All Entries in the "Science" Category

Win-Win invites those concerned about climate change
If you are 60 years of age or older, a citizen of Windham or Windsor counties and are concerned about climate change, consider joining Win-Win at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, Dec. 30, at the Rockingham Public Library, 65 Westminster St. in Bellows Falls. Win-Win is the Third Act Vermont regional group that meets every other […]

Eclipse talk, solar viewing glasses at SAPA TV April 2
In preparation for the total solar eclipse that will pass through northern Vermont on Monday, April 8, SAPA TV, the Springfield area’s public access TV station, will host an eclipse primer talk at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 2 at its offices at 335 River St. in Springfield. Registration is not required. SAPA employee Kevin […]

Solar Eclipse Talk by Claudio Veliz in Proctorsville March 19
Claudio Veliz of Southern Vermont Astronomy Group will give a presentation about the upcoming total solar eclipse at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, March 19 at the Cavendish Fletcher Community Library, 573 Main St. in Proctorsville. The last time Vermont had a front-row seat for a total solar eclipse was in 1932, when it was hailed […]

Annual Phineas Gage Walk & Talk Sept. 10 in Cavendish
The annual Phineas Gage Walk & Talk will take place at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 10, at the Cavendish Historical Society Museum, 1958 Main St. in Cavendish. Phineas Gage was a 25-year-old railroad foreman who, on Sept. 13, 1848, suffered a severe brain injury when a tamping rod pierced his head during a blasting […]

Hike to the famous Proctorsville marble quarry July 16
If you have ever walked through the rotunda of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., were you aware that you were walking on Cavendish? The verde antique marble in the gallery’s floor is from the Proctorsville quarry, off Twenty Mile Stream Road. It was chosen because it was a match for the columns […]

BRAT seeks lake monitors
If you own a small paddle-powered or motor-powered boat and can commit to getting out on your lake or pond once every 10 days between Memorial Day and Labor Day, being a lake monitor could be for you. Volunteers from the Black River Action Team will be tackling lakes and ponds around Windsor County, but […]

Astronomy mini-series at Whiting wraps up April 14
The final installment of Southern Vermont Astronomy’s mini-series will take place at 6 p.m. on Friday, April 14 at the Whiting Library, 117 Main St. in Chester. The talk is titled “Telescope basics and using the Whiting telescope.” SoVerA members will review basic optics, how to choose a telescope, and how to enjoy the Whiting […]

Astronomy series continues March 31 at Whiting
The Southern Vermont Astronomy Group continues its astronomy mini-series at 6 p.m. on Friday, March 31 at the Whiting Library, 117 Main St. in Chester. Rick Bates will present a talk on archeoastronomy. This will include an overview of information that the ancients learned about the skies and how it was used in navigation. Also […]

Astronomy series begins March 24 at Whiting Library
Beginning at 6 p.m. on Friday, March 24, the Southern Vermont Astronomy Group will be hosting a mini-series on four consecutive Friday evenings at the Whiting Library, 117 Main St. in Chester. SoVerA members Rick Bates, Rick Hunter and Claudio Véliz will be providing a little of the intrigue that astronomy inspires, while imparting some […]

Learn about the James Webb Space Telescope
Claudio Veliz, a Chester resident and member of the Southern Vermont Astronomy Group, will be at Neighborhood Connections at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, April 19 to discuss the importance of the James Webb Space Telescope. This premiere observatory of the next decade, which launched this past Christmas, is an orbiting infrared observatory that will complement […]