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Likely buyer comes forward for Frog's Leap Inn; animal issues addressed

Likely buyer comes forward for Frog’s Leap Inn; animal issues addressed

By Bruce Frauman © 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC Board chair Paul Gordon announced at the Monday, July 3 Londonderry Select Board meeting that there is a purchase offer for the Frog’s Leap Inn.  The town ended up owning the former Hart property after a tax sale last year and no one bid on it at […]

Energy Chapter dominates as Derry panel tackles Town Plan

Energy Chapter dominates as Derry panel tackles Town Plan

By Bruce Frauman ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC A dozen Londonderry residents joined with the town’s Planning Commission to discuss a revised Town Plan that will guide Londonderry for the next eight years. The first issue out of the block at the June 26 hearing was what the town could do to prevent another solar array […]

South Derry fire department wins $84,000 FEMA grant

South Derry fire department wins $84,000 FEMA grant

By Shawn Cunningham © 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC Champion Fire Company No. 5 Chief Jeff Duda announced Friday morning that the South Londonderry company has won an $84,096 Assistance to Firefighter Grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Champion was one of seven FEMA grant winners in Vermont including Springfield with $250,069 and Wilmington with […]

Derry completes Genser buyout; Frog's Leap Inn fails to sell

Derry completes Genser buyout; Frog’s Leap Inn fails to sell

By Bruce Frauman ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC Applause broke out at the Londonderry Select Board meeting on Monday, June 19 when Town Administrator Stephanie Thompson said, “I am pleased to announce that as of  1 p.m. today we closed on the Genser property.” This marked the end of a six-year saga that began in August […]

Truck inspection yields cause of yesterday's Hazmat leak

Truck inspection yields cause of yesterday’s Hazmat leak

By Shawn Cunningham © 2017 Telegraph Publishing, LLC One nail, sticking up as little as a quarter of an inch from the surface of a pallet punctured one plastic drum being carried on a Clean Harbors Environmental Services truck and closed Rt. 103 in Chester for nearly 20 hours starting on Tuesday afternoon, according to […]

UPDATE: ROUTE 103 NOW OPEN   Route 103 South still closed as Hazmat cleanup continues

UPDATE: ROUTE 103 NOW OPEN Route 103 South still closed as Hazmat cleanup continues

By Shawn Cunningham © 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC At 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, more than 18 hours after the 911 call that unleashed a large emergency Hazmat response, Chester and Springfield firefighters, ambulance crews, local and DMV police and other responders were still on the scene with Rt. 103 South closed east of the Chester-Andover […]

Avoiding bear, driver crashes truck in Londonderry

Avoiding bear, driver crashes truck in Londonderry

By Shawn Cunningham © 2017 Telegraph Publishing, LLC The driver of a tractor trailer who swerved to avoid hitting a bear on Route 11 yesterday ended up crashing his truck, slowing and even stopping traffic in the area. According to the Vermont State Police, at about 5:30 Thursday morning, Saul Hernandez, 38,  of Allentown, Pa., […]

Derry should see Genser teardown, salt shed construction start soon

Derry should see Genser teardown, salt shed construction start soon

By Bruce Frauman ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC Several major projects – long in the works in Londonderry – appear to be moving to resolution this month. At its Monday, June 5 meeting, the Londonderry Select Board heard that the closing on the buyout of the flooded Genser property should happen within a month, and that […]

Derry resident tells board of problems below solar farm; Town Plan ready for hearing

Derry resident tells board of problems below solar farm; Town Plan ready for hearing

By Bruce Frauman ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC The resident of the blue house located below a solar array, which is now owned and operated by Green Mountain Community Solar, brought to the Londonderry Select Board Monday, May 15  her story of broken promises and a difficult living situation. Jennifer Grycel, whose home is owned by […]

'Worst of the worst' on Route 11 budgeted for summer temp fix

‘Worst of the worst’ on Route 11 budgeted for summer temp fix

By Shawn Cunningham © 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC Complaints by local officials about the poor condition of Route 11 between Londonderry and Chester appear to have gained some traction of late as VTrans has offered an interim step in repairing the road. And one Londonderry ambulance service member says improvements can’t come soon enough since […]

Derry board talks Transfer Station changes, salt shed construction

Derry board talks Transfer Station changes, salt shed construction

By Bruce Frauman ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC In a busy session, the Londonderry Select Board Monday night wrestled with a number of long-term issues including Irene buyouts, the town’s salt and sand shed, solar installations and appointments. Solid Waste coordinator Esther Fishman, who is in the process of creating a cashless payment system for the […]

Rt 11 solar firm to Derry board: more panels, screening to be added

Rt 11 solar firm to Derry board: more panels, screening to be added

By Bruce Frauman ©2017-Telegraph Publishing LLC Bruce Genereaux, owner of Green Mountain Community Solar, told the Londonderry Select Board at its Monday, April 17 meeting about his plans for adding to and screening a solar array on Route 11 in the town. Genereaux said he may double the array, which currently stands at 150 Kw […]

Derry board taps Forbes as new member; punch cards possible at Transfer Station

Derry board taps Forbes as new member; punch cards possible at Transfer Station

By Bruce Frauman ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC Robert Forbes will return as a member of the Londonderry Select Board after his appointment by the board on Monday, April 3. After considering several candidates who the board did not name, chair Paul Gordon said that Forbes had the experience the board could use since it has […]

After years of promises, state to fix crumbling Route 11 in 2019

After years of promises, state to fix crumbling Route 11 in 2019

By Shawn Cunningham © 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC A little over a month ago, 911 dispatchers received a call about an eastbound tractor trailer that was “all over the road” on Route 11 west of Chester.  When Chester Police Det. Andy Brothers stopped the truck, the driver of the rig explained that he “was trying […]

Derry moves to correct 'violations;' addresses setbacks on Route 100 solar array

Derry moves to correct ‘violations;’ addresses setbacks on Route 100 solar array

By Bruce Frauman ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC Building safety issues were brought to the Londonderry Select Board’s attention at its March 15 meeting, when board chair Paul Gordon read aloud a resignation letter from Road Foreman Duane Hart. But calling them “violations” – as Hart did — may be too strong a statement, said board […]

Tools taken in Derry Transfer Station burglary

Tools taken in Derry Transfer Station burglary

Sometime between closing on Monday afternoon and opening Tuesday morning, there was a burglary at the Londonderry Transfer Station at 7060 Route 100 in Londonderry. According to a press release, the Vermont State Police were contacted around 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, March 21 with a report of a break-in. The complainant told police that several […]

Derry begins search for new board member, road foreman

Derry begins search for new board member, road foreman

By Bruce Frauman ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Londonderry Select Board, at a special meeting on Wednesday, March 15 accepted the resignations of  Select Board member Will Reed and Road Foreman Duane Hart, both of whom had tendered their resignations following Town Meeting the week before. The board also made Paul Gordon its chair and […]

Nor'easter blankets region, closing shops, causing accidents

Nor’easter blankets region, closing shops, causing accidents

© 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Nor’easter that promised 18 inches of snow for New York has fizzled, but it’s keeping its promises to the New England coast … and Vermont. The snow started in most of the area around 6 a.m. Tuesday and by nightfall hadn’t let up since. See photo gallery below. At […]

Board member Reed, road chief Hart quit Derry government

Board member Reed, road chief Hart quit Derry government

By Bruce Frauman ©2017-Telegraph Publishing LLC In the wake of the Londonderry Town Meeting last week, two key government officials have resigned: Select Board member Will Reed, who was starting the second year of a two-year term, and Road Foreman Duane Hart. Reed offered this written statement to The Chester Telegraph: “There is a conflict […]

Mora, Ameden, Cavanaugh win Derry board seats; police contract renewed, salt shed gets voter approval

Mora, Ameden, Cavanaugh win Derry board seats; police contract renewed, salt shed gets voter approval

By Bruce Frauman ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC Attracting more votes than any other candidate, George Mora was elected to the Londonderry Select Board during Town Meeting on Tuesday March 7. In a face-off with Chad Stoddard for the two-year position vacated by Wayne Blanchard, Mora tallied 125 votes to Stoddard’s 65. Former board chair James […]