All Entries in the "Community and Arts Life" Category

Chester Chatter: Stacking up to wood stacking
By Ruthie Douglas ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC At our farm house, we were warm and cozy with our oil-fired furnace. However, we had a fireplace in the kitchen as well as in the family room. We had a 15-acre wood lot up the hill. And every year, we cut about six cords of wood. Cutting […]

Henry Homeyer: Time to plant your garlic
By Henry Homeyer ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC The easiest crop I grow every year is garlic. I plant it in October, mulch it well, and harvest it in early August. That’s it. If it’s well mulched, I don’t even have weed the bed more than once or twice. Not only that, I use this year’s […]

Spooktacular fun at MacLaomainn’s Haunted house spans two weekends this year
By Shawn Cunningham © 2019 Telegraph Publishing, LLC Around this time every year, 52 Main St. is the spookiest place in Chester as MacLaomainn’s Scottish Pub hosts its annual Haunted House in the Great Hall. This year though, there’s twice the spooky fun as the event will be held on two weekends rather than one. […]

Left in Andover: Finding the Promised Land
By Susan Leader ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC In 1942, at the age of 21, my mother was determined to escape her urban New York life. “The superficial, merry-go-round life of the city is hateful to me,” she wrote. “I want to get away from it and remain close to the soil. You are holding a […]

Chester Chatter: A step back in time
By Ruthie Douglas ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC Not too many years ago, cousin Donald died. My daughters and I headed out for his funeral in the Northeast Kingdom. Almost there, we still needed some driving directions. Stopping at a small general store for some help, those inside fell silent, as they gave us the once-over. […]

Henry Homeyer: Time to plant bulbs for spring blossoms
By Henry Homeyer ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC This is the season for planting bulbs – from mid-October until the snow flies. Actually, I’ve shoveled snow off a bed to plant bulbs in November, and they did fine. Bulbs have everything inside them needed to succeed their first year. If you want them to keep on […]

Engaged: Franklin Caval-Holme and Cassie Wang
John and Diane Holme of Springfield, formerly of Chester, have announced the engagement of their grandson, Franklin Caval-Holme of Shrewsbury and El Cerrito, Calif., to Cassie Wang of Baotou, China, and El Cerrito. Ms. Wang, whose Chinese name is Wang Zhaoheng, is the daughter of the late Wang Bin, who died in 2018, and his […]

Left in Andover: Following the golden thread
By Susan Leader © 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC A sermon by the distinguished guest preacher the Rev. Roland T. Heacock, presented at Simonsville Church in the summer of 1966, was instructive as to how to live a righteous life. The imagery was striking in his “Golden Thread” sermon: “I am giving you a thread, a […]

Chester Chatter: Welcome to a glorious fall
By Ruthie Douglas ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC The hills are alive with color. It is the season that Vermont is the place to be. Down here in the valley, all we have to do is look up. How my sisters could be happy living in Dallas and Miami, I could only wonder. They did admit […]

Henry Homeyer: Putting the garden to bed
By Henry Homeyer ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC Pardon me for saying so, but it’s time to get ready for winter. That’s right. A few days ago (or was it weeks?) we were swimming in the ocean and lounging in the sun. But we’ve had frost, and I’ve seen serious snow as early as October 15. […]

Andover resident celebrates 100th; Londonderry Rescue Squad gives kids a taste of EMS work
© 2019 Telegraph Publishing, LLC Andover resident Barbara Brady celebrated her 100th birthday on Saturday, Oct. 5 with 45 friends and family at the former Baba a Louis Bakery in Chester. Brady and her late husband Joe, who died in 2015, were both New Jersey natives and had built a home in Andover to indulge […]

Left in Andover: Keeping up with Anne Mausolff
By Susan Leader 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC While visiting Middletown Cemetery in Andover this summer, I met a man paying his respects to his dad and son, whose ashes he had scattered guerrilla-style between two boulders where were no gravestones. Both had loved roaming nearby Markham Mountain to hunt, though neither had ever lived in […]

Chester Chatter: Grandpa’s toys create sunshine
By Ruthie Douglas ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC A rainy gloomy day, like today, gets me recalling times of long ago. In my grandparents’ home, there was a large attic. My grandpa hung two swings in it for my sister and me. When we were bored with summer school vacation, my sister Marie and I often […]

Henry Homeyer: Juice your fruit and store it too
By Henry Homeyer ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC For me, this has been a banner year for grapes. I have just a couple of plants, but they are large and vigorous. They are the Concord type with big seeds. I know one is a ‘Purple Valiant’, but the other name is long forgotten. They are quite […]

Derry, Wallingford artists team up to paint Rutland mural
Garrison Buxton of Londonderry has teamed up with Wallingford artist Stacy Harshman of the Sparkle Barn to create an indoor mural at the Vermont Farmers Food Center, home of the Rutland Winter Farmers Market, 251 West St., in Rutland. The mural, which took 10 days to finish, is painted with a combination of acrylic and […]

Left in Andover: Warp, weft and spinning a life
By Susan Leader ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC In the late 1960s and 1970s, when I viewed “dropping out” as a viable career option, I wrestled with what version of the Age of Aquarius would be right for me. I toyed with creating my own clothes, the goal being to make myself independent of the exploitation […]

Chester Chatter: A farm wife prepares for winter
By Ruthie Douglas ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC On the farm, there was always something to be done. Come fall, it was time to button up for the winter ahead. Inside the farmhouse, the kitchen smelled of pickles and other canning of late vegetables, which was going on with the big pressure cooker making its noise. […]

Joyous, tragic, exuberance of WPTC’s ‘Indecent’
By David Lampe-Wilson 2019 © Telegraph Publishing LLC Weston Playhouse finishes its season with Paula Vogel’s Indecent and it is safe to say that they have saved the best for last. Indecent is a gem of a play that encompasses a host of ideas as it challenges its audience to keep up with diverse themes. […]

Henry Homeyer: Don’t fall behind on fall lawn care
By Henry Homeyer ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC I have to admit that I don’t pay much attention to my lawn. I mow it as needed, but don’t fuss about dandelions, which I consider cheerful. But I realize many gardeners do care about their lawns, so I will share with you a few tips for the […]

Left in Andover: An oasis in our food deserts
By Susan Leader ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC My father Herbert Leader (1917-1988), self-described “Bennington boy,” recollected driving out to the surrounding countryside as a small child with his father: “Pappa used to take the horse and wagon around the countryside, a rabbi from Slonim looking out for his flock. Sometimes he’d take me along and […]