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'Dine around BBQ' fund-raiser for Londonderry Arts & Historical Society to be held Aug. 13

‘Dine around BBQ’ fund-raiser for Londonderry Arts & Historical Society to be held Aug. 13

The Londonderry Arts and Historical Society is hosting a Dine-around-a-Barbecue fund-raiser at the Custer Sharp House, 2461 Middletown Road, from 5 to 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 13. Local chefs Annie Campbell and Sharon Crossman are preparing assorted creative burgers. Guests can choose from the Bernadine, the  Custer Sharp, the  Route 11 and the Middletown […]

Derry Congregational Church to hold annual Whale of a Sale July 30 & 31

Derry Congregational Church to hold annual Whale of a Sale July 30 & 31

The Second Congregational Church’s annual Whale of a Sale will be held from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday July 30 and Saturday July 31 at the church, 2051 Vermont Route 11, in Londonderry. Highlights this year include:  Chairs, chairs, and more chairs! Also featured are many beautiful lamps, bookcases, a fine collection of prints/frames […]

Left in Andover: When Middletown was a lively village center

Left in Andover: When Middletown was a lively village center

By Susan Leader ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Middletown Road and Middletown Cemetery are vestiges of a once vibrant village center within the greater town of Andover. Over the course of history, Middletown boasted a substantial meeting house, a store and Post Office, a schoolhouse, several blacksmith shops and a tavern. I was born into this […]

Chester Chatter: A night out at the Park Theater

Chester Chatter: A night out at the Park Theater

By Ruthie Douglas ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Sundays on the farm were Ma and Pop’s day off.  It meant that Don and I had to step in to do all the chores, including the milking, by ourselves. We scurried through the jobs because Sundays were also Don and my time to go to the movies. […]

Henry Homeyer: Keeping weeds at bay with mulch

Henry Homeyer: Keeping weeds at bay with mulch

By Henry Homeyer ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Mulch is commonly used to help suppress weeds and to hold in soil moisture in dry times. There are many different kinds of mulch and it is important to get the right kind, and to apply it properly if you wish to get the benefits of mulch. The […]

Tri Mountain Lions announces winners of July 3 Duck Race

Tri Mountain Lions announces winners of July 3 Duck Race

The Tri-Mountain Lions Club, based in Londonderry, held its Duck Race on Saturday, July 3 raising funds for its efforts including providing glasses and vision care for local residents. The lucky winners of 2021 Duck Race are: First Place winning $175: Jon Foster of Mount Holly; Second Place winning $125: Elizabeth Grant of Winhall; and […]

Area Realtors board offers free document shredding

Area Realtors board offers free document shredding

The South Central Vermont Board Of Realtors is joining with other local Vermont Realtor boards to offer a statewide Consumer Safety Day on Saturday, July 31. Realtors have contracted SecurShred to provide a mobile unit for the on site shredding of personal documents (maximum 5 boxes per household) at three locations throughout our area: 9 […]

Left in Andover: The miracle of farmers markets

Left in Andover: The miracle of farmers markets

By Susan Leader ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC I first experienced the magic of a traditional farmers market on a trip to Morocco’s Ourika Mountains in 1978. Farmers, potters and camel dealers converged upon a desolate high mountain plain. In an age old ritual of trade and sociability, a public square formed. Then poof, a few […]

Chester Chatter: Once a farmer, always a farmer

Chester Chatter: Once a farmer, always a farmer

By Ruthie Douglas ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Small farm living was a good way of life. When Don and I were first married, we considered other ways that we might earn a living besides farming. But we went with farming on his parents family farm. Don, his brother George and their father bought the farm […]

Self-guided tours of six gardens on July 17

Self-guided tours of six gardens on July 17 Proceeds of Mountain Garden Walks benefit education fund

On Saturday, July 17, Mountain Garden Walks offers a self-guided walking tour of six enchanting gardens in Londonderry and Weston, each capturing the beauty of Vermont’s perennial, woodland and native plants surrounded by stonewalls, bogs and expansive vistas of mountains and meadows. Most of all, these spectacular gardens reflect the environment of our Vermont landscape. […]

