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O'Keefe seeks direction on Williams Dam

O’Keefe seeks direction on Williams Dam Treasurer addresses changes to proposed budget

By Bruce Frauman ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC The fate of the Williams Dam was the first topic brought up when Londonderry Town and Zoning Administrator Shane O’Keefe asked the Select Board on Jan. 21 to give him some guidance for the next six months to two years. Board member George Mora asked O’Keefe to help […]

Derry continues to mull future of Williams Dam

Derry continues to mull future of Williams Dam Changes made to draft Town Warning

By Bruce Frauman ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC The future of the Williams Dam in Londonderry continues to be a topic of concern for town residents and officials. At the Jan. 7 Select Board meeting, Emergency Management Director Kevin Beattie said that a grant to study the effects of a breech of Williams Dam is off […]

Derry board hears Lowell Lake concerns, hires town administrator

Derry board hears Lowell Lake concerns, hires town administrator

By Bruce Frauman © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Even the hiring of a new Londonderry town administrator was overshadowed by the ongoing uproar over the state’s plans for Lowell Lake Park. While the Select Board voted to appoint Shane O’Keefe as the new Town, Zoning, and Floodplain Administrator, former administrator Robert Nied, who left his […]

State outlines plans for Lowell Lake, Master Plan

State outlines plans for Lowell Lake, Master Plan Derry residents concerned about noise, wildlife, safety

By Bruce Frauman © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC The 38 people attending a meeting on Monday, Dec. 10 to engage in the planning and design process for a Master Plan for Lowell Lake State Park in Londonderry for the most part expressed concern that the park is already overcrowded and environmentally vulnerable. While praising the […]

Derry to re-combine town, zoning admin posts

Derry to re-combine town, zoning admin posts Board assesses surprise snowstorm response, recovery

By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC In response to an applicant for the zoning administrator position, Londonderry Select Board member George Mora revealed on Monday, Dec. 3 that the board had decided to combine this open position with the town administrator, as had been the case under Robert Nied, who held both positions until […]

Power outages enter fourth day as new storm approaches

Power outages enter fourth day as new storm approaches GMP warns further outages possible, be prepared

By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing, LLC For more than 2,500 Green Mountain Power customers in Southern-Central Vermont, this was another morning of waking up to find that electricity had not been restored overnight. And with final restoration slated for Saturday night, GMP is now warning of another storm that could cause outages at […]

Snow cripples area, thousands without power

Snow cripples area, thousands without power Falling trees, heavy snow hamper cleanup

By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Area residents awoke on Tuesday morning to cracking tree limbs and the woosh of heavy snow cascading off those trees and roofs. They also awoke in the dark as hundreds of trees, weighed down by  the wet snow, toppled onto wires and roads and snarled traffic. Schools […]

Damaged ash removals in Derry tagged at $100,000

Damaged ash removals in Derry tagged at $100,000

By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Londonderry Tree Warden Kevin Beattie has estimated that the cost of removing ash trees along the town’s rights of way to be about $100,000 and recommended that the town set up a reserve fund to meet the challenge. At its Monday, Nov. 19, meeting, the Londonderry Select Board […]

Brisk turnout for cold, rainy midterm contests

Brisk turnout for cold, rainy midterm contests

By Cynthia Prairie ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Tuesday’s General Election had three strikes against it: Most Vermont races – from U.S. Congress to the governor’s mansion and the State House – were pretty much foregone conclusions even before Tuesday and wouldn’t make a huge impact on the national scene; Mid-terms are usually ho-hum affairs that […]

Derry board mulls administrative openings, police coverage

Derry board mulls administrative openings, police coverage

By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC The majority of the business done by the Londonderry Select Board on Monday, Nov. 5 was handled in executive session to discuss personnel issues and compensation concerning filling the positions that Robert Nied’s departure on Nov. 1 left open. For the past year, he has served as town […]

Thieves hit Derry, Wardsboro stores overnight

Thieves hit Derry, Wardsboro stores overnight

Vermont State Police are investigating a burglary in Wardsboro and an attempted burglary in Londonderry, both of which took place in the wee hours of Wednesday morning. According to a VSP press release, just before 2 a.m., two people broke into the Wardsboro General Store, at 23 Main St. in Wardsboro. Police responded to the […]

Derry bear was ready for his close-up

Derry bear was ready for his close-up

By Cynthia Prairie ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC It’s not every day that a Vermonter gets to shoot a bear up-close without inflicting bodily harm on the bear, but that is exactly what Londonderry resident Julie Adams did on Sunday morning. Adams was fast asleep when, around 12:15 a.m., she was awakened to the barks of […]

Act 171 & forest blocks: Derry hosts ANR with changes to town plans down the road

Act 171 & forest blocks: Derry hosts ANR with changes to town plans down the road

By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Act 171, which the governor signed into law more than two years ago, will impact towns throughout Vermont as the state attempts to save Vermont’s wildlife, including large animals such as deer, bear and moose and smaller ones such as foxes and otter, by preserving “habitat connectors” that […]

Derry man charged in theft from prayer house

Derry man charged in theft from prayer house

© 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC A Londonderry man has been charged in a Jamaica burglary while Vermont State Police try to identify an accomplice. Timothy Slade, 27 of Londonderry, was arrested on Saturday by Vermont State Police and charged with petit larceny, unlawful mischief and possession of burglary tools. According to a VSP press release, […]

Derry board OKs engineering study on Williams Dam

Derry board OKs engineering study on Williams Dam

By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Londonderry Select Board on Monday voted to allow Emergency Management Director Kevin Beattie to pursue an Advanced Assistance Funding grant to pay for an engineering study of the Williams Dam, which sits beneath the bridge on Route 11 near 100. Beattie referred to a 2015 Department of […]

Derry Town Admin Nied leaving post after year

Derry Town Admin Nied leaving post after year

By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Londonderry Town Administrator Robert Nied, who also has served as  zoning administrator, has resigned his positions effective Nov. 5, after just one year on the job. He was hired by the board in early October of 2017 and began working full-time in November 2017 in the combined rolls […]

Derry board OKs Energy chapter, moves to update Hazard Mitigation Plan

Derry board OKs Energy chapter, moves to update Hazard Mitigation Plan

By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC With no discussion, the Londonderry Select Board approved the Energy Amendment to the Town Plan at its Monday, Oct. 1 meeting. Board member Tom Cavanagh said he believed “we have had a lot of discussion about it with the support of the Windham Regional Commission.” Board member Bob […]

Derry board to vote on Energy Plan Oct. 1

Derry board to vote on Energy Plan Oct. 1

By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC No one from the public commented during the required public hearing on the Enhanced Energy Plan proposed for the Londonderry Town Plan. The hearing was held prior to Monday night’s Select Board meeting. The board then added the plan to its Oct. 1 meeting agenda for their vote. […]

VTrans urges narrowed Route 11 junction

VTrans urges narrowed Route 11 junction Mulling safety, Derry board members dismiss suggestion

By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Londonderry Traffic Committee and Select Board member George Mora said at the Londonderry Select Board meeting on Monday, Sept. 10 that representatives of VTrans have recommended that the width of the junction of Thompsonburg Road at Route 11 be narrowed into a “T” so cars would have to […]

Man charged in dozens of Derry area crimes

Man charged in dozens of Derry area crimes

© 2018 Telegraph Publishing, LLC A Bellows Falls man was charged yesterday in more than three dozen incidents of burglary and other crimes that took place in the Londonderry area between May 2015 and April 2017. Vermont State Police say that Travis Despain, 27, burglarized businesses, schools, churches and town offices, as well as homes […]