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Chester Development Review Board meeting for July 13, 2015

The Chester Development Review Board will meet at 6 p.m. Monday, July 13 for its regular meeting, preceded by two site visits beginning at 5 p.m. The first site visit will take place at 926 VT Rt. 103 S., followed by a 5:30 p.m. site visit at 3254 Green Mountain Turnpike. The regular meeting will […]

Bridge work to close Route 11 between Chester, Londonderry for 10 days

Bridge work to close Route 11 between Chester, Londonderry for 10 days

By Shawn Cunningham © 2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC UPDATE July 22: Bridge 41 on Route 11 between Chester and Londonderry was closed on Monday, July 20. It is expected to be closed through Thursday July 30. For a 10-day period between July and September, VTrans will be closing Route 11 for the rehabilitation of Bridge […]

Chester Select Board agrees to water project 'do-over'

Chester Select Board agrees to water project ‘do-over’

By Shawn Cunningham © 2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC In the wake of last Tuesday’s defeat of a vote to ratify the May 19 water project passage, the Chester Select Board met in a sparsely attended noon meeting on Thursday July 2 to affirm that it is behind the project and will bring it to another […]

Grafton Select Board agenda for Monday, July 6, 2015

The Grafton Select Board will meet at 6 p.m. Monday, July 6, at Grafton Elementary School, 58 School St. Below is its agenda. Public Comment Adopt Agenda Minutes: June 15, June 25 & June 26, 2015 Warrants: Payroll and Accounts Payable Highway Report Work Schedule Other Highway Issues Potential Wind Project (Kent Armstrong) Sale of […]

Chester Select Board calls special meeting on water project

Chester Select Board calls special meeting on water project

On the heels of the defeat of a ratification vote on the water system upgrade funding, the Chester Select Board has called a special meeting for noon on Thursday, July 2 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. The meeting agenda includes an update/discussion on the project and a public comments. According to Town Manager David […]

Chester Select Board Special Meeting, Thursday, July 2

The Chester Select Board has called a special meeting for noon, Thursday, July 2 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St., to discuss the water project. Below is its agenda. Water Project and Project Funding update/discussion Citizen Comments Adjourn

Peer review questions proposed Chester Jiffy Mart's traffic numbers

Peer review questions proposed Chester Jiffy Mart’s traffic numbers

By Shawn Cunningham ©2015-Telegraph Publishing LLC A  privately commissioned peer review of the traffic study submitted by Jiffy Mart has called into question the  numbers on which the convenience store chain has based its assertion that its proposed store would have no impact on congestion and crashes. The review was presented on Monday night, when […]

Chester voters overturn earlier vote approving water project

Chester voters overturn earlier vote approving water project

By Shawn Cunningham © 2015-Telegraph Publishing LLC A  vote to ratify the Chester water bond vote of May 19 went down to defeat today, Tuesday, June 30, in an anemic turnout of 143 voters out of a checklist of more than 2,000.  The final tally was 69 yes to 74 no. The ratification vote was […]

Q&A: Attorney Alan Biederman on the latest Zaremba/Dollar General victory

Q&A: Attorney Alan Biederman on the latest Zaremba/Dollar General victory

Alan Biederman represented Zaremba Group, the developer of the proposed Dollar General store in Chester, during the Act 250 appeals brought by opponents of the project.  He is a lawyer in Rutland who is happily heading toward retirement. Four questions were posed by email by Telegraph editor Cynthia Prairie. Biederman also responded by email. Except […]

In OK'ing Dollar General 'warehouse,' state Supreme Court affirms 'adverse effect'

In OK’ing Dollar General ‘warehouse,’ state Supreme Court affirms ‘adverse effect’

NOTE: Zaremba Group attorney Alan Biederman answered several questions for The Chester Telegraph concerning the appeals and other issues. You can read that article here. By Cynthia Prairie 2015-Telegraph Publishing LLC T he Vermont Supreme Court has given a green light for the construction of a Dollar General store on Main Street in Chester, after […]

Chester Select Board for Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Chester Select Board will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday July 1 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Below is its agenda. 1. Chester Town Plan Public Hearing 2. Approve Minutes from June 17, 2015 Select Board Meeting 3. Citizen Comments 4. Old Business 5. Andover MOU Review 6. Edson Monument Update; Ron Patch 7. […]

Water main break in Chester means 'all-nighter' for town crew

Water main break in Chester means ‘all-nighter’ for town crew

By Shawn Cunningham © 2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC A break in an 8-inch water main on Depot Street near Maple Street in Chester around 4 p.m. yesterday brought out a town crew that was expected to work through the night to make repairs. Until Water Superintendent Jeff Holden found the break and shut off the […]

Chester board reappoints DRB members without advertising openings

Chester board reappoints DRB members without advertