RSSAll Entries in the "Community and Arts Life" Category

Chester Chatter: On the horse-pulling circuit

Chester Chatter: On the horse-pulling circuit

By Ruthie Douglas ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC For a few summers, Don and I traveled up and down the state of Vermont with our pulling horses. Tink and Toby were beautiful Morgan horses. With pulling horses, we had the opportunity to meet some very interesting people. The owners of most pulling horses were farmers and […]

Henry Homeyer: Here's what you can do with a dead tree

Henry Homeyer: Here’s what you can do with a dead tree

By Henry Homeyer ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC If you are a regular reader of this column, you know that I kill plants (just like you probably do). Houseplants, annuals, flowers in the ground, and yes, even trees. Although some oaks live 400 years, most plants naturally have a much shorter life span. And although some […]

After pandemic year, music returns Saturday<br>to West River Farmers Market in Londonderry

After pandemic year, music returns Saturday
to West River Farmers Market in Londonderry

 Listen to the music of The Poor Cousins, performing at the West River Farmers Market on Saturday. For the first time in more than a year, music is returning to the West River Farmers Market on Saturday, June 26. The market will be hosting musicians The Poor Cousins, playing Celtic and classical tunes between […]

Wilder Library kicks off family reading challenge

Wilder Library kicks off family reading challenge

Wilder Memorial Library, 24 Lawrence Hill Road in Weston, invites families to participate in summer reading via Beanstack and win prizes. Beanstack makes it easy and fun to track summer reading. Here’s how to join: Signup at Vermont Beanstack by clicking here. Select Wilder Memorial Pick your challenge(s), and Log your reading, participate in activities, […]

Heritage Deli hosts Heritage Cares music event to benefit Chester-Andover Family Center

Heritage Deli hosts Heritage Cares music event to benefit Chester-Andover Family Center

From noon to 3 p.m. on Saturday, June 26, the Heritage Deli & Bakery in collaboration with Chester-Andover Family Center, will kick off Heritage Cares Outdoor Music Series featuring Lucky Soul, a high energy, seven-piece horn band playing classical soul, funk and R&B music. The event will take place on the grounds of the Heritage […]

Grace Cottage 16th Tour de Grace bike rally Saturday

Grace Cottage 16th Tour de Grace bike rally Saturday

Come join the fun—sign up for Grace Cottage’s 16th Annual Tour de Grace bike rally, to be held Saturday, June 26, rain or shine. Start and end any time between 8 and 10 a.m., at Grace Cottage Family Health & Hospital, 185 Grafton Road, Townshend. The event is a loop of approximately 17 miles on […]

Free tickets available to 'Thumbelina' ballet in Springfield, Chester

Free tickets available to ‘Thumbelina’ ballet in Springfield, Chester

Come revel in a magical family-friendly production of Thumbelina set outdoors in early summer in Vermont. These performances are the premiere of a brand-new story ballet choreographed by Ashley Hensel-Browning set to Vermont composer Evan Premo’s Thumbelina, an original musical setting of Hans Christian Andersen’s tale of a tiny girl who goes on a big […]

Left in Andover: A love for 'Park-a-Lene' food

Left in Andover: A love for ‘Park-a-Lene’ food

By Susan Leader ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC In a world gone mad for pets, I am a proud but cat-free “cat person.” I got my cat Park-a-Lene in the early 1980s when we were living in our cabin in Andover. She was from a friend’s long line of fine-tempered tortoise shell beauties. Park-a-Lene was my […]

Chester Chatter: The goodness of my father

Chester Chatter: The goodness of my father

By Ruthie Douglas ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC My father was a quiet person. He made little noise. Actually, he was shy. But what I loved about my dad was that he stepped up to support what he believed in.  I could always count on his help whenever I found myself in trouble, which was often. […]

Henry Homeyer: Summer chores in your veggie garden

Henry Homeyer: Summer chores in your veggie garden

By Henry Homeyer ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC As the song goes, it’s “Summertime, and the livin’ is easy!” Well, not really. Yes, I’ve planted my 53 tomato plants, 200 onions and more, but there is still plenty to do. Let’s look at a few chores you might want to do this weekend. Your tomatoes need […]

