All Entries in the "Dollar General" Category

Construction of Dollar General in Chester expected to begin soon
By Cynthia Prairie © 2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC Construction on the 9,100-square-foot Dollar General for Main Street in Chester is expected to begin this fall with the store opening in early 2016. And a sure sign of the impending work are the building permits nailed to wooden frames on the property. A spokesman for the […]

Dollar General foes end four-year fight; hope to see stronger zoning regulations in Chester
By Cynthia Prairie ©2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC After a four-year battle, the Chester group fighting the construction of a 9,100-square-foot Dollar General has decided to not seek a motion to re-argue the case before the state Supreme Court, giving the green light to the Zaremba Group out of Ohio to construct the building on Main […]

Q&A: Attorney Alan Biederman on the latest Zaremba/Dollar General victory
Alan Biederman represented Zaremba Group, the developer of the proposed Dollar General store in Chester, during the Act 250 appeals brought by opponents of the project. He is a lawyer in Rutland who is happily heading toward retirement. Four questions were posed by email by Telegraph editor Cynthia Prairie. Biederman also responded by email. Except […]

In OK’ing Dollar General ‘warehouse,’ state Supreme Court affirms ‘adverse effect’
NOTE: Zaremba Group attorney Alan Biederman answered several questions for The Chester Telegraph concerning the appeals and other issues. You can read that article here. By Cynthia Prairie 2015-Telegraph Publishing LLC T he Vermont Supreme Court has given a green light for the construction of a Dollar General store on Main Street in Chester, after […]

Supreme Court finds for Dollar General in zoning appeal; Act 250 appeal still pending
© 2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC On Thursday, June 11, a three-judge panel of the Vermont Supreme Court heard an appeal by opponents of a 9,100-square-foot Dollar General store proposed for a parcel directly across from the Country Girl Diner on Main Street in Chester. The following day, the “rocket docket” as the panel is known […]

Environmental judge upholds Chester DRB on Dollar General permit
By Cynthia Prairie ©2014-Telegraph Publishing LLC Environmental Judge Thomas Walsh handed the billion dollar Tennessee-based Dollar General corporation an early Christmas present by striking down an appeal of the Chester Development Review Board’s OK of a developer’s plans for a 9,100-square-foot store across from the Country Girl Diner. The decision was signed on Monday, Dec. […]

Appeal of Environmental Court OK of Dollar General goes before VT Supreme Court
By Cynthia Prairie ©2014 – Telegraph Publishing LLC MONTPELIER Chester’s Dollar General opponents took their fight to the Vermont Supreme Court Tuesday, a venue that — by its very nature as the court of final decision — awards more technical wins based on nuances of law than KOs delivered by an attorney’s one-two punch. Thirty […]
Editorial: Targeting cultural and economic growth
By Cynthia Prairie Two weeks ago, I wrote about the desire of many area residents and interested parties to see a concerted push for economic vitality in the town of Chester, whether it is for a fairgrounds and kiosk, an observatory or a new business. We’ve read it many times in The Telegraph Polls, […]

Environmental Court OK’s Dollar General with conditions
By Cynthia Prairie Concluding that pertinent segments of Chester’s Town Plan are “aspirational” and not mandatory and that, even though the project will have an adverse impact, it will not be an undue impact, Environmental Court Judge Thomas Walsh has ruled that a 9,100-square-foot Dollar General can be built on Main Street in Chester. […]

DRB upholds Dollar General OK, clarifies findings
In a much anticipated move, the Chester Development Review Board has issued clarified findings of fact and conclusions of law in the conditional use permit application of Zaremba Group LLC to build a 9,100-square-foot Dollar General store on Main Street across from the Country Girl Diner. The five-member board (four of whom have been […]

Opponents lay out arguments against Dollar General plan
This is Part II of a two-part series reporting on last week’s Dollar General appeal, today covering the testimony for opponents of the proposed Dollar General store in Chester and cross-examination. Feel free to share your views on the articles and the issues in the Comment section below the article or send us a Letter […]

Zaremba defends Dollar General plans in court
This is Part I of two parts reporting on this week’s Dollar General appeal, only covering the testimony for Dollar General and cross-examination. Please share your views in the Comment section below the article. By Cynthia Prairie NEWFANE Many punches were thrown, quite a number were landed but none seemed to be a knockout in […]

Judge hears from Dollar General proponents
Posted at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2013 NEWFANE The first day of testimony in the appeal of the Act 250 approval of a Dollar General for Chester wrapped up shortly before 5 p.m. after an early morning site visit and testimony from witnesses on behalf of the Zaremba Group, the developer for the 10,000-store […]
To the editor: Does Dollar General fit in with Chester?
Have you been wondering and following why Chester has been targeted to allow a small box Dollar General store to be built across from the Country Girl Diner on our Main Street? As many of our good friends know, Bonnie and I have party status in the Act 250 hearing and the appeal process now […]
To the editor: A Dollar General for Chester?
Imagine a store next to the former Zachary Pizza restaurant but three times as large. Imagine a store that is a large rectangle, more than 9,000 square feet with the only natural light coming in the doorway. Imagine a parking lot in front and to the side. Imagine an attempt to have it look like […]

UPDATES: DRB on Dollar General; Ballinger’s stinkin’ Kickstarter campaign; Winston art is selling
The five-member Chester Development Review Board decided at its meeting on Monday, Aug. 12 that it would begin deliberating the Dollar General case on Thursday, Aug. 29. The meeting is not open to the public. In April 2012, the DRB had approved the construction of the proposed 9,100-square-foot Dollar General store. But opponents of the […]

DRB begins to address Dollar General proposal again
The Chester Development Review Board has gone through all the documents from the previous hearings on the proposed 9,100-square-foot Dollar General Store, according to zoning administrator Michael Normyle. At its Monday, Aug. 12 meeting, the five-member board will announce that it will begin considering what steps to take next. The meeting begins at 6 p.m. […]

Judge sends Dollar General OK back to DRB for clarifications
UPDATE: Chester to convene DRB hearing to get clarifications. See the 2nd section below for the press release. By Cynthia Prairie The judge reviewing the Chester Development Review Board’s April 2012 approval of a Dollar General store for Main Street has remanded the decision back to the DRB for a number clarifications. In effect, the […]
Dollar General Act 250 appeal to be heard in September; solar projects abound in Rutland
The appeal by Chester residents of the District 2 Commission decision to give Zaremba Group an Act 250 land use permit to build a 9,100-square-foot Dollar General store is scheduled to go before the Environmental Division of the Vermont Superior Court from Tuesday, Sept. 10 through Thursday, Sept. 12th. Judge Thomas Walsh will hear the […]
Appeal of Dollar General ruling filed; People’s bank offers smartphone deposits; farm credit distributes profit to members
Second Dollar General Appeal is filed O n behalf of a number of Chester residents who oppose the building of a Dollar General on Main Street, attorney James Dumont has filed a notice of appeal of the District 2 Environmental Commission’s ruling to grant an Act 250 permit to the project. The appeal of the Act […]