All Entries in the "The Yankee Chef" Category

An eggless and butterless cake? It’s a date
By Jim Bailey Although there are very few dates that can live up to Medjool’s reputation, using the cheaper, bagged variety is perfect for this recipe. Not only will it allow you to taste the orange-flavored tea, but you will find this a perfect recipe for your collection. Enjoy! 1 cup boiling orange pekoe […]

Anadam Fantans: Fit for your feast and your cookie jar
By Jim Bailey Simple to make and simply the best way to savor the old New England flavor of original Anadama. Grace your table with these little gems, but they are perfect to keep around for that sweet tooth. 3/4 cup warm milk 1/2 cup molasses 1 (.25-ounce)envelope active dry yeast 6 tablespoons butter […]

Boozy cannolis to ring in the New Year
By Jim Bailey These intensely flavored cannolis are not only satisfying for cold weather nights, but they’re especially pleasing to share with family and friends. If you desire to leave out any liqueur (in the way of Calvados seen below), simply boil 1/2 cup apple cider or juice until it reduces to 1/4-cup. Cool […]

Embellish your Brussels sprouts with an Italian accent
By Jim Bailey Amaro a Dolce simply means bitter to sweet in Italian. These Brussels sprouts are absolutely the perfect accompaniment to any turkey, pork or prime rib you will be having on the table this holiday season. Truly, this dish makes for a beautifully arranged taste of New England with Italian accents. 1 […]

How to use that last can of pumpkin
By Jim Bailey Here is a pastry you won’t soon forget. With four flavors that are quintessential Yankee, they are super easy to make, yet uniquely in a class all their own. One taste of these sweet swirls, and you will forever forget about cinnamon rolls for breakfast. 1 cup flour, plus more for […]

Another way to keep the doctor at bay: Apple Charlotte
Iwanted to open this weeks recipe with my newest cookbook, titled The Sweet Fight. It is special in so many ways that I will only mention two. I believe it is the best cookbook using fruits and vegetables on the market today. It also shows various ways to use fruits and veggies in order to […]

In case you didn’t get your fill of pumpkin last week
By Jim Bailey Not quite a pie and yet, its not quite a custard either. This deliciously moist dessert is light, airy and bursting with that warm, ‘cuddly’ taste. There is just something about the smell of pumpkin cooking that instantly puts a smile on your face. 4 mini pumpkins 1/4 cup plus 1 […]

Add a decorative, flavorful dish to your holiday feast
By Jim Bailey With the holidays quickly approaching, it seems odd that summer and fall are almost behind us. These puddings will make the perfect side dish for your big ol’ turkey this year and these mini pumpkins are ready now in stores and orchards and road-side stands everywhere. 6 mini pumpkins (about 8 […]

Blend sweet,savory to perfection with this chicken dish
The Sweet Fight: I would love to begin this recipe with a promo for my third cookbook, titled “The Sweet Fight.” You can find it on Amazon and its digital Kindle community. Having recently begun to understand how the Kindle app works, I urge you to grab the Kindle version for $2.99. This cookbook is […]

Pack your child’s lunch with homemade fig Newtons
By Jim Bailey These remarkable sugar cookie fig Newtons are a little crispier than what you are used to in stores but none-the-less deliciously exact in flavor. If you want a fluffier cookie, add 1 teaspoon baking soda to cookie. What is nice about this recipe is that not only can you use any […]

Embrace the fall with a hearty ragout
By Jim Bailey The fall is the perfect time of year for a ragout of this caliber! Ragouts are usually heavily spiced and is usually considered a stew but I took this one step further, transforming this into a substantial meal with just the right amount of spice. 2 links sweet or hot Italian […]

Grab the last bits of summer with a pineapple cream pie
By Jim Bailey We have all heard of the classic coconut cream pie; but what’s to stop you from adding some extra sweetness? With the addition of pineapple you get a tasty twist on this old classic! One 9-inch prebaked pie crust 1/2 fresh pineapple 2 cups coconut milk 1/2 cup shredded coconut 1/4 […]

A classic Maine bread with a Yankee flair
By Jim Bailey Maine Black Bread: It’s simple and sweet but without being too sweet. It’s reminiscent of Russian black bread, but with a Yankee flair. 1 1/2 cups very hot water, divided 1/4 cup cornmeal 3 tablespoons butter or margarine, room temperature 1/4 cup molasses 1 teaspoon salt One(1/4-ounce) package active dry yeast […]

A cooking paradox: Use spice to fight the heat
By Jim Bailey It’s the spiciness of Mongolian lamb that helps keep the shepherds from overheating in the summertime. Honestly! Those wanderers in Eastern Asia of old knew how to cook with spices. … hot spices, that is. And they knew that the spicier the dish, the cooler they were working in the hot […]

Put a Yankee twist on a taste of Asia
By Jim Bailey One of my favorite Asian dishes has got to be tangerine beef; but I wanted something with more flavor and tang. Here is the best Yanked recipe with tangerine beef in mind, but with a tweak. 1/2 cup cornmeal 1 teaspoon chili powder 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 1/4 cup rice vinegar […]

Experience a Danish that needs no introduction
By Jim Bailey Pineapple peach danish: need I say more? So, on to the recipe. 1 cup warm coconut water 2 tablespoons sugar 1 envelope dry yeast 2 cups flour 1 cup crushed pineapple, drained very well 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 peaches 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 tablespoon […]

Mix it up: Make a salad you can call ‘hearty’
By Jim Bailey This is one of those “salads” that tastes and satisfies as a hearty side dish. Wonderful flavor, filling without feeling guilty and perfectly suited for all times of year. Just a hint of protein is all this recipe needs to accomplish all this and more. 1 small butternut squash (about a […]

End your summer with a colorful plate
By Jim Bailey This dish is gorgeous blend of colorful cabbage, carrots and squash and mixed into the tastiest blend of flavors you can add to coleslaw. It’s a must serve at that final get together of the summer. 1 (16-ounce) package shredded coleslaw mix 1/2 small butternut squash (about a pound) 1/2 cup […]

Nostalgia is rich in this Indian Pudding
By Jim Bailey The original Hasty Pudding, or Indian Pudding, is probably the very first dessert ever made on New England shores by our European ancestors. Don’t listen to other so-called culinary historians when they note that Indian Pudding should be baked in order to be classic. This is entirely untrue! This New England […]

Life’s simple pleasures: ribs
By Jim Bailey Want ribs? Want a simple preparation? This is your recipe. What a great flavor and you most likely have everything in your fridge or pantry already. Get to grillin’! 1/2 cup ketchup 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar 2 tablespoons honey 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 teaspoon Dijon-style or regular mustard […]