Derry Lions collect 290 lbs. of food; Composting workshop in Cavendish on June 24

Derry Lions collect 290 lbs. of food; Composting workshop in Cavendish on June 24

Londonderry Area Tri -Mtn Lions Pam Nichols and Pat Glabach are smiling over the 290 pounds of non-perishable foods and personal hygiene products and $475 monetary donations collected at the Food From the Heart drive on Saturday, May 22. Tri-Mtn Lions Gail Wyman and Randee Keith helped set up the collection area in front of […]

Left in Andover: A devout vegetarian savors Andover farm wives' doughnuts

Left in Andover: A devout vegetarian savors Andover farm wives’ doughnuts

By Susan Leader ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC My dad’s zeitgeist was not an easy fit with the culture of 1950s Andover. But one local custom that he was bullish on was doughnuts. Doughnuts may have qualified as his favorite food. Andover’s farm wives were famous for them. My mother’s refusal to bake with white sugar […]

Chester Chatter: The joy in haying

Chester Chatter: The joy in haying

By Ruthie Douglas ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC It was haying time once again on the family farm. That meant that everyone in the family had a job to do. My favorite thing about this season was the smell of the newly mown hay. In the morning sunshine the grass was mowed down to dry. It […]

Henry Homeyer: Answering your questions on peonies

Henry Homeyer: Answering your questions on peonies

By Henry Homeyer ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC If you don’t have a peony, I’m surprised. If you don’t have three, you should. They are blooming now, and this is a great time to buy them. Go to your local garden center or family-run plant nursery and buy some more, no matter how many you have. […]

Whiting Library seeks your input in online survey

Whiting Library seeks your input in online survey Opinions for improvement sought from Chester, Andover

The Whiting Library wants to hear from all Chester and Andover residents. Whether you use the library every day or just heard of the library now, your voice counts. You may have already received a copy of the survey in the mail. Please fill it out and return it to the library. Alternatively, you can […]

Left in Andover: After my father's death, Mom became Young@Heart

Left in Andover: After my father’s death, Mom became Young@Heart

By Susan Leader ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC My mother became a widow at age 69. It has taken my reaching that same age to appreciate the energy and creativity she then summoned, making her the last chapter in her life one of her best. By the time my father died in 1988, he had been […]

Chester Chatter: TV continues to fascinate

Chester Chatter: TV continues to fascinate

By Ruthie Douglas ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC I was 15 years old when my family finally got a television set. My sister and I hurried home from school so that we could watch The Mickey Mouse Club. We watched the show almost every day. While my mother was getting supper ready, my father watched the […]

Henry Homeyer: crafting your 'no work' garden

Henry Homeyer: crafting your ‘no work’ garden

By Henry Homeyer ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC I saw a friend recently who was bubbly and excited about her garden. “It’s full of color and stays that way all summer,” she exclaimed. “It is NO work! All I have to do is water it daily, and give it a little fertilizer every few weeks.” She […]

Hospitality workers vaxx clinic in Ludlow; Heritage Deli event; Grace Cottage bike fund-raiser

Hospitality workers vaxx clinic in Ludlow; Heritage Deli event; Grace Cottage bike fund-raiser

June 9 vaxx clinic set in for Ludlow A Vaccination Clinic for Okemo Valley hospitality employees is scheduled for 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Wednesday June 9 in the parking lot of the Okemo Marketplace Plaza, 57 Pond St. in Ludlow. No appointment is needed, as this is a walk-in clinic. The vaccine is […]

Wednesdays on Wheels kicks off new season; Derry Arts & Historical Society gets $9,000 grant

Wednesdays on Wheels kicks off new season; Derry Arts & Historical Society gets $9,000 grant

Wednesdays on Wheels has resumed weekly cycling meet-ups for its 2021 season. WOW rides will take place every Wednesday through early fall. If you are interested in cycling with a group of collegial and energetic cyclists, email David Nichols at to receive weekly notifications and route information. WOW is a great way to meet […]