All Entries in the "Community and Arts Life" Category

Chester Chatter: Memories of first day of school
By Ruthie Douglas ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Come Labor Day, most Vermonters would head to the State Fair in Rutland and never ever did school start until afterward. As a student, I always loved stepping into my new classroom for the very first time. And that was because of the smells. On our desks sat […]

Henry Homeyer: Daffy the corgi’s most fitting flowers
By Henry Homeyer ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Daphne mezereum was the registered name of my corgi, Daffy, who passed away on Aug. 25 of this year. Born in 2006, Daffy was my constant companion who was always ready for an adventure or, especially, a meal or snack. When her back legs gave out, she figured […]

Left in Andover: Drawing strength from the roots
By Susan Leader ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC When we moved into a cabin on my family’s land in Andover in 1979, one of the first things my partner John Specker did was plant trees. Following in the footsteps of his great grandfather at his farm in the Catskills, John dug up evergreen seedlings in early […]

Chester Chatter: Tater Hill was work, but also a party
By Ruthie Douglas ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC In 1974, Tater Hill Country Club was up and ready for tennis and golf. It was decided to hold a grand opening complete with fireworks. I think that Windham had never had a traffic jam before then nor since. It turns out that the fellow who said he […]

Henry Homeyer: Beauty of a glorious hydrangea
By Henry Homeyer ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC When I was a boy, I always took note of cemeteries as we drove by. I’d lost a beloved grandfather, the original Henry Homeyer, and my mother’s mom. I was taken with a shrub or small tree in cemeteries that I called either “the snowball bush” or the […]

Tri-Mountain Lions sewing masks for school, individuals
The Londonderry Tri-Mountain Lions are sewing and donating face masks to the local schools and people in the Tri-Mountain communities of Windham, Jamaica, Wardsboro, Winhall, Londonderry, Weston and Peru. On Wednesday morning Lions Gail Wyman, Kathy Scott, Deb Wade, Lions President Randee Keith and District Governor Pam Nichols gathered together safely at Neighborhood Connections to […]

Left in Andover: A wider world, a wider vision
By Susan Leader ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC When I sent my tender firstborn off to kindergarten in Chester in 1989 I fretted she would eat white sugar, discover Twinkies and Barbies, celebrate Christmas, take the DARE program literally and go steady by third grade. Although my daughter did most of the above, I discovered it […]

Chester Chatter: The beginnings of Tater Hill GC
By Ruthie Douglas ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC In 1974, Don Warner hired me to work for him on his new project. He had designed a golf course and air strip high on a hill in Windham. The clubhouse was the old farmhouse and the attached barn became the lounge. It meant hours of work but […]

Henry Homeyer: Re-wilding your lawn
By Henry Homeyer ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Tired of mowing your lawn, but afraid to stop? What would it look like, and what would the neighbors say? I was on a panel discussing “re-wilding” the lawn on New Hampshire Public Radio recently. Here are a few of the points we discussed. First, a lawn is […]

Left in Andover: Treasures in the stones
By Susan Leader ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC According to The Local History of Andover, Vt, written by H.H. Gutterson and published in 1886, the earliest settlers of this area “could have had any part of the Connecticut valley they came through, at the same price they paid for their farms here; but the early settlers […]

Chester Chatter: A porch makes a home
By Ruthie Douglas ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Every house should have a porch because that is what make a house a home. A porch is a place to step outside under a roof. Although a deck is nice, it can’t take the place of a porch. Put a roof on it. My family had a […]

Henry Homeyer: 3 plants to vehemently avoid
A note from Henry: In a recent article about tomatoes, I mentioned garlic and onions in my sauce, but it has been pointed out to me that sauce with those ingredients needs to be cooked in a pressure cooker at 240 degrees for 10 minutes to avoid botulism. By Henry Homeyer ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC […]

Cavendish Fund awards three grants; Springfield Rotary cancels Penny Sale
Cavendish Fund awards three grants Dou McBride, president of the Cavendish Community Fund, has announced that the fund awarded three $1,000 grants this summer to local organizations for community-based projects. The first award was to fund the summer music series on Proctorsville’s Svec Memorial Green. Each year the town engages several local bands to entertain […]

Left in Andover: Local newspapers, social trust
By Susan Leader ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Mrs. Frieda Bergman is spending some time at the Herbert Leader home” in Andover. The deep winter time frame for my maternal grandmother’s visit was possible because she had taken a job teaching in a nearby one room school. “Seven little friends,” continued correspondent Estelle Bentley’s March 1952 […]

Chester Chatter: Wash day, the longest day
By Ruthie Douglas ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Homemakers of the 1950s were apt to keep a routine for their household chores. Monday meant wash day. The wringer washing machine was kept in the unheated back room, so come Saturday night Dad wheeled the machine into the house to warm up. As we kids got ready […]

Henry Homeyer: tomatoes, your garden’s royal family
By Henry Homeyer ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC If I could only bring the seeds of one plant with me when exiled to a distant island, I would bring tomato seeds. Tomatoes are the center of much of my cuisine from soups and stews to sandwiches and salads. They are tasty raw or cooked, are healthy […]

New bench in Chester memorializes Suzy Forlie
© 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Visitors to the Hearse House and the Public Tomb across from Chester’s Green will notice the addition of a granite bench with the inscription “In Memory of Suzy Henry Forlie.” Forlie, who died on April 16, 2020, was a member of Chester Townscape and was instrumental in the repair and […]

Left in Andover: Tackling adversity and bridging differences
By Susan Leader ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Teaching is my job,” wrote Scott Nearing from Forest Farm, his remote Winhall homestead, in 1944. “I have been sure of that ever since I gave my first sociology courses at Temple University, Philadelphia, back in 1903. Teaching has three essential aspects: 1) to arouse interest, 2) to […]

Chester Chatter: The tale of toad and frog
By Ruthie Douglas ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC In the late 1960s, the government gave money to lots of small Vermont towns to be used for summer programs for children. Just down the road from my house was the town of Bartonsville. It was in a different county from my farmhouse but my daughters still were […]

Henry Homeyer: Perennials that love moisture
By Henry Homeyer ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC I am lucky. Even though my property is relatively small – just over 2 acres – I have all the possible growing conditions a plant could want: wet, dry, sunny and shady. And I’m willing to try almost anything that will survive 20 or 25 below in winter. […]