All Entries in the "Community and Arts Life" Category

Chester Chatter: Happy Halloweens
By Ruthie Douglas ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC It was Halloween once again. We kids in the neighborhood were excited. For a week we planned our costumes. Some of the kids’ mothers sewed and made their costumes, but usually my sister and I were ghosts, hiding under a sheet with holes for eyes. Right after supper, […]

Discover pumpkin pie’s second cousin
By Jim Bailey It is that time of year again, but I started a little early because my son was bugging me for pumpkin pie. I wanted to make something that he could take to school with him instead of plain pie and this is the result. He loved it and I think you […]

Henry Homeyer: How to grow great garlic
By Henry Homeyer © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Now is the time to buy garlic for planting – unless you have some from your own garden that you saved for that purpose, as I do. You’ll want to get your garlic planted a month before the ground freezes, so depending on where you live, you […]

Community & Arts events: Oct. 11 – Oct. 18
For a full listing of upcoming events, click here for The Chester Telegraph Calendar. To find out how to become a Calendar Partner, email or call Cynthia Prairie at or 802-875-2703. To be included in events briefs, email Susan Lampe-Wilson at Photos welcome. No PDFs, please. Notices must be received by noon on […]

Bonnie’s Bundles holds raffle for GM Soccer
Bonnie’s Bundles Dolls of Chester is donating an original “Sport Doll” uniformed in school colors and a knockout face featuring soccer eyes to benefit Green Mountain High School Girls Soccer. The doll will be raffled on or about Saturday, Oct. 20 or at the end of the 2018 season. Raffle tickets are on sale now […]

Chester Chatter: Fall foliage on the Mohawk Trail
By Ruthie Douglas ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Come every fall, my father would announce “Get ready. We will go over the Mohawk Trail today.” We dressed in some nice clothes for the trip and took our pocketbooks, which my sister and I put our allowance in. On our Sunday drives, we never went anywhere without […]

Cook up your apples to last through winter
By Jim Bailey You can use regular apple butter if desired. Just simply follow recipe using apple cider or juice instead of mulled apple cider. 2 large apples, peeled, halved, cored and chopped small. 2 tablespoon butter or margarine 2 cups mulled cider * Place all ingredients in a medium saucepan over medium […]

Henry Homeyer: 7 chores to complete this fall
By Henry Homeyer © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC For many years I was in denial, for I refused to accept that fall and winter were on the way by October. I didn’t start fall clean up until November, and by then it was cold, raw, often wet and unpleasant out. Now, having reached a certain […]

Wantastiquet Rotary serves bisque at Peru; Savage horse farm holds festival
Lobster bisque at Wantastiquet Rotary tent Wantastiquet Rotary of Londonderry and the Mountain Towns participated recently at the Peru Fair on Saturday, Sept. 22. Members served lobster bisque to more than 250 visitors. This bisque was shipped directly from Rockport Maine via Jake’s Restaurant in Londonderry. Rotarians participating in this fund raiser included Skip Raymond, […]

Community & Arts Events: Oct. 5-Oct. 13
For a full listing of upcoming events, click here for The Chester Telegraph Calendar. To find out how to become a Calendar Partner, email or call Cynthia Prairie at or 802-875-2703. To be included in events briefs, email Susan Lampe-Wilson at Photos welcome. No PDFs, please. Notices must be received by noon on […]

‘Two Trains’ heartrending end to Weston season
By Bob Behr ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Theater-goers at Weston Playhouse at Walker Farm are getting a huge treat this month, with August Wilson’s heartrending, heartwarming drama Two Trains Running. The play is the latest in Weston’s American Masters series. And, yes, this is the work of a master. Two Trains Running is a compelling, […]

Chester Chatter: Three months on the mend
By Ruthie Douglas ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Back in June, a scrape on my leg soon became infected and was to become the worst thing that ever happened to me. However, the infection led to doctors finding other problems that needed to be tended to and, now, I have been in the hospital and in […]

Don’t get into a jam while making jam
By Jim Bailey Many of you may “put up” vast amounts of jams or jellies during the fall, but let me warn you about one mistake often made. I never make more than a 6-cup batch at a time, because any more and the pectin has difficulty setting up. As we all know, pectin’s […]

Henry Homeyer: Fall in love with seasonal mums, asters
By Henry Homeyer © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Summer is over, officially, and the garden knows it. Tomatoes exist only in the kitchen, many flowers are looking lackluster, and trees are losing their leaves. What’s a gardener to do? I buy color in the form of chrysanthemums and fall asters, and I also enjoy wild […]

Community & Arts Events: Sept. 27 – Oct. 15
For a full listing of upcoming events, click here for The Chester Telegraph Calendar. To find out how to become a Calendar Partner, email or call Cynthia Prairie at or 802-875-2703. To be included in events briefs, email Susan Lampe-Wilson at Photos welcome. No PDFs, please. Notices must be received by noon on […]

‘Real’ cobbler or not, the taste will satisfy
By Jim Bailey This is one of those recipes that brings out your darker side, because you can keep eating and eating and not stop. Not only is it outrageously good, but it seems never to fill you up. I hesitated on using the name cobbler because, being a purist of sorts – some […]

Chester Chatter: The reluctant farmer’s wife
By Ruthie Douglas ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC I grew up in town and when I became a farmer’s wife, it was a very different life. Moving into the big farmhouse with my husband’s family, our plan was to go into business together, father and two sons. I woke up late, read and sat outside on […]

Henry Homeyer: It’s the perfect time to plant (some) seeds
By Henry Homeyer © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Most of us think about planting seeds in the spring, but there are lots of plants that can be planted by seed now, especially wildflowers. One of my favorite wildflowers is Jack-in-the Pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum). In the spring, it produces a single well-hidden blossom beneath its large […]

Henry Homeyer: Harvesting, storing root crops
By Henry Homeyer © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC I sometimes wonder if I’m part squirrel. No, I don’t bury acorns for winter, but I do love putting up food for winter, especially potatoes. They’re the ultimate “comfort food” as far as I am concerned, and I rarely have too many. If you haven’t already done […]

Three favorite apple treats combined into one
By Jim Bailey A little bit of apple pie, apple dumplings and classic Apple Charlotte are brought together to form a sticky treat that is perfect for a fall or winter day. Another great idea is using hot mulled apple cider (chilled) in lieu of regular cider here. 2 cups flour 1/4 cup brown […]