RSSAll Entries in the "Community and Arts Life" Category

Henry Homeyer: Strawberries – plant now, indulge later

Henry Homeyer: Strawberries – plant now, indulge later

By Henry Homeyer ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Traditionally, June is the month for eating strawberries. I dream of big, fat, juicy local berries that melt in my mouth and swim in juice when cut and made into strawberry shortcake. But you can, in fact, grow varieties of strawberries that produce berries all summer, or that […]

Mother's Day weekend: Bird amble in Proctorsville, music at Gassetts Grange

Mother’s Day weekend: Bird amble in Proctorsville, music at Gassetts Grange

Audubon bird amble in Proctorsville on May 8 Calling all birders: Join Marianne and Michael Walsh of the Mount Ascutney Audubon Society at 7 a.m. Saturday, May 8 for a two-hour amble in Proctorsville along 20 Mile Stream Road and into the surrounding fields. You will have a chance to identify various birds by their […]

Chester High/GM alums postpone annual celebration to 2022

Chester High/GM alums postpone annual celebration to 2022

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Citing ongoing concern about the Covid-19 pandemic, Chester High/Green Mountain Alumni Association director Jon Clark, a 1977 graduate,  says that the organization will again forgo holding its regular annual festivities — including the parade — this June, but will instead begin planning for the 2022 celebrations. The […]

Chester Chatter: Getting cozy with farm life

Chester Chatter: Getting cozy with farm life

By Ruthie Douglas ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Coming to Chester and moving into the big farm house, I faced a brand new way of life. Especially when my new husband Don said, “Come out to the barn and see the cows.” I had lived my entire life in Vermont, but until that day I had […]

Henry Homeyer: Pollen and allergies and plants, oh my!

Henry Homeyer: Pollen and allergies and plants, oh my!

By Henry Homeyer ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC If you suffer from spring allergies, this would be a good time to know what plants are affecting your comfort. Right now, many trees are dumping their pollen. Most trees are wind pollinated and produce lots of pollen. They depend on the wind to move pollen around – […]

Andover plans for Green-Up Day

Andover plans for Green-Up Day

Saturday, May 1 is the official Green–Up Day.  This year, Andover residents plan to rid the roadsides of trash and spruce up cemeteries.  Trash bags will be available at Town Hall, 953 Andover Road, beginning at 9 a.m. on May 1. But volunteers who would like to get a head start may obtain bags from […]

Left in Andover: Taking a little break

Left in Andover: Taking a little break

By Susan Leader ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Editor’s Note: Susan Leader is taking a little time off.  

Chester Chatter: Uncle Kenny was a kid's best friend

Chester Chatter: Uncle Kenny was a kid’s best friend

By Ruthie Douglas ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC I adored my Uncle Kenny. When I was growing up, he and my Aunt Dottie lived right next door to us. They ran a small mom & pop grocery store as well a butcher shop that attracted customers from miles around. The store was in the basement of […]

Henry Homeyer: Time to reflect on our gardens

Henry Homeyer: Time to reflect on our gardens

By Henry Homeyer ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC This is a good time to look carefully at your garden, and to decide what you might do to make it better. Spring is upon us, trees and shrubs are waking up in my garden, but perennials are still mostly dormant and woody plants are just beginning to […]

Green Up Day in Chester: Bags, books, planting and more

Green Up Day in Chester: Bags, books, planting and more

The Chester Conservation Committee announce plans for its  51st Green Up Day – Saturday, May 1, 2021. This state-wide effort helps Chester and the state shine. Please consider greening up your area. From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, May 1, everyone is invited to go to the Whiting Library, 117 Main St., to pick […]

Sign up now: Grace Cottage 5k to be held in person, virtually

Sign up now: Grace Cottage 5k to be held in person, virtually

Registration is now open for Grace Cottage’s 12th Annual Spring into Health 5K! Your registration fee helps Grace Cottage Family Health & Hospital to continue providing excellent patient care in our community. This year’s event will be held both in person and virtually. There are a limited number of in-person time slots on Saturday, May […]

Left in Andover: The universe in a pocketbook

Left in Andover: The universe in a pocketbook

By Susan Leader ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC According to my smart phone, I now carry 7,282 photos with me everywhere I go. They comprise an impenetrable mishmash of videos of grandchildren, photos of trees, as well as documents and reminders to self. I get lost in them, unable to distinguish which are of value. I […]

Chester Chatter: Creating wonderful family scenes during Covid

Chester Chatter: Creating wonderful family scenes during Covid

By Ruthie Douglas ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Covid-19 pandemic has been tough on all of us. Wouldn’t we all wish it would come to an end? However not all is bad. We have learned some lessons from staying home and not moving about for trips and going on shopping sprees. For the first time, […]

Henry Homeyer: Did you know your growing habits can help our feathered friends?

Henry Homeyer: Did you know your growing habits can help our feathered friends?

By Henry Homeyer ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC By now birds are finding their own food and have less need for that sunflower seed we have been providing during the cold days of winter. So what can we do to help our birds as they go into the season of having young? Growing native trees and […]

Weston Playhouse re-opens with 'Mountain Top,' 'Ring of Fire,' 'Seussical'

Weston Playhouse re-opens with ‘Mountain Top,’ ‘Ring of Fire,’ ‘Seussical’

Susanna Gellert, executive artistic director of Weston Playhouse Theatre Company, has announced her third season at the helm of Vermont’s award-winning professional theater. It is also the 85th anniversary of the Weston Playhouse Theatre Company. It was just a year ago that the playhouse announced that it was canceling the 2020 season due to the […]

Left in Andover: Perfectly ordinary beauty

Left in Andover: Perfectly ordinary beauty

By Susan Leader ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC I spent most of my year and a half in Japan, from late 1972 to early 1974, bent over a potters wheel. But I did take a monthlong break between apprenticeships to hitchhike around the country. I managed to visit every single one of the six ancient kiln […]

Chester Chatter: Support your local businesses

Chester Chatter: Support your local businesses

By Ruthie Douglas ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Decades ago, one did not have to leave Chester for most things. We had three grocery stores: Jamison’s Market, Al’s IGA and Gould’s. We had two hardware stores, a grain store, two diners and gas stations galore. Usually, you would travel to Claremont, N.H. for special purchases, such […]

Photo gallery: Great Cavendish Easter egg hunt

Photo gallery: Great Cavendish Easter egg hunt

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC There wasn’t a cloud in the sky on Saturday morning as the Cavendish Recreation Department held its annual Easter Egg Hunt. But while the sunshine was bright, the freezing temperatures and gusty winds made the event a chilly one at Greven Field. After all 37 children were […]

Henry Homeyer: the art of timing veggie planting

Henry Homeyer: the art of timing veggie planting

By Henry Homeyer ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Iknow some gardeners that plant their potatoes or tomatoes in the garden on the same day every year. Not me. I think planting time is best based not only on the last frost date in your garden, but also the soil temperature and up-to-date weather predictions. And of […]

Cavendish Community Fund accepting grant applications

Cavendish Community Fund accepting grant applications

The Cavendish Community Fund is accepting grant applications for spring 2021 awards. The fund will consider applications filed anytime, but will only award spring grants to those who file by May 8. Applications can be made by letter that describes the organization that is applying, the project proposed and the overall budget, including the amount […]