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Celebration of Life for Marlene Whitacre to be held Aug. 21

Celebration of Life for Marlene Whitacre to be held Aug. 21

A Celebration of Life in remembrance of Marlene Whitacre will take place from noon to 1 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 21 at the White Church in Grafton, immediately followed by a reception across the street in the Grafton Chapel till 3 p.m. All are invited to gather with her family, friends and neighbors to share […]

14 in Chester honored for 20-plus years of service

14 in Chester honored for 20-plus years of service

By Shawn Cunningham © 2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC Before getting down to a regular agenda on Wednesday, Aug. 3, the Chester Select Board took a few minutes to recognize 14 people who have served the town of Chester for as many as 35 years. The Vermont Public Service Award is given every five years by […]

Two join Springfield Rotary

Two join Springfield Rotary

Springfield Rotary President Ethan McNaughton welcomed two new members to the Rotary Club at a meeting in early July. McNaughton is flanked by Lindsey Dauphin of Claremont Savings Bank, left,  and Caitlin Christiana of the Springfield Regional Chamber of Commerce.

Caron becomes president of Chester Rotary

Caron becomes president of Chester Rotary

On Thursday, June 30, the Chester Rotary Club observed the Passing of the Gavel as Ed Caron was installed as its president. On hand were club members and guest outgoing state Rep. Leigh Dakin.  Caron, a resident of Springfield, is a contract bookkeeper and tax preparer. Prior to becoming president, Caron served on the club’s […]

Celebration of  Life for Marlene Whitacre set for Aug. 21

Celebration of Life for Marlene Whitacre set for Aug. 21

A Celebration of Life in remembrance of Marlene Whitacre will take place from noon to 1 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 21 at the White Church in Grafton, immediately followed by a reception across the street in the Grafton Chapel till 3 p.m. All are invited to gather with her family, friends and neighbors to share […]

Chester volunteers inventory public trees;<BR> Bank, club join hands to spruce up BRAM grounds

Chester volunteers inventory public trees;
Bank, club join hands to spruce up BRAM grounds

On Tuesday, June 21, members of the Chester Conservation Committee and volunteers from the community conducted a tree inventory along several major roadways in Chester. The inventory was conducted with the help of Elise Schadler of the Vermont Urban and Community Forestry Program and two State foresters.  The purpose of the inventory is to help […]

Fresh Air Fund committee attends annual conference

Fresh Air Fund committee attends annual conference

The Green Mountains volunteer committee attended the Fresh Air Fund’s annual Friendly Towns Leadership Conference  in early February in New York City. The committee is made up of Pat Meulemans of South Londonderry, Rebecca Hulett of West Pawlet and Rutland residents Joanne Pencak and Ingrid Gallo. Over the course of three days, volunteers participated in […]

Flood Brook PE teacher honored at State House for prevention work

Flood Brook PE teacher honored at State House for prevention work

On Wednesday, Jan. 26, Mark Weikert, the physical education teacher at Flood Brook School, received a Prevention Champion Award at the annual Prevention Awareness Day at the State House in Montpelier. The event is held to help spread the word about how Vermont communities benefit from the work of the 24 substance abuse prevention  coalitions in the […]

Springfield Rotary welcomes Spanjian as member

Springfield Rotary welcomes Spanjian as member

The Springfield Rotary Club recently welcomed Richard Spanjian, from the Inn at Weathersfield, far left, as a new member.  Spanjian was welcomed into the Rotary Club by member Nancy Lanoue, center, and Club President Christian Craig.

BRGNS hires new program administrator

BRGNS hires new program administrator

Black River Good Neighbor Services in Ludlow announces that Krey Kellington is its new program administrator in charge of the food shelf and related programs. Most recently Kellington was a housing/property manager for the Housing Trust of Rutland County. BRGNS board President Peter LaBelle says that the program administrator also supports the administration of financial […]

Ascutney Partnership honors Windsor residents for safe sidewalks

Ascutney Partnership honors Windsor residents for safe sidewalks

Windsor residents Robert Haight and Donna Ewald recently received Mt. Ascutney Prevention Partnership’s December Community Champions award for their efforts in keeping the town of Windsor safe through their support during recent sidewalk repair projects. Haight, Windsor’s zoning administrator,  and Ewald, a physical education teacher, have been instrumental in creating safe sidewalks in and around […]

