RSSAll Entries in the "Community and Arts Life" Category

Community & Arts Events: Feb. 2 - March 8

Community & Arts Events: Feb. 2 – March 8

For a full listing of upcoming events, click here for The Chester Telegraph Calendar. To find out how to become a Calendar Partner, email or call Cynthia Prairie at or 802-875-2703. To be included in events briefs, email Susan Lampe-Wilson at Photos welcome. No PDFs, please. Notices must be received by noon on […]

Wantastiquet Rotary holds No-Show benefit

Wantastiquet Rotary holds No-Show benefit

The Wantastiquet Foundation invites everyone to participate in a second annual NO SHOW: DO NOT ATTEND Valentine’s Day Gala of dinner and dancing. This non-event will benefit the Wantastiquet Londonderry Rotary Scholarship Fund in honor of Dick Foley.  The suggested donation is $50. Please RSVP to this no-show event by writing a check to the […]

Whiting Library given gifts of poetry, music

Whiting Library given gifts of poetry, music

A little bit more musicality has come to the Whiting Library with donations from area residents: one, a gift of piano tuning and the other of a book of locally created poetry. The book, Poetry Night, Twenty-five Years, is a compilation of a quarter of a century of poems written by a group of friends […]

Chester Chatter: Winter was for outside play

Chester Chatter: Winter was for outside play

By Ruthie Douglas© 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC Once, a winter storm meant putting chains on your car tires to get up the South Street Hill in Springfield. After working a 10-hour day at Fellows Gear Shaper, my dad would do a lot of shoveling. He had to shovel out the spot under our huge clothes […]

A new look at an Asian classic Szechuan sauce

A new look at an Asian classic Szechuan sauce

By Jim Bailey There are so many variations of Szechuan sauces that it is now impossible to say which is the original or classic. Some authentic restaurants tout a very spicy, thin sauce as authentic while others proclaim the sweeter, much less spicy, rendition as classic. Some even use it as a base for […]

Henry Homeyer: Treat yourself, flowers in the winter

Henry Homeyer: Treat yourself, flowers in the winter

By Henry Homeyer ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC I’m planning to go pick some flowers today. Yes, we got a foot of snow recently and the temperature as I write this is well below zero with the wind chill. And no, I am not crazy. I’m going to go pick them out at my local florist, […]

Family Center sale delayed due to weather

Family Center sale delayed due to weather

The Chester-Andover Family Center will not open today due to weather delaying the “Half off everything” sale. The sale will be on again Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Family Center is located at 908 VT Route 103 South, in Chester. For further information call […]

Community & Arts events: Jan. 24-Jan. 27

Community & Arts events: Jan. 24-Jan. 27

For a full listing of upcoming events, click here for The Chester Telegraph Calendar. To find out how to become a Calendar Partner, email or call Cynthia Prairie at or 802-875-2703. To be included in events briefs, email Susan Lampe-Wilson at Photos welcome. No PDFs, please. Notices must be received by noon on […]

Chester Chatter: Remembering Principal Perry

Chester Chatter: Remembering Principal Perry

By Ruthie Douglas © 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC This week I dedicate this column to my dear friend and former boss, Jack Perry, who died in December. Jack was principal of Chester-Andover Elementary School from 1979 until his retirement in 1990 and hired me as supervisor for the school’s hot lunch program in 1982. We […]

Upgrade your cookies with 1/2 cup of Wow

Upgrade your cookies with 1/2 cup of Wow

By Jim Bailey Of course the recipe is based on true peanut butter cookies, but so many are avoiding nuts nowadays that an alternative was needed. After tasting at least four different alternatives to peanut butter, I have found the best of the best is WowButter. It is a soy spread but you would […]

Henry Homeyer: Hot peppers deserve a place in every garden

Henry Homeyer: Hot peppers deserve a place in every garden

By Henry Homeyer ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC I love hot and spicy peppers. As a young man I lived in West Africa for nearly 10 years, first as a traveler, then as a Peace Corps volunteer and Peace Corps country director. I lived in Cameroon and Mali, where hot peppers were an integral part of […]

Chester Chatter: The versatile sand pit

Chester Chatter: The versatile sand pit

By Ruthie Douglas © 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC Around around my childhood neighborhood, we kids had favorite places to play, one of which was a big sand pit that was used by the town. In my box of shredded wheat puffs were cards with lessons from various famous American Indians. One such card explained how […]

Community & Arts events: Jan. 18 - Jan. 21

Community & Arts events: Jan. 18 – Jan. 21

For a full listing of upcoming events, click here for The Chester Telegraph Calendar. To find out how to become a Calendar Partner, email or call Cynthia Prairie at or 802-875-2703. To be included in events briefs, email Susan Lampe-Wilson at Photos welcome. No PDFs, please. Notices must be received by noon on […]

Tropical flavors melded together in a crockpot

Tropical flavors melded together in a crockpot

By Jim Bailey I  truly wanted to make a “Dump Cake” using your own cake mix but it just isn’t the same. So we will take the easy road like everyone else. This is really a simple and superb Dump Cake and can also easily be converted to a crockpot simply by following the […]

Henry Homeyer: Borrow ideas from a Chinese garden

Henry Homeyer: Borrow ideas from a Chinese garden

By Henry Homeyer ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC Winter is a time for gardeners to rest. No weeding, no mowing, no moving plants from one bed to another. But now is a good time for planning what changes one can make in the garden, come spring and summer. I like to reflect on gardens I have […]

Derry Rescue Squad seeks volunteers for 1-day event

Derry Rescue Squad seeks volunteers for 1-day event

The Londonderry Volunteer Rescue Squad is seeking volunteers for a two-hour, one-day project in early February. From 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday  SUNDAY, Feb. 3, the LVRS, a third of a mile north of Route 11 on Route 100, will be needing volunteers to help label and stuff 6,000 letters for the rescue squad’s […]

Community & Arts Events: Jan. 11 - Jan. 17, 2019

Community & Arts Events: Jan. 11 – Jan. 17, 2019

For a full listing of upcoming events, click here for The Chester Telegraph Calendar. To find out how to become a Calendar Partner, email or call Cynthia Prairie at or 802-875-2703. To be included in events briefs, email Susan Lampe-Wilson at Photos welcome. No PDFs, please. Notices must be received by noon on […]

Chester Chatter: When I didn't make the grade

Chester Chatter: When I didn’t make the grade

By Ruthie Douglas © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Here it is, another New Year. It has made be recall the years gone by. My growing-up years were mostly happy. And then I went to 1st Grade. That’s when I had to deal with being left-handed and following rules and directions, which I was not used […]

Sweet-tart cheesecake dip to dig into for winter

Sweet-tart cheesecake dip to dig into for winter

By Jim Bailey I know, I know… the last thing you want is a heavy dessert after what you went through during the holidays. However, the sensation of tart and sweet mixed together, and the fact that you can enjoy this sitting in front of a fire throughout the winter, makes this irresistible to […]

Henry Homeyer: Eat better, eat from your garden

Henry Homeyer: Eat better, eat from your garden

By Henry Homeyer ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC As we go through the holidays, we tend to relax our vigilance about eating, or at least I do. Like a woodchuck bulking up for hibernation, I find myself enjoying comfort foods during the long winter nights – and days. It is easy to gain a few pounds, […]