RSSAll Entries in the "Community and Arts Life" Category

Chester Chatter: Green Up Day going strong

Chester Chatter: Green Up Day going strong

By Ruthie Douglas ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Driving from Dallas, Texas, to Vermont in the late 1950s, we noticed that along the sides of the highway were a lot of rubbish. But once in Vermont we were not seeing so much of that mess. So it was no surprise that when Green Up Day began […]

Henry Homeyer: Dividing and conquering your flower garden

Henry Homeyer: Dividing and conquering your flower garden

By Henry Homeyer ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC I spend a lot in plant nurseries. At $10 or more a pop, it is easy to spend a hundred dollars quick as a blink. But I’m also a firm believer in dividing my perennials so that I don’t have to spend so much. Once you have established […]

Family Center to host Drive-Thru fundraiser; Springfield Band cancels season

Family Center to host Drive-Thru fundraiser; Springfield Band cancels season

Family Center to host Drive-thru Empty Bowl Fundraiser The Chester-Andover Family Center will hold its 2nd annual Empty Bowl Fundraiser from 4 to 6 p.m. on Wednesday, June 10 at the Country Girl Diner, 45 RT 103S in Chester. This year, the Family Center is collaborating with Jessica Holmes of the Country Girl Diner to […]

Electronics Collection in Derry;  Plant sale in Cavendish; BRGN plans to reopen thrift store

Electronics Collection in Derry; Plant sale in Cavendish; BRGN plans to reopen thrift store

May 30: Electronics Collection in Londonderry The Londonderry Solid Waste Group is sponsoring an Electronics Collection from 9 .m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, May 30 at Flood Brook School, 91 VT-11. Participants must wear a mask, stay in their vehicle and put all electronics in the trunk or way-back of their cars or beds […]

Whiting Library advocates for Green Up Day

Whiting Library advocates for Green Up Day

Everyone is invited to participate in a fun-filled Green Up Day, happening on Saturday, May 30. Come by the front yard of the Whiting Library at 117 Main St. in Chester between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. to get your official Green Up bag for litter collection. Raffle tickets for fun prizes will be available […]

VT & NH Rotary Clubs give $25,000 to food banks

VT & NH Rotary Clubs give $25,000 to food banks

Capitalizing on grant monies made available from Rotary International, Rotary District 7870 distributed $25,000 to New Hampshire and Vermont food banks in May. District 7870 consists of 60 Rotary Clubs in southern Vermont and southern New Hampshire, including those in Chester, Ludlow and Londonderry (Wantastiquet). The money – based on per capita calculations – amounted […]

Left in Andover: Finding home in Vermont

Left in Andover: Finding home in Vermont

By Susan Leader ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Despite my third generation status as a “native” I have no nostalgia for the traditional Vermont in which I grew up. My outsider Jewish, vegetarian, socialist family’s connection was to the land rather than the local culture. Paradoxically, it took Vermont’s early 1970s “Hippie Invasion” and an influx […]

Chester Chatter: Enjoying home, inside and out

Chester Chatter: Enjoying home, inside and out

By Ruthie Douglas ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC For many of these past months have been like a step behind. However folks my age remember when everything was slower. Many folks are finding time to enjoy their homes. It has been a good time to turn of the television and read books. When was the last […]

Henry Homeyer: Uncommon veggies to become acquainted with

Henry Homeyer: Uncommon veggies to become acquainted with

By Henry Homeyer ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC I don’t mean to sound like I’m bragging, but if it will grow in Cornish Flat, N.H., I’ve probably tried it. Scorzonera? Sure, once, but I was not enthralled by this long, thin root. Peanuts? Once, didn’t get many. Gilfeather turnips? You bet. Many of the things I […]

West River Farmers Market opens Saturday under new restrictions

West River Farmers Market opens Saturday under new restrictions

By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The West River Farmers Market will begin its 26th season on Saturday in a totally new format – just like everything else these days. The market must adhere to state guidelines to address the Covid-19 pandemic, which means that the music and social aspects of the market […]

Left in Andover: Fairies among marsh marigolds

Left in Andover: Fairies among marsh marigolds

By Susan Leader ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Despite Covid-19, yesterday I paid a visit to some very old friends of mine, cheery yellow marsh marigolds who flourish by an obscure culvert along Weston-Andover Road. My older sister introduced me to them many years ago. She first made their acquaintance on her daily walks to and […]

Chester Chatter: The era of door to door salesmen

Chester Chatter: The era of door to door salesmen

By Ruthie Douglas ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Every couple of weeks or so, a familiar vehicle would pull up in our door yard. With a knock at the door, the Raleigh salesman would enter bearing a wide variety of items for sale, ranging from lotions to medicated salves, spices, kitchen gadgets and vitamins. In those […]

Cavendish, Winhall libraries offering safe pickup

Cavendish, Winhall libraries offering safe pickup

Cavendish-Fletcher Library to begin lobby circulation Cavendish-Fletcher Community Library, 573 Main St. in Proctorsville, will begin lobby circulation as of Tuesday, May 19, the library recently announced. Patrons may call, text or email the library to request books, audio books and movies. Items may be picked up in the lobby between 10 a.m. and 6 […]

Henry Homeyer: To plant or not to plant? That's the timely question

Henry Homeyer: To plant or not to plant? That’s the timely question

By Henry Homeyer ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC Some folks in my part of New England plant seeds in the ground on Mother’s Day and seedlings on Memorial Day weekend. Not me. Others use Mother Nature’s clues: plant spinach when the forsythia blooms, potatoes when the leaves of an oak are the size of a mouse’s […]

Bromley site of food distribution on May 19

Bromley site of food distribution on May 19

From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesday, May 19, the Vermont Foodbank and the Vermont National Guard, with the assistance of several corporations, will be distributing food boxes at the Bromley Mountain parking lot on Route 11 in Peru. This is part of a food distribution effort that will occur in the state in […]

St. Luke's Plant Sale set for end of May

St. Luke’s Plant Sale set for end of May

The annual St. Luke’s  Episcopal Church Plant Sale will be held on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, May 29-May 31 on the side lawn of the church, 313 Main St. in Chester. The sale will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, May 29 and May 30, and from 1 to […]

GNAT-TV offering video messaging help

GNAT-TV  — Greater Northshire Access Television — located in Sunderland, is offering a virtual studio for viewers to create a 1-minute video announcement. Viewers can also send GNAT-TV high-resolution photos and record a voice over. You bring the message, and GNAT-TV does the production. It’s a fun and free way to get information out to […]

Left in Andover: All around the mulberry tree

Left in Andover: All around the mulberry tree

By Susan Leader ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The night before I started 8th grade at Hawley Junior High in Northampton, Mass., my family camped out on the back of our farm truck parked out in a surrounding hill town. We had driven down from Andover earlier that Labor Day afternoon, the truck loaded with mattresses, […]

Chester Chatter: Seizing the day with Abe Lincoln

Chester Chatter: Seizing the day with Abe Lincoln

By Ruthie Douglas ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC History was my favorite subject in high school. In fact, I excelled so much that my teacher assigned me to do a profile on Abraham Lincoln. The assignment would take two weeks, so I set up my study in the library to research and write the profile. I […]

Henry Homeyer: Wildflowers for these wild times

Henry Homeyer: Wildflowers for these wild times

By Henry Homeyer ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC I love wildflowers. Right now several species are blooming in my woods, and others are on their way. They are a demure smile before the serious romance of summer blossoms in the main gardens. But after winter, they are loved as much as the bodacious peonies and brilliant […]