Kurn Hattin honors longtime supporters

Kurn Hattin honors longtime supporters

On Thursday, Dec. 10, John and Carol Hubbard of Walpole, N.H., were the recipients of Kurn Hattin Homes for Children’s Charles Albert Dickinson Award. The annual award, established in 2013, is in recognition of an individual or organization whose philanthropic commitment embodies the mission of Kurn Hattin Homes. Named for Kurn Hattin’s founder, the Dickinson […]

Card Party for 50th anniversary of Ernie and Rani Foster

Card Party for 50th anniversary of Ernie and Rani Foster

Ernie and Rani Foster will be celebrating their 50th anniversary on Thursday, Dec. 10, 2015. Help commemorate this occasion by flooding their mailbox with a card of celebration. Cards can be mailed to 116 Piper Hill Road, Weston, VT 05161 On Dec, 10, 1965, the Fosters exchanged their vows of marriage in a small ceremony […]

New Arrivals: Son to Mary E. Dodge and Benjamin T. Sugimori

New Arrivals: Son to Mary E. Dodge and Benjamin T. Sugimori

Dodge-Sugimori Mary Elizabeth Dodge and Benjamin Thomas Sugimori of Chester announce the birth of their son, John Frederick Sugimori, born on Saturday, Oct. 24, 2015 at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center.

Osso bucco to bibimbap: Chester cook vies for 'Master Chef' slot

Osso bucco to bibimbap: Chester cook vies for ‘Master Chef’ slot

By Cynthia Prairie ©2015 –  Telegraph Publishing LLC She was hoping her osso bucco with white bean puree was good enough. As she walked toward the Doubletree Suites in Times Square carrying her dish on that early October Saturday, Christine Anderson of Chester was set on winning a spot on season seven of Master Chef. […]

People: Whiting Library welcomes new children's librarian; VSO announces new exec director

People: Whiting Library welcomes new children’s librarian; VSO announces new exec director

Whiting Library, 117 Main St. in Chester, has hired Karin Fischer as its youth services librarian. Fischer has served as a library assistant and interim library director. She is also a poet, an artist and mother, and has served elementary age children in creating art projects, and selecting reading materials. Fischer is also pursuing the  […]

Cynthia Lascelles Lloyd Jones, 78, beloved mother, grandmother, friend

Cynthia Lascelles Lloyd Jones, 78, beloved mother, grandmother, friend

A service will be held at Adams Funeral Home, 35 Depot St. in Chester, at 11 a.m. Friday, Oct. 9 for Cynthia Lascelles Lloyd Jones, who died on Sept. 30, 2015. She was the born on April 27, 1937, daughter of late May Barret and Clifford Lloyd, and was dearly loved by her children Phillip, […]

Plainfield poet wins first Vermont Book Award; potter featured at Saxtons River shop

Plainfield poet wins first Vermont Book Award; potter featured at Saxtons River shop

Plainfield resident and poet Kerrin McCadden has won the first ever Vermont Book Award for her collection of poetry titled “Landscape with Plywood Silhouettes.” McCadden earned her award during the Vermont Book Award Gala at Vermont College of Fine Arts on Saturday, Sept. 26. VCFA President Tom Greene presented the award, which Vermont artist Tyrie […]

Brother and sister noted for Vermont library travels

Brother and sister noted for Vermont library travels

The Whiting Library winners of a statewide program to get Vermonters to visit as many state libraries as possible are brother and sister  Noah and Lily Jones. The Vermont Library Association Passport to Vermont Libraries program handed out “passports” to patrons, who then took them to libraries around the state to be stamped. The Jones […]

Saxtons River resident reappointed to Vermont Commission on Women

Saxtons River resident reappointed to Vermont Commission on Women

Three commissioners have been named to the 16-member Vermont Commission on Women, a non-partisan state agency advancing rights and opportunities for women and girls. Commissioners guide VCW’s public education, coalition building, and advocacy efforts.  Commissioners are appointed by various appointing authorities to serve four-year terms. The Democratic Party has reappointed Carol Buchdahl, R.N., M.A. of […]