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Fed compliance to state Covid-19 regs at issue in Derry

Fed compliance to state Covid-19 regs at issue in Derry

By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Emergency Management Director Kevin Beattie told the Londonderry Select Board at its June 1 meeting that he has asked the manager of the Winhall Brook Campground to ask campers to bring their own food and supplies so they can stay there once they arrive in accordance with state […]

Derry board adopts resolution asking shoppers to wear masks

Derry board adopts resolution asking shoppers to wear masks VTrans explains Route 11 repaving project, process

  By Bruce Frauman 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC After considerable discussion, the Londonderry Select Board on May 18, approved a resolution that requests that people shopping at Londonderry businesses wear a mask as the town attempts to protect workers and residents from the continuing threat of the Covid-19 virus. Board chair George Mora will work […]

Beattie: Food shortages, large gatherings of concern in Derry

Beattie: Food shortages, large gatherings of concern in Derry

By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Londonderry Emergency Management Director Kevin Beattie updated the Select Board via Zoom on Monday, May 4 about Covid-19 conditions in the state and the local response, opening a meeting that lasted more than 2½ hours. Beattie said his biggest concern is that people are getting short of money […]

Derry Town Office opens pickup window

Derry Town Office opens pickup window Service covers Transfer Station, dog license fees

The Londonderry Town Office, 100 Old School St. in South Londonderry, has started pickup service for Transfer Station stickers and punch cards as well as dog licenses. The window is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Wednesday. Transfer Station fees Residential Stickers […]

Police seek help to ID check-fraud suspect

Police seek help to ID check-fraud suspect

© 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Vermont State Police are asking for the public’s help in identifying a woman who attempted to cash a fraudulent check at People’s Bank in Londonderry on Monday. According to a VSP press release, at around 3 p.m. Monday a woman in her 60s  had walked up to the drive-though […]

Derry Emergency Management chief outlines actions during Covid-19 crisis

Derry Emergency Management chief outlines actions during Covid-19 crisis

By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Londonderry Select Board met for two hours and 40 minutes on April 20 in a Zoom session mostly to hear about what work Emergency Management Director Kevin Beattie was doing to protect the community during the Covid-19 crisis. Beattie said a virtual Emergency Operations Center to respond […]

Bondville man charged for cocaine sales in Londonderry

Bondville man charged for cocaine sales in Londonderry

© 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC On Tuesday, Vermont State Police arrested a Bondville man on charges that he sold cocaine in the Londonderry area. According to a VSP press release, Nathan Clark, 31, was arrested by the Southern Vermont Drug Task force as a result of an investigation into the sale of illicit drugs in […]

New ways to do business with Town of Londonderry, Transfer Station & Library

New ways to do business with Town of Londonderry, Transfer Station & Library

While the Londonderry Town Office and the S. Londonderry Library are closed to the public during the Covid-19 crisis, there are still ways you can conduct business with the town, check out books and use the Wi-Fi.  And the Transfer Station is still open for some services. Doing business with the town If you need […]

Derry board briefed on pandemic readiness

Derry board briefed on pandemic readiness George Mora elected new Select Board chair

By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC As he spoke about the town’s preparation for the Covid-19 crisis, Londonderry Emergency Management Director Kevin Beattie told the Select Board on Monday, March 16 that the primary issue nationally is to slow the spread of the virus so that the medical infrastructure can keep up with the […]

Londonderry Select Board agenda for March 16

Londonderry Select Board agenda for March 16

The Londonderry Select Board will hold its regular meeting at 7 p.m. on Monday March 16 at the Twitchell Office Building, 100 Old School Street, South Londonderry. Below is its agenda: 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Additions or Deletions to the Agenda 3. Organization a. Elect a Selectboard Chair and Vice-Chair b. Set Regular […]

Derry board OKs new speed limits along Middletown Road

Derry board OKs new speed limits along Middletown Road

By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC At the last meeting with Board chair Jim Ameden and member Bob Forbes before they would step aside for two newly elected board members, the Londonderry Select Board on March 2 approved speed limits on Middletown Road. After consulting online maps, the board voted to place a 40 […]

Annunziata, Fleming elected to Derry Select Board

Annunziata, Fleming elected to Derry Select Board Pro-cannabis resolution passes; 1% options tax defeated

By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The 2020 Londonderry Town Meeting on Tuesday elected two new new members of the Select Board, rejected a 1 percent local options tax, passed a non-binding resolution supporting cannabis related business and left both constable positions vacant. Vincent Annunziata was elected to a three-year term on the Select […]

Derry board indicates support for speed limits along Middletown Road

Derry board indicates support for speed limits along Middletown Road

By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC At their Feb. 17 meeting, Londonderry Select Board members Bob Forbes, George Mora and Tom Cavanagh all expressed support for imposing speed limits on Middletown Road. Based on engineering and traffic studies, Town Administrator Shane O’Keefe proposed a 30 mph speed limit from the intersection of VT Route […]

Two Derry Select Board veterans won't seek<br> re-election

Two Derry Select Board veterans won’t seek

By Bruce Frauman © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC During a sparsely attended Candidates’ Night forum held on Monday, Feb. 17, both Londonderry Select Board members who are up for re-election in March said they have chosen not to run again. Bob Forbes said that at this time in his life, he has other things going […]

Dale to Derry Selects: School budget to rise 4%

Dale to Derry Selects: School budget to rise 4%

By Bruce Frauman © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Dick Dale, a board member of the Taconic & Green Regional School District, spent considerable time at the Monday, Feb. 3 meeting of the Londonderry Select Board going over details of the school district’s proposed fiscal 2020-21 budget, which is 4 percent higher than in fiscal 2019-20. […]

Derry residents get rundown on feasibility study for water/wastewater systems

Derry residents get rundown on feasibility study for water/wastewater systems

By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC On Monday, Jan. 27, about 20 Londonderry residents gathered at the Twitchell Building for the first of three planned public meetings about a study to be conducted on the feasibility of creating town water and wastewater systems. Planning Commission chair Sharon Crossman told the group, “Every time we […]

N.Y. man charged with DUI after driving up Magic Mtn. slope

N.Y. man charged with DUI after driving up Magic Mtn. slope

A 59-year-old New York State resident was arrested Friday night after he attempted to drive a vehicle up a slope at Magic Mountain in Londonderry, according to Vermont State Police. He was charged with DUI#2, or driving under the influence for a second time. Both VSP and officers from the Winhall Police Department responded to […]

Derry budget holds slight tax hike; cannabis article at Town Meeting

Derry budget holds slight tax hike; cannabis article at Town Meeting

By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Londonderry Select Board on Monday, Jan. 20, passed a budget for fiscal year 2020/21 that will result in an expected total municipal tax rate of $0.40385 that includes the building reserve fund and all appropriations. This will result in about a $25 hike in taxes for a […]

Take a run: Offices open in local governments

Take a run: Offices open in local governments Petitions to be on the ballot are due Jan. 27

Vermont’s towns are run by community minded folks who step up and serve in local government positions – from town clerks and select board members to Library Trustees, Listers, Constables and more. This is the time of year that residents can take out a petition to get on the ballot for Town Meeting Day elections. […]

Londonderry public meeting to focus on concerns in water supply, wastewater conditions

Londonderry public meeting to focus on concerns in water supply, wastewater conditions

The Town of Londonderry will be holding the first of three public meetings to discuss concerns regarding water supply and/or wastewater disposal within the North and South Villages. This initial meeting will be held at 6 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 27 at the Town Office-Twitchell Building, 100 Old School St. in S. Londonderry. Londonderry has […]