Henry Homeyer: A mid-summer night's bloom

Henry Homeyer: A mid-summer night’s bloom

By Henry Homeyer ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Mid-summer is often a quiet time for flowers – many gardens have fewer dramatic blossoms than in the spring. I have made an effort to have plenty blooming now. It’s true that my Japanese primroses, peonies and Siberian iris have gone by. But I have many others, both […]

'An Iliad' marks return of live theater to Weston Playhouse

‘An Iliad’ marks return of live theater to Weston Playhouse

Weston Playhouse Theatre Company announces a return to live performance with the first production of its 2021 season: An Iliad, running July 14 – Aug. 6 under the Tent at Walker Farm. The eternal, enchanting power of storytelling comes to life in Denis O’Hare and Lisa Peterson’s acclaimed adaptation of Homer’s classic. A chorus of […]

Chromebooks available for checkout at Whiting

Chromebooks available for checkout at Whiting

Whiting Library in Chester has three brand new Chromebooks ready to check out to library patrons. These laptops can be used in the library itself or checked out and taken home for a loan period of one week. You will need an internet connection to use a Chromebook, which you can connect to for free […]

Springfield Rotary awards scholarships to two, welcomes new president

Springfield Rotary awards scholarships to two, welcomes new president

  The Springfield Rotary Club recently held its first in-person meeting in 2021 at the Weathersfield Inn for the annual Changing of the Gavel. Outgoing Club President Jerry Farnum, left, accepts congratulations from incoming President Jim Fog.     Springfield Rotary Club members Jim Fog, left, and Bob Flint, right, congratulate this year’s Rotary Scholarship […]

Left in Andover: Wiggle room for college grads

Left in Andover: Wiggle room for college grads

By Susan Leader ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC My grade school history textbooks featured scary descriptions of indentured servitude in early America. But in our times, bankruptcy protection is available and we no longer risk jail for non-payment of financial obligations. Nevertheless, 43 million young Americans are hamstrung by a whopping one and a half trillion […]

Chester Chatter: Fireworks for the Fourth

Chester Chatter: Fireworks for the Fourth

By Ruthie Douglas © Telegraph Publishing LLC Celebrating the Fourth of July, Chester did not always have a display of fireworks. In fact our town streets were empty and not many people were around during the holiday. Most had gone to family gatherings or went to the local lakesides to enjoy a day of cookouts […]

Henry Homeyer: It's time to prune your trees and shrubs

Henry Homeyer: It’s time to prune your trees and shrubs

By Henry Homeyer ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC By now your rhododendrons, lilacs and other spring bloomers have bloomed, and are ready to prune. By pruning now, you will not damage buds that will form later this summer and bloom next spring. This is also a good time to prune evergreens like pines and hemlocks if […]

Story ballet 'Thumbelina' sparkles on Cobleigh Field

Story ballet ‘Thumbelina’ sparkles on Cobleigh Field

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC On a perfect early summer evening, 11 local dancers marched on to Chester’s Cobleigh Field to premiere a new “story ballet” choreographed by Ashley Hensel-Browning and set to Vermont composer Evan Premo’s Thumbelina. The cast danced to a recording of Premo’s original musical setting of Hans Christian […]

Green Mt. Gardeners hosts Garden Walks July 17

Green Mt. Gardeners hosts Garden Walks July 17

Green Mountain Gardeners’ Mountain Garden Walks will take place on Saturday, July 17, to benefit the Lib Thieme Scholarship Fund. Ethan Lareau, current scholarship recipient, says, “This scholarship allows me to worry less about the financial obligations of college and to focus more on my studies. I very much appreciate the support of this award […]

Left in Andover: A jumpstart on a year of renewal

Left in Andover: A jumpstart on a year of renewal

By Susan Leader ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC While Covid-19 has devastated us humans, it has proved modestly beneficial for the environment and wildlife. Estimates are that greenhouse gas emissions were down almost 10 percent worldwide over the past year, the result of decreases in travel and manufacturing. The pandemic has handed us an unwilling jumpstart […]