All Entries in the "News in Brief" Category

Troopers to hikers – don’t leave valuables in vehicles
The Vermont State Police are warning the hiking public not to leave valuables in vehicles parked at the trailheads of recreation areas and state parks. Last year many cars were broken into at hiking access locations across Vermont. Valuables stolen from cars include purses, ipads, ipods, cash, credit cards, debit cards, social security cards, wallets, […]
Public comment sought on new zoning regs; meeting set for May 19
The Chester Planning Commission will hold a meeting at 7 p.m. Monday, May 19 so that the public can give its opinions on the most recent version of the town’s Unified Development Bylaws. The bylaws are comprised of Chester’s zoning regulations, subdivision standards and flood damage prevention standards. The meeting will be held at Town […]

Whiting installs loop for library patrons with hearing loss
A hearing loop has been installed in the Whiting Library Community Room to provide seamless delivery of sound to those with hearing aids or cochlear implants attending meetings, workshops, presentations and performances. The hearing loop is a memorial gift in honor of Helen Pratt Ladd, and made possible by a grant from the Ashgate […]

Forum to explain new state health insurance options
Rep. Leigh Dakin is inviting all residents in the Chester, Andover, Baltimore and Springfield communities to attend a presentation and open forum on Vermont Health Connect from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 20 at NewsBank Conference Center, 352 Main St., in Chester. Robin Lunge, director of the governor’s Office on Health Reform, will […]
Select Board to hold special meeting Thursday
The Chester Select Board is holding a special meeting at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 24 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. The agenda is listed below: Sign Town Warning Windsor County Budget Review DRB Appointments Beer & Wine Permit Vermont Institute of Contemporary Art Adjourn

Holly Jolly beginning of Christmas season
The second weekend of Overture of Christmas featured a puppet show at VTica, gingerbread house judging, caroling, storytelling and a live Nativity Scene. The 27th annual event was topped off with the arrival of Santa and Mrs. Claus and the lighting of the Town Tree. Click on any photo below to launch the photo gallery.

2 arrested in tool thefts; Family Center bake sale; Manchester Restaurant Week; Noye’s Fludde preview
Following a five-month investigation, Chester Police announced they have arrested two people on Wednesday, Oct. 24 and charged them with a burglary at the Gary Watkins residence on Popple Dungeon Road in Chester. Nearly $8,000 in tools were stolen. Luella Powell, 31, and Jason Morin, 27, both of the Springfield area, were arrested on felony […]