All Entries in the "Community and Arts Life" Category

Whiting Library offers Front Porch Pick Up
The Whiting Library announces Front Porch Pick Up will begin on Wednesday, May 6 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thereafter, Front Porch Pick Up will be available from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday or by other arrangements. To support community health, the Whiting Library building is currently closed to […]

TRSU hosts virtual 5k fun run to aid local business
The Two Rivers Supervisory Union Afterschool Program is host a Kids on the Move Virtual 5k fun run to support the local businesses in its communities. Each registration fee will be turned into a gift certificate to a business of the participant’s choice. The gift certificate will be mailed to the participant to use either […]

Andover launches stay-at-home art project
What will Andover residents remember about the Covid-19 emergency over 50 years from now? Will they remember it? Let’s have Andover’s children send a message to the future through artwork and writing. The submissions will be kept rolled up in a tube in the town vault to be opened at Andover’s Tricentennial in 2076. This […]

Left in Andover: Aunt Vivian finally finds a place at Popplewood Farm
By Susan Leader ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC My idealistic grandparents helped buy our farm in Andover under the delusion that my aunt Vivian, Mom’s kid sister by 12 years, would be able to build her own little cottage on the property. This never came to pass, but Vivian did come to visit several times a […]

Chester Chatter: Ever more grateful for our health workers
By Ruthie Douglas ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Sap is a running. Birds are a singing and jump ropes are a swinging. Daylight hours are getting longer and there is a feeling of spring in the air. Somehow one can just smell spring. I’m getting restless to be outside poking around and planning where to plant […]

Henry Homeyer: Let’s get the dirt, on dirt
By Henry Homeyer ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC As we move from dreaming to planting, we all want to offer our plants the perfect soil. This leads some gardeners to buy a big bag of 10-10-10 and sprinkle it heavily on everything. For others, manure or compost is the answer to increasing soil productivity and plant […]

Henry Homeyer featured on gardening show; GNAT-TV’s Comcast channels move
Telegraph columnist Henry Homeyer featured on May 7 gardening program Henry Homeyer, University of New Hampshire master gardener and Chester Telegraph columnist, will be the guest speaker for the Thursday, May 7 gardening group hosted by Cheryl Joy Lipton and Melody Reed of Mountain Valley Climate Action 350VT. The program, held via Zoom, the video […]

Left in Andover: Adventures in Bennington
By Susan Leader ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Going on the town to visit my aunts’ was the big outing for me as a child. Every couple of months, Dad piled us kids onto the back of his farm truck and away we sailed down the mountains to the flatlands — of Bennington. What our first […]

Chester Chatter: Sparking memories of a fire
By Ruthie Douglas ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Editor’s Note: This week — and this week only — Ruthie is turning over her column to Warren Mackensen, whose parents used to own the Chester Inn, which is now known as the Fullerton Inn. On July 25, 1956, at about 4:20 p.m., a brief but vicious late […]

BRGNS cancels Spring Rummage Sale
At its most recent meeting, the Black River Good Neighbor Services board of directors made the painful decision to cancel the Spring 2020 Rummage Sale and to concentrate on providing food and financial assistance to neighbors in need. “These sales have been a mainstay of our fundraising for over 12 years,” said board President Lou […]

Whiting Library’s readership services continue despite closure
Carrie King, Youth Services director at Whiting Library in Chester, has been busy even though the library is closed due to Covid-19. A digital newsletter, Crayon Tribune, was launched in April for her storytime crew and can be accessed by clicking here. King has also been working on social media and ideas for the summer […]

Whiting Library introduces new director
David Lord, acting chair of Whiting Library Board of Trustees, announces the hiring of Chester resident Deirdre Doran as the library’s new director. Doran assumed her new position April 1. Most recently, Doran was the evening librarian at The Putney School in Putney. She also has worked in the digital archives at the John F. […]

Henry Homeyer: oh dear, we’ve got deer (and woodchucks)
By Henry Homeyer ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC I have never had much trouble with deer eating my vegetables or flowers. I know gardeners who have wept when they saw that their lovely tulips had been munched by deer just when they were achieving perfection. But I’ve always had dogs, and dogs leave scents that are […]

BRGNS offers financial assistance to those in need
Black River Good Neighbors would like to remind everyone that while it is mainly known for its food shelf, it also provides financial assistance for those in need. “One of Black River Good Neighbors’ main services is assistance with rent, utilities and heat when a family faces an emergency,” says its executive director, Audrey Bridge. […]

Cavendish Community Fund extends deadline for grant applications
Since most activities have been put on hold during the pandemic, the Cavendish Community Fund is extending the deadline for accepting grant applications for spring 2020 awards from April 25 until the end of June. Applications can be made by letter that describes the organization that is applying, the project proposed and the overall budget, […]

Left in Andover: Myron’s sweet smell of success
By Susan Leader ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The trucks and modest sedans I grew up with in Andover were practical transportation, symbolizing not much more than the fact that we didn’t have to walk. For this reason, the two Cadillacs — one pink and one black — that punctuated my early childhood loomed large. Dad’s […]

Chester Chatter: Creating a home within a home
By Ruthie Douglas ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Newly married, Don and I lived in his upstairs bedroom in the big old farmhouse. There were three other connecting rooms that would be turned into an apartment whenever we had some money. A kitchen of sorts had a sink with cold-running water and some cupboards. When friends […]

Henry Homeyer: Early edibles from the garden and woods
By Henry Homeyer ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC OK, you may not want to go to the grocery store so much anymore. Tired of eating canned beans? Want something new for your taste buds? Here are some early things I look forward to each spring. These plants are all perennials, so if you don’t have them, […]

Left in Andover: The short, dynamic life of Frieda
By Susan Leader ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC In 1907, my darkly handsome grandfather Isaac sought shelter from conscription officers of the czar’s army at the home of an acquaintance in the shtetl of Zelva, Poland. He emerged from hiding shortly thereafter, dowry and eldest daughter of the household in hand, destination: America. The enterprising Frieda […]

Chester Chatter: Days of duckpin bowling, skating
By Ruthie Douglas ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC With school out for the summer, my sister and I were not often bored. There was much we could do. The Community House across from the Post Office in downtown Springfield offered lots to do. They held a record hop on many Friday nights. There was duckpin bowling. […]