All Entries in the "Grafton" Category

Weston board OK’s paving bid for Lawrence Hill, Chester Mountain roads
By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Weston Select Board on Tuesday, April 14 approved a bid of $290,539 from Fuller Sand and Gravel of Danby pending review and approval of Road Foreman Almon Crandall. The bid is almost $50,000 under the next lowest bid, according to board member Jim Linville. The bid is […]

Who’s on the March 3 ballot for town offices in Andover, Cavendish, Chester & Grafton?
© 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Monday, Jan. 27 was the deadline for candidate petitions to be turned in at Town Clerks’ offices all over Vermont. Here are the candidates for offices in our area who will be voted on by Australian ballot on Tuesday, March 3. Those running for offices in Weston and Londonderry will […]

Take a run: Offices open in local governments Petitions to be on the ballot are due Jan. 27
Vermont’s towns are run by community minded folks who step up and serve in local government positions – from town clerks and select board members to Library Trustees, Listers, Constables and more. This is the time of year that residents can take out a petition to get on the ballot for Town Meeting Day elections. […]

Windstorm knocks out power for days
By Shawn Cunningham ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC A powerful storm on Thursday night into Friday left thousands of Green Mountain Power customers in the dark with many still powerless on Sunday morning. As of this morning — Monday — GMP was reporting 371 statewide customers without power with more than 25 percent in The Telegraph […]

Emerald ash borer found in Londonderry Surrounding towns now seen as infected or high risk
By Shawn Cunningham © 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Vermont Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation has announced that the emerald ash borer, a beetle that has been decimating ash trees from Michigan to Maine, now has been found in Londonderry. According to a statement released Thursday, the infested area includes all of Londonderry, Windham, […]

Grafton Road closed Aug. 14 through Aug. 16 Closure is part of ongoing repairs of Rt. 35
© 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC The major work currently being done on a portion of Grafton Road (Rt. 35) in Chester will require the closure of the road from Wednesday Aug. 14 through Friday Aug. 16. The road will be closed from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on those days. The detour around the closures […]

Grafton softens earlier language, delivers Route 35 petition to Chester
By Cynthia Prairie ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC It took three months, but Grafton Select Board chair Joe Pollio finally delivered the long-awaited petition to Chester Town officials demanding the quick repair of Route 35 in Chester. There is one twist. The petition, whose last of 232 signatures was apparently gathered more than two months ago, […]

Grafton Water-Wastewater Committee agenda for March 14
The Grafton Water-Wastewater Committee Meeting will be held at 4 p.m. at Thursday, March 14 at the Meeting Room of the Grafton Highway Garage, 220 Tom Bell Road, off Fisher Hill Road. Below is its agenda. 1. Adopt Agenda 2. Presentation by various agencies and commission regarding water and wastewater issues 3. Public Comment 4. […]

Pisha rebukes Grafton board on Rt. 35 facts Grafton Administrator Kearns seeks 'date certain' on repairs
By Cynthia Prairie ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC In a forceful letter, Chester Town Manager David Pisha has rebuked the Grafton Select Board for discussing Chester’s plans regarding repairs to Route 35 without calling the town first “to find out the facts.” “That is not how I would expect neighbors to behave,” he wrote in a […]

Grafton board chair ‘as private citizen’ starts drive to force Chester to repair Route 35
By Cynthia Prairie and Shawn Cunningham ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC Members of the Grafton Select Board are hoping to push the Chester Select Board to expedite repairs to Route 35 from the Williams River bridge to the Grafton line, after its chairman, Joe Pollio, mounted a petition drive that could possibly lead to court action. […]

Power outages enter fourth day as new storm approaches GMP warns further outages possible, be prepared
By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing, LLC For more than 2,500 Green Mountain Power customers in Southern-Central Vermont, this was another morning of waking up to find that electricity had not been restored overnight. And with final restoration slated for Saturday night, GMP is now warning of another storm that could cause outages at […]

Snow cripples area, thousands without power Falling trees, heavy snow hamper cleanup
By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Area residents awoke on Tuesday morning to cracking tree limbs and the woosh of heavy snow cascading off those trees and roofs. They also awoke in the dark as hundreds of trees, weighed down by the wet snow, toppled onto wires and roads and snarled traffic. Schools […]

Siblings charged with theft after crash in Grafton
© 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC A call for a car crash in Grafton early this Monday morning lead police to arrest both the driver and passenger on a number of charges. Just before 2 a.m., Vermont State Troopers were called to Hinkley Hill Road in Grafton for a vehicle that had gone off the road, […]

Brisk turnout for cold, rainy midterm contests
By Cynthia Prairie ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Tuesday’s General Election had three strikes against it: Most Vermont races – from U.S. Congress to the governor’s mansion and the State House – were pretty much foregone conclusions even before Tuesday and wouldn’t make a huge impact on the national scene; Mid-terms are usually ho-hum affairs that […]

Saxtons River collaborative hosts resiliency forum
The Saxtons River Watershed Collaborative, a group of residents and town officials from within the watershed, will host the “Resilient Roads Community Forum” from 6 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 23, in the Saxtons River Elementary School gymnasium, 15 School St. The event will host the road foremen from the towns within the Saxtons […]

Summer road work to begin in Londonderry
By Neil B. Thorley © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC In the next few weeks, several sections of road in Londonderry will be undergoing maintenance. The largest will be on the southern end of Thompsonburg Road entering South Londonderry. The resurfacing work will stretch from Old School Street to Cross Road and include the apron […]

VSP seeks help in Grafton burglary
© 2018 Telegraph Publishing, LLC According to a VSP press release, sometime between March 26 and the evening of March 27 2018, burglars stole several pieces of equipment from the Accardo home on Cabell Road in Grafton. Scott Accardo told police that a Yamaha 100 cc dirt bike, white Polaris Predator 90 cc 4-wheeler and […]

Grafton Town Meeting warning for March 6, 2018
Below is the warning for the Grafton Town Meeting, including school districts, to be held at Grafton Elementary School, 58 School St. The legal voters of the Town and Town School Districts of Grafton, Vermont are hereby warned and notified to meet in the Grafton Elementary School on Tuesday, March 6, 2018 at 10:00 AM […]

Weston Select Board hires new Lister Consultant, tables other actions
By Bruce Frauman ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC The only action the Weston Select Board took on Tuesday, Sept. 26 was at the end of the meeting after an executive session, when the board voted to give Howie Brosseau, the town’s chief Lister, the authority to hire Linda Sherman as a Lister Consultant. The listers, Weston […]

Police look for leads in Grafton burglary
On Sept.11, the Vermont State Police received a report of a burglary on the Chester Road in Grafton. According to police, sometime within the past year someone broke into the house through a back window and stole a Charlie Hunter painting. In addition to the painting, a red Sunfish sailboat with a red and white […]