All Entries in the "Londonderry" Category

Londonderry Select Board agenda for Oct. 5
The Londonderry Select Board will hold a regular meeting at 6 p.m. on Monday Oct. 5, 2020 via Zoom. To join the meeting online click Via telephone: (929) 205-6099 (Meeting ID: 2 0967) It is strongly recommended that potential participants familiarize themselves with Zoom software ( prior to the meeting as the Board will […]

Casting your ballot: A guide to voting procedures
By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Voting in this pandemic year will not be like any vote we have ever cast and Secretary of State Jim Condos is suggesting that everyone have a voting plan. One suggestion is to vote by Saturday, Oct. 24 — “to reduce contact at polling places and to […]

Derry Main St. paving wraps for season as town begins to focus on future Master Plan
By Cherise Madigan ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Londonderry’s Main Street paving project will continue into November, Town Administrator Shane O’Keefe announced at Monday’s Londonderry Select Board meeting, and the project is on-schedule to be completed this fall with the exception of a wear coat — the final driving surface for the newly paved road that […]

Initiative looks to expand fiber-optic internet access in Derry, Weston In time of Covid-19, high speed service vital to education, public health, business
By Cherise Madigan ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent stay-at-home orders, Vermonters in some towns are feeling the lack of high-speed internet more than ever. While some area towns like Chester and Andover have had fiber optic for several years because Vtel received a federal grant to wire […]

Suit claims Londonderry sold home via tax sale without proper notice
By Cherise Madigan ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Was a Londonderry home sold without the knowledge of its owner? That’s the question posed by a lawsuit filed against the Town of Londonderry that claims that a homeowner’s constitutional rights to due process and protection from the unlawful seizure of property were violated. Emanuel Contos of Glastonbury, […]

Project Londonderry seeks community participation to move town forward
Project Londonderry is a new initiative from the Londonderry Planning Commission to create a citizen-driven group to “identify and implement strategies and activities that 1) sustain and improve the economic vitality of our town, and 2) meet the expressed needs of our residents, with special attention to the north and south village centers.” How did […]

Derry dog owner addresses barking issue; board appoints Health Officer
By Cherise Madigan ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC At a special session of the Londonderry Select Board on Monday, the board appointed a new Town Health Officer, heard from a resident whose dog’s barking was discussed by the board at its Aug. 17 meeting and went into executive session to discuss potential litigation. Cobble Ridge dog […]

Livestock dog’s barking agitates Derry neighbors
By Cherise Madigan ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC In the time allotted for public comment at the Aug. 17 meeting of the Londonderry Select Board, a disagreement over a barking dog on Cobble Ridge Road prompted the board to examine its potential role in community conflict resolution, state and local statutes regarding livestock guardian dogs, and […]

Route 11 work continues, but Derry road side mowing delayed
By Cherise Forbes ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Board chair George Mora began the Monday, Aug. 17 meeting of the Londonderry Select Board, held via Zoom, by providing an update on the Route 11 paving project and, later, Board member Taylor Prouty explained why the town isn’t doing roadside mowing. Mora told the board that she […]

Mail-in ballots during primary provide test-run for November General Election Landgrove claims top voter turnout in VT
By Cherise Forbes and Shawn Cunningham Voting looked more than a little different from past elections in many towns during Vermont’s Primary Election on Tuesday, Aug. 11, due to added precautions and new polling configurations in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. Nonetheless, turnout kept pace with past years — even topping those in some communities […]

Derry offers drive through voting option, Fire Co. signs up for state mask program
By Bruce Frauman © 2020 Telegraph Publishing, LLC Emergency Management Director Kevin Beattie told the Londonderry Select Board at its Monday, Aug. 3 meeting that Champion #5 Fire Company in South Londonderry has signed up for the state program Operation Cloth Face-Covering for Everyone, which should make available 400 masks locally. Board member Tom Cavanagh […]

Londonderry woman dies in crash
© 2020 Telegraph Publishing, LLC A Londonderry woman has died as a result of an early afternoon motor vehicle crash in Salisbury, Vt. According to a Vermont State Police Press release, Joan Dayton, 72 of Londonderry was a passenger in a car driven by Center Merrill, 77 also of Londonderry. Just after 1 p.m., Merrill […]

Derry board sets tax rates, ratifies mask order
By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Londonderry Select Board on Monday, July 20 voted to set a municipal property tax rate of $0.40401 per $100 of assessed value and to accept the state homestead rate of $1.6130 and the non-homestead rate of $1.6380. The municipal tax rate funds the operation of town government. […]

Derry Select Board orders mask wearing Board chair: Gov. Scott put small town leaders in 'untenable situation'
By Cynthia Prairie and Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Select Board of the town of Londonderry voted in a special meeting on Wednesday, July 15, to mandate that the public and employees wear masks or other face coverings in local businesses. The board was prompted to take the action, said board chair George […]

Derry board chair condemns graffiti; town moves forward on fiber optic
By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC In response to the discovery of anti-Black Lives Matter graffiti painted on Route 100 in South Londonderry and in Jamaica, Londonderry Select Board chair George Mora on Monday, July 6, said “racist intimidation has no place in Londonderry” or elsewhere in the United States. The lack of a […]

S. Derry, Jamaica area hit with anti-BLM graffiti
By Cherise Madigan ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC When South Londonderry residents at the intersection of Winhall Hollow Road and Route 100 awoke on Monday morning, something on their block had changed: fresh spray paint marked the pavement in the center of the road. It read: “BLM [Black Lives Matter] is racist.” Similar graffiti would later […]

Dr. Barbeau, founder of Neighborhood Connections, honored with car parade
By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC .Nicole Wengerd, the new executive director of Neighborhood Connections in Londonderry, introduced founding member Delores Barbeau by saying doctors told Barbeau that she should not be alive. Barbeau has Stage 4 cancer and was not expected to live beyond May. Wengerd then joked, “What do doctors know?” The […]

VSP investigate Londonderry burglary
© 2020 Telegraph Publishing, LLC Vermont State Police are investigating a recent burglary in the Pierce Ridge Road area of Londonderry. According to a VSP press release, sometime between June 16 and July 3, someone forced entry into the locked residence of Luke Spiess of Griswold, Conn. and stole a 9mm handgun. Police are asking […]

Derry ponders burn ordinance; pushes racial justice resolution to Town Meeting
By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC In a meeting with plenty of discussion but little action, on Monday, June 15, Town Administrator Shane O’Keefe told the Londonderry Select Board that he will continue to work on a draft of a town ordinance to ban the burning of trash. He said he will base Londonderry’s […]

Quick action by firefighters prevents large blaze in South Derry
By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The quick action of area fire departments kept a late morning chimney fire from getting out of control in South Londonderry today. Firefighters from the Champion Fire Company responded to the fire at the corner of Middletown and Crescent roads a little after 11 a.m. and when […]