All Entries in the "Londonderry" Category

Derry board covers much in short meeting New Sunday operator, hours at Transfer Station; Thompsonburg Road problem discussed
By Bruce Frauman © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC In its 35-minute meeting on Monday, April 16, the Londonderry Select Board changed personnel and time of operation on Sundays at the Transfer Station. Board chair Jim Ameden said Matthew Wilder, who had been operating the Transfer Station on Sundays, was sent a letter requesting his approval […]

Derry to pursue pilot sanitation project Platt properties are final FEMA flood mitigation projects
By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Londonderry Select Board on Monday night approved a proposal from Planning Commission chair Sharon Crossman to write a letter of interest to the Rich Earth Institute and the Windham Regional Commission to be chosen for a Village Sanitation Pilot Project. The Select Board has been considering participating […]

Ed Brown to put Mill Tavern in Derry up for sale After 50 years, owner says he's closing restaurant
By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC After 50 years, Ed Brown intends to put his Londonderry restaurant, the Mill Tavern, up for sale after he serves the last guests when he closes the restaurant up for the season on Saturday, March 31. While an old looking for sale sign hangs on the inside front […]

Derry board hears about traffic safety data, Energy Committee’s next steps
By Cherise Madigan 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Appointments and announcements dominated the first meeting of the Londonderry Select Board following Town Meeting, with acting chairman Jim Ameden — who previously served as chairman between 2005 and 2016 — formalizing his leadership of the board, and fellow member George Mora elected to vice chair. The Monday, […]

Taconic & Green School District budget passes by wide margin
By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Voters of the nine towns encompassing the Taconic and Green Regional School District overwhelmingly approved the five articles presented by Australian ballot on March 6, 2018, including a $32 million budget for the next fiscal year. T&G represents the Act 46 outcome of the nine towns and the […]

Prouty legacy continues on Derry Select Board; VSP cuts coverage, contract downsized
By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC For the first time in recent memory, the voters of Londonderry completed all its business during Town Meeting before taking a lunch break on Tuesday afternoon. Despite the quick meeting, of note was the fact that Taylor Prouty will be continuing the legacy of his grandfather and father […]

Derry board OKs new Planning Commission member
By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Londonderry Select Board met for a mere 23 minutes Monday night with the primary business of appointing a new member to the Planning Commission. Planning Commission chair Sharon Crossman introduced Mary “Mimi” Adams Lines to the Select Board and recommended her appointment. Lines said she knows “a […]

Residents get a rundown on state plans for Lowell Lake
By Bruce Frauman © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Thirty-five people crowded into the meeting room of the Twitchell Building in Londonderry on Thursday, Feb. 15 to learn about state Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation plans for the development and management of Lowell Lake State Park, off Route 11 in Londonderry. District Forestry manager Nate […]

Derry Candidates Night: 2 candidates, 8 attendees, 9 minutes
By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC At an extremely short and sparsely attended Londonderry Candidates Night, held at the Twitchell Building on Tuesday, Feb. 13, two candidates showed up, one an incumbent seeking a second term to the Londonderry Select Board. Tom Cavanagh, who is completing the final year of the three-year term Jim […]

Derry board recommends cut in police funding, preps for town meeting
By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Londonderry Select Board on Monday night voted to recommend that this year’s request for police funding be reduced to $50,000 from the current $86,000, when the issue comes before the voters at Town Meeting in March. Town Administrator Robert Nied said State Police Lt. Anthony French can […]

Brown pleads not guilty to charges in wall painting
© 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Londonderry restaurant owner Ed Brown pleaded not guilty to a charge of unlawful mischief in Windham County Superior Court, Criminal Division this afternoon, according to a court employee. The charges stem from Brown painting over a student-designed mural on a state-owned concrete wall across from his restaurant’s parking lot on […]

Sewer, water system for Derry? Town in preliminary mulling stage
By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Londonderry Select Board has agreed to allow the town to participate in two studies with the aim of possibly creating water and sanitation systems in certain portions of town. Town Administrator Robert Nied, who introduced the studies at the Londonderry Select Board meeting on Jan. 22, said […]

Seeking petitions, Derry board rejects four funding requests
By Bruce Frauman ©2018-Telegraph Publishing LLC The Londonderry Select Board on Jan. 8 went through the list of appropriation requests to be voted on from the floor as it prepared for the March Town Meeting. Four organizations requesting money from the town were denied a spot on the warning by the Select Board unless they […]

New requests in Derry bring voted articles to $91,000
By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Fiscal requests to be voted on from the floor at Londonderry’s Town Meeting in March are almost $23,000 above the nearly $68,000 approved in 2017, according to a preliminary list compiled by Treasurer Tina Labeau and presented to the Londonderry Select Board on Dec. 18. At that meeting, […]

Readying to move, Gordon resigns from Derry board;
mediator mulls returning Brown case to State’s Attorney
By Bruce Frauman 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC Select Board chair Paul Gordon announced his resignation from the board at its Monday, Dec. 18 meeting, saying that he and his wife will be moving to Virginia after selling their Londonderry home more quickly than expected. For the past nine years, Gordon had served on the Planning […]

Pajala, ready to take Olsen’s House seat, eyes taxes, economic development
© 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC Londonderry Town Clerk Kelley Pajala was appointed by Gov. Phil Scott on Thursday to fill the unexpired portion of Oliver Olsen’s term in the Vermont House. Pajala threw her hat in the ring shortly after Olsen announced that he was stepping down on Oct 15. Pajala put her name forward […]

Brown counteroffers on mural damage; Derry board hears shed update
By Bruce Frauman ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC Restaurant owner Ed Brown has offered to pay $500 to Flood Brook School as compensation for painting over the mural students designed several years ago, Londonderry Select Board chair Paul Gordon said at Monday’s board meeting. He said that the offer was relayed by Jackie Trepanier, program director […]

Derry addresses emergency planning, coordination
Residents of Londonderry are invited to a followup meeting in early January to discuss emergency planning and coordination in the town. In early November, Londonderry Emergency Management, the Mighty Londonderry Community Resilience Organization and Vermont Emergency Management had conducted a tabletop exercise focusing on responding to and recovering from a crisis situation. In this case, […]

Derry board to ask for compensation in mural destruction; zoning enforcement to be stepped up
By Bruce Frauman ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Londonderry Select Board on Monday voted to propose to the Brattleboro Community Justice Center that restaurateur Ed Brown make a $3,000 contribution to a fund for the wall that he painted over back in September. Brown had said he painted over a mural, on the Route 11 […]

Man issued notice against trespass in Londonderry home entry
© 2017 Telegraph Publishing, LLC Vermont State Police responded to a complaint of a man entering a residence in Londonderry this morning. According to a police press release, the man entered a private home on Sunday morning. The homeowner – who called police – told the responding trooper that the man was related to the […]