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Volunteers sought for focus groups on healthcare related issues

Volunteers sought for focus groups on healthcare related issues

The Springfield Area Community Collaborative is conducting focus groups regarding health related matters including, unmet health needs, access to services and barriers to care. Groups will be held in Springfield, Chester, Ludlow, Londonderry and Bellows Falls in Vermont and  in Charlestown, N.H., in mid-May, 2019. The focus groups will include a light dinner, and a […]

Spring snow turns roads treacherous

Spring snow turns roads treacherous

By Shawn Cunningham © 2019 Telegraph Publishing, LLC Freezing rain and snow turned area roads slick this April Monday afternoon. Accidents were reported in Chester, Landgrove and Weston among others. According to witnesses and a State Police press release, at about 1:13 p.m. a 2006 Subaru Impreza was being driven west on the Weston Andover […]

Lowell Lake group to begin researching park

Lowell Lake group to begin researching park

By Bruce Frauman ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC The March 28 meeting of the Lowell Lake Working Group, held at Neighborhood Connections in Londonderry, revealed a nascent organization with lots of questions seeking answers. Robert Nied, a Chester resident and former town administrator of Londonderry, began pulling together the organization after the state Department of Forest […]

Andover residents pass budget; elect full board following move of long-time member

Andover residents pass budget; elect full board following move of long-time member

By Cynthia Prairie © 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC With the departure of long-time Andover Select Board member Red Johnson to the hinterlands of Virginia, the board has been one member short. That was remedied at Town Meeting on Saturday morning, March 2, when the board was reshuffled a bit and newcomer Jed LaPrise was elected […]

Michigan authorities arrest man in GM threat

Michigan authorities arrest man in GM threat

© 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC A 23-year-old Michigan man was arrested yesterday in connection with an online threat made against a Green Mountain High School student and against the school on Monday,  according to Vermont State Police. Police have said that the threat made on Monday, Feb. 4 was traced to a person “in the […]

When a child's text message of love is ominous

When a child’s text message of love is ominous A mother and son tell their story

By Cynthia Prairie © 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC Heidi Skinner was at her computer Thursday morning researching colleges for her 18-year-old daughter Camille when a text message came in from her 14-year-old son Isaiah. Besides Camille and Isaiah, Skinner has another child at GM, 12-year-old Hannah. It was 11:27 a.m. and Isaiah wrote, “I love […]

GM High in lockdown; students moved to Legion

Here are links to the latest stories on the school lockdown. – When a child’s text message of love is ominous – Chief Cloud confirms two GM threats are related Green Mountain High School received a call this morning, Thursday, Feb. 7, that prompted school officials to call police. The Telegraph could not determine the […]

Potash Brook home looks to be a total loss

Potash Brook home looks to be a total loss

By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Firefighters are saying that a fire late Friday afternoon destroyed a home at 3 Potash Brook Road in Chester. Eleven fire departments and the Chester Ambulance service responded to the blaze and one minor injury to a firefighter was reported. Chester Fire Chief Matt Wilson said on […]

Afternoon blaze engulfs Potash Brook home

Afternoon blaze engulfs Potash Brook home

By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing, LLC When Andover Road resident Debbie Richardson arrived home from work just after 4 p.m. on Friday, she noticed smoke at the house across the stream, but thought it might be an outdoor fire. As she got closer, Richardson realized her neighbor’s house was on fire and called […]

Vail reverses ski program rate hike for kids on Fed lunch list

Vail reverses ski program rate hike for kids on Fed lunch list Reduces lift pass benefit to Snow Sports volunteers

By Cynthia Prairie ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Vail Resorts has rescinded its announced price increase for those local families on the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch Program whose children want to participate in school ski and snowboard programs at Okemo Mountain, according to those close to the situation. The Chester Telegraph reported the initial rate-hike […]

Ski programs at Cavendish Town, Chester-Andover mount fund-raisers

Ski programs at Cavendish Town, Chester-Andover mount fund-raisers Okemo hikes rates, ends reduced fee for qualifying families

By Cynthia Prairie ©2018 Telegraph Publishing Winter sports program coordinators have scrambled to set up Go Fund Me campaigns to ensure that children at Cavendish Town and Chester-Andover elementary schools can participate, after Okemo Mountain Resort raised prices from $19 to $47 a child and eliminated lower fees for families qualifying for the Federal Free […]

Chester-Andover re-opening set for Jan. 3

Chester-Andover re-opening set for Jan. 3 4 to 6 week restoration stretched into 19

© 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Two Rivers Supervisory Union has announced that the Chester-Andover Elementary School building will reopen for students on Thursday, Jan. 3. Since early September, K-6 classes have been held at the Green Mountain High School due to a water main break  in late August that destroyed the school’s electrical and […]

Power outages enter fourth day as new storm approaches

Power outages enter fourth day as new storm approaches GMP warns further outages possible, be prepared

By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing, LLC For more than 2,500 Green Mountain Power customers in Southern-Central Vermont, this was another morning of waking up to find that electricity had not been restored overnight. And with final restoration slated for Saturday night, GMP is now warning of another storm that could cause outages at […]

Snow cripples area, thousands without power

Snow cripples area, thousands without power Falling trees, heavy snow hamper cleanup

By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Area residents awoke on Tuesday morning to cracking tree limbs and the woosh of heavy snow cascading off those trees and roofs. They also awoke in the dark as hundreds of trees, weighed down by  the wet snow, toppled onto wires and roads and snarled traffic. Schools […]

Electric service bid adds weeks to CAES opening

Electric service bid adds weeks to CAES opening Hopes for a Thanksgiving opening fades

By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC When a bolt broke on a water main flange in late August, flooding the Chester-Andover Elementary School boiler room and ruining the the infrastructure necessary to open to students the following week,  officials predicted that the school would be back in service in four to six weeks […]

Brisk turnout for cold, rainy midterm contests

Brisk turnout for cold, rainy midterm contests

By Cynthia Prairie ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Tuesday’s General Election had three strikes against it: Most Vermont races – from U.S. Congress to the governor’s mansion and the State House – were pretty much foregone conclusions even before Tuesday and wouldn’t make a huge impact on the national scene; Mid-terms are usually ho-hum affairs that […]

Chester officials say they've kept CAES apprised of water main issue

Chester officials say they’ve kept CAES apprised of water main issue

By Shawn Cunningham ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC With new water pipes being laid from Main Street to Chester-Andover Elementary School, Green Mountain Unified School District Board chair Marilyn Mahusky is claiming that the town did not keep the school system informed about a water system deficiency that led to a flood at the elementary school. […]

Man charged in dozens of Derry area crimes

Man charged in dozens of Derry area crimes

© 2018 Telegraph Publishing, LLC A Bellows Falls man was charged yesterday in more than three dozen incidents of burglary and other crimes that took place in the Londonderry area between May 2015 and April 2017. Vermont State Police say that Travis Despain, 27, burglarized businesses, schools, churches and town offices, as well as homes […]

GM, Baptist Church to host CAES pupils

GM, Baptist Church to host CAES pupils CAES After School Program moved to Cavendish

© 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC With the Chester-Andover Elementary School building out of commission for what might be an extended period due to water damage, administrators have announced the steps they are taking to begin school on Thursday. The official start of school was last Wednesday. Grades 2 – 6 will be using rooms at […]

CAES 2nd-6th graders to temporarily move to GM

CAES 2nd-6th graders to temporarily move to GM Classroom space still sought for k-1st graders after water damage closes school

By Cynthia Prairie and Shawn Cunningham ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC A second water main leak at Chester-Andover Elementary School damaged carpeting and other items in two classrooms Monday morning, ensuring that the school’s reopening will be delayed “four to six weeks” even as administrators have set Thursday, Sept. 6 for classes to begin in alternate […]