All Entries in the "Covid 19 Coverage" Category

Free rapid test kits available for students in K-12 Registration required prior to pickup
MONTPELIER Gov. Phil Scott has announced that parents and caregivers of Vermont’s K-12 children will be able to pick up one free rapid antigen test kit per student this week at sites around Vermont. The state is encouraging parents to use these kits to test kids before they return to school next week, but a […]

Weekly update: Vermont Covid numbers decline but post-holiday surge expected Take-home, onsite tests offered during pre-New Year's week
©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC With a weekly update that does not include numbers from Friday, Dec. 24, Vermont’s new Covid-19 cases have shown a decline this past week with a weekly total of 2,456 infections recorded as of Thursday, down from 2,752 cases last week, including data from last Friday. Although this data shows a […]

Chester board’s mask discussions to continue through holidays
By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC While the Cavendish Select Board approved a mask mandate for public places with little debate and even less public attendance last Monday, Chester’s board has held two meetings and appears stymied over how to recommend but not mandate that people wear masks in public buildings due to […]

State Covid cases decline, Chester numbers rise Officials plead with Vermonters to get vaccinated
©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Vermont’s new Covid-19 case numbers have declined this past week, with a weekly total of 2,752 infections recorded, down from the record 3,428 cases last week. Although a decline, this is still the second highest weekly total seen since the start of the pandemic. The Vermont overall Covid case total now […]

Cavendish adopts mask mandate for public buildings
By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC By a unanimous vote on Monday evening the Cavendish Select Board adopted a model mask mandate written by the Vermont League of Cities and Towns that will require the wearing of masks in all public buildings. Board members and Town Manager Brendan McNamara acknowledged that the mandate […]

To the editor: Chester board should institute a mask mandate
After some debate on the topic, I can only determine three core reasons that some of my fellow citizens have for not wanting a mask mandate in Chester. a) They don’t want anyone telling them what to do. b) They don’t believe the science telling us that masks help mitigate the transmission of Covid. c) […]

Vermont hits daily, weekly records of Covid cases Dr. Levine sees 'true post-Thanksgiving surge;' 74% of those hospitalized, 81% of ICU patients are not fully vaccinated
©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC In a trend that’s all too familiar, Vermont’s Covid-19 case numbers have again set new records, with a new daily total of 740 recorded on Friday, Dec. 10 and a new weekly record of 3,428, jumping by nearly 800 from the last previous record of 2,627 set two weeks ago. The […]

State kid-vaxx incentive program could bring thousands of dollars into TRSU schools
©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Gov. Phil Scott and the Agency of Education announced Tuesday the School Vaccine Incentive Program, committing $2 million in federal emergency funds to schools that achieve a student vaccination rate of 85 percent or higher. Schools that meet this threshold will be eligible for a minimum award of $2,000 and a […]

TRSU looks to align school schedules for both its districts 'Test to Stay' keeps students in school instead of quarantine
By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC During her monthly report to the Two Rivers Supervisory Union board, Superintendent Lauren Fierman spoke of “aligning the schedules” of the SU’s five schools. Currently, Cavendish Town Elementary School has an early release every Tuesday, with the remainder of the day being used by the faculty for […]

State Human Services chief Mike Smith to retire
Secretary of Human Services Mike Smith is set to retire at the end of the year, after his second stint leading the state’s largest agency. In announcing the retirement on Monday, Gov. Phil Scott said, “When I asked Mike to come back to his old job in late 2019, it’s fair to say nobody expected […]

Covid numbers continue to rise locally, statewide Weekly update: 2,543 new cases statewide; 36 in Chester
©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC For the past two weeks, Vermont’s Covid-19 case numbers have continued to shatter records, hitting new high during both Thanksgiving week and last week. Although the state’s daily dashboard was not updated on Thanksgiving and the Friday after, the state did release the daily case numbers for those individual days […]

GMUSD finance committee gets first look at proposed FY23 budget
By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Finance Committee of the Green Mountain Unified School District got a first look at the administration’s proposed 2022-23 budget as it met on Tuesday, Nov. 23 at Green Mountain High School. The almost $15 million spending plan for running the high school plus Chester-Andover and Cavendish […]

Update: Vermont Covid cases continue to rise; 16,000 kids signed up for vaxx
©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC For the third week in a row, Vermont Covid-19 case numbers continued to shatter records, with another weekly record of 2,419 cases, a jump from 2,386 cases last week, and 1,856 from the week before. Thursday saw the second highest daily total since the pandemic began with 517 cases. The Vermont […]

Covid cases in Vermont continue to break record; CAES kids vaxx clinic goes smoothly Like rest of the state, area towns see rise in Covid numbers
©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Vermont Covid-19 case numbers continue to shatter records, with a new record daily total of 591 cases reported on Thursday, and a weekly record 2,386 cases, a jump from 1,856 cases from last week. Friday added another daily total that breached the 500 mark with another 505 cases. The Vermont total […]

Vermont hits daily record in Covid cases as rollout begins for Pfizer vaccines for kids 5 to 11
©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Despite statewide vaccination rates reaching the 90 percent threshold, Vermont’s new case numbers have reached a record high, hitting a record-setting one-day tally of 487 new Covid-19 cases on Thursday, Nov. 4. This contributed to a record-breaking weekly total of 1,856, reversing a decline last week of 1,468 cases. The previous […]

Vermont, Chester Covid numbers down; FDA OKs Pfizer vaxx for kids 5 to 11
©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Mirroring national trends, Covid-19 numbers in Vermont and in Chester are both seeing a decline, after two weeks in a row with record high numbers. And just this afternoon, according to the New York Times, the Food and Drug Administration authorized the Pfizer vaccine for emergency use in children 5 to […]

Vermont, Chester continue upward Covid trend Moderna, J&J booster shots now available
©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC For the second straight week, Covid-19 numbers in Vermont and in Chester have reached new record highs, again bucking the national trend. Vermont saw a new case weekly total of 1,590 topping last week’s record of 1,526; Chester’s new Covid-case numbers again are well into double digits with 23 new cases, […]

Chester reports 19 new Covid-19 cases as state numbers rise
©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Despite national trends that are showing a decline in new Covid-19 cases, Vermont’s — and Chester’s — numbers are on the rise. Vermont saw a record-breaking new case weekly total of 1,526. The last weekly record of 1,454 was reached three weeks ago on Sept. 24; Chester’s new Covid-case number surged […]

Two Covid cases send 5th & 6th graders at CAES home
©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Chester-Andover Elementary School currently has two cases of Covid-19, causing the majority of the 5th and 6th graders to be sent home yesterday and today. According to Katherine Fogg, principal at both CAES and Cavendish Town Elementary School, they should be returning at the end of next week. CTES continues to […]

Weekly Update: Fewer CAES students remain in quarantine; state seeks better tracing method
©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Chester elementary school students have returned to in-person instruction this week, with only a handful of students in quarantine, according to Katherine Fogg, principal at both Chester-Andover and Cavendish Town elementary schools. The Springfield School District’s four schools were all closed on Monday to catch up with contact-tracing efforts, but were […]