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Flurry of customers brings success to Chester's first 'Starry, Starry Night' event

Flurry of customers brings success to Chester’s first ‘Starry, Starry Night’ event

©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC It was a frigid Saturday evening — one that made holding a camera near impossible. But it was brightened by lights adorning trees, the gazebo and many of the shops on the Green in Chester. And that bone-freezing cold quickly dissipated from the warm and welcoming atmosphere inside the shops, which […]

Chester building owner seeks driveway permit to stop neighbor 'harassment'

Chester building owner seeks driveway permit to stop neighbor ‘harassment’

By Shawn Cunningham © 2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC It’s unusual for a permit to put in a driveway to find its way to a select board for a decision, but in the case of 116 Main St. in Chester the situation itself is unusual. Also known as the Henry Office Building, the 1880s structure at […]

Chester continues budgeting, hears Class 4 road complaint

Chester continues budgeting, hears Class 4 road complaint

By Shawn Cunningham © 2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC Every year, the Chester Snowmobile Club comes before the Chester Select Board to request the use of certain town roads to link together private properties and Class 4 roads to complete the trails used by its members and by other members of the statewide VAST trail system. […]

Chester Teen Center growing; donations sought to work on permanent space

Chester Teen Center growing; donations sought to work on permanent space

  ©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC Since its inception last March, with a focus group of six students from Green Mountain Union High School, the Chester Teen Center program has grown to serve more than 50 local students in grades 6 and up and meeting in the community room of the Congregational Church at 469 Main […]

Burn ban again extended as dry weather persists

Burn ban again extended as dry weather persists

By Cynthia Prairie ©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC The ban on debris burning extended through today, Monday, Nov. 18 for Windsor, Windham, Rutland and Bennington counties has been extended for an additional week, until 3 p.m. Monday, Nov. 25. Towns from Windham east to the Connecticut River are ranked “Very High” for fire danger, according to […]

After 'tragic' election night, Dems oust Clarkson from Senate majority leadership

After ‘tragic’ election night, Dems oust Clarkson from Senate majority leadership

By Sarah Mearhoff ©2024 VTDigger MONTPELIER Two and a half weeks after Vermont voters eviscerated their supermajority, Senate Democrats convened Saturday to reflect on their election losses and chart a new course ahead of the 2025 legislative session. They voted to retain one top leader — but jettisoned another. Saturday’s caucus at the Statehouse was […]

Chester board says 'no' to new zoning idea, asks for tweaks to the rest of the plan

Chester board says ‘no’ to new zoning idea, asks for tweaks to the rest of the plan Emails, in-person contacts influence the decision

By Shawn Cunningham © 2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC If you have ever thought that talking to or writing your local officials is not effective, the Chester Select Board meeting of Nov. 6 might change your mind. Over the course of a couple of meetings, the board has been looking at something called “density-based zoning,” which […]

Chester Democrats invites folks to monthly meeting

Chester Democrats invites folks to monthly meeting

Been meaning to get involved in politics, but too busy to get to it? Are you a Democrat or, if not, are you generally accepting of others and humane in your views? If so, join the Chester Democratic Committee for its monthly meeting at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 21 downstairs at the Chester Town […]

Analysis: Southern Windsor and the emerging Republican Party

Analysis: Southern Windsor and the emerging Republican Party

By Cynthia Prairie ©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC While there was never any doubt that incumbent Democratic Sens. Alison Clarkson and Becca White and anointed Democratic candidate Joe Major would win election for the three seats for the Windsor District, the nascent Chester Republican Committee has made a formidable premier foray into politics while the Ludlow […]

Fund drive started to help Chester man rebuild after Sunday fire

Fund drive started to help Chester man rebuild after Sunday fire

© 2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC A fundraising campaign has been started to help Charles Wright, who lost his Jewett Road home in Chester to a fire on Sunday. The Go Fund Me effort has a goal of $20,000 to help Wright to rebuild his home, which was uninsured. According to his niece Grace Wright, who […]

Many voters favor mail-in ballots, early voting amid brisk turnout at the polls

Many voters favor mail-in ballots, early voting amid brisk turnout at the polls

By Cynthia Prairie and Shawn Cunningham ©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC Turnout was brisk on this warm and breezy Election Day, in which Americans were choosing a new president and Vermonters were deciding on their gubernatorial and State House seats. Mail-in ballots at times rivaled or surpassed in-person voting in many of our south-central Vermont towns. […]

Amtrak service for Chester and Ludlow? One man has the vision

Amtrak service for Chester and Ludlow? One man has the vision Town Planner Preston Bristow asks you to weigh in on Vermont Rail Plan

By Cynthia Prairie ©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC Preston Bristow wants to see a passenger train run northwest through Chester. The Town Planner for Chester said while it might be years away, he’s getting the idea in front of town residents, Amtrak and the Vermont Agency of Transportation now to begin the process. “Many believe we […]

State House candidate Charlton to hold Grafton, Chester 'listening' events

State House candidate Charlton to hold Grafton, Chester ‘listening’ events

Hang on to that mail-in ballot! This election you have a vote and a voice. What do you want for the state of Vermont? What are your priorities and concerns? What ideas do you have for solutions? You are invited to tell Tom Charlton, a Republican who is running for representative to the State House […]

Chester GOP holds event for State House candidate Tom Charlton

Chester GOP holds event for State House candidate Tom Charlton

By Shawn Cunningham © 2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC Around 40 people turned out in front of the Fullerton Inn in Chester on a cool, blustery Sunday afternoon to hear Vermont House candidate Tom Charlton speak on a wide range of topics including infrastructure, education and the state’s “clean heat standard.” But the event’s main message […]

Chester Select Board and Water Commission agendas for Sept. 4

Chester Select Board and Water Commission agendas for Sept. 4

The Chester Select Board will hold its regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday Sept. 4 at Town Hall, 556 Elm Street and via Zoom. The meeting will be followed by a meeting of the Water and Sewer Commissioners. To join either or both sessions go to: Below are the boards’ agendas: SELECT BOARD […]

Truck takes down wires on Rt. 11 leaving hundreds without power

Truck takes down wires on Rt. 11 leaving hundreds without power

UPDATE: Route 11 is open to one lane as of 6:30 p.m. Please drive slowly By Shawn Cunningham © 2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC Lights flickered and internet service sputtered throughout Chester and Andover around 1:30 p.m. today as a truck carrying an oversized load snagged wires on Route 11 near Motel in the Meadow in […]

Chester board OKs court action against Julian quarries, neighbors want more

Chester board OKs court action against Julian quarries, neighbors want more

By Shawn Cunningham © 2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC At last Wednesday’s meeting, the Chester Select Board authorized Zoning Administrator Preston Bristow to start enforcement actions in court against two of Julian Materials’ violations of the stipulation the company negotiated with the town this past spring. And, at the same meeting, neighbors of the Julian quarries […]

Biting dog to be put down after board hears complaint

Biting dog to be put down after board hears complaint

By Shawn Cunningham © 2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC An aggressive dog that neighbors in the Andover Road and Potash Brook Road area have complained about will be put down after the Chester Select Board found it to be “vicious” following a hearing last Friday evening. At a meeting in April, Karen Orchitt told the board […]

Plenty of bear sightings, but not necessarily more bears in our southern Vermont towns

Plenty of bear sightings, but not necessarily more bears in our southern Vermont towns

By Lorien Strange ©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC Everyone seems to have a bear story these days. If you haven’t seen one — or four  — this season, just check your social media feed to find that these lumbering animals are local internet sensations. So how big is the Vermont bear population now and are we […]

Chester Zoning Districts map

Chester to hold hearing on rural zoning changes July 22

The Chester Planning Commission will hold a public hearing July 22, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. at the Chester Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Using a Bylaw Modernization Grant the Commission has been implementing changes to zoning bylaw in phases over two years. This sixth and final phase principally affects Chester’s rural districts. The previous five […]