-August. Services and a community-wide celebration of Delores’ life will take place on the grounds of The Weston […]

Wantastiquet Rotary gives 6 $1,000 scholarships

Wantastiquet Rotary gives 6 $1,000 scholarships

The Wantastiquet Rotary Club, through generous donations from the community, awarded six $1,000 scholarships to students living within the mountain towns. Although 2020-2021 was a difficult year for the club to raise money because of the pandemic, its major scholarship fund-raiser was a No-Show St. Patrick Day Gala. Scholarship recipients are: Florence Njordge of Londonderry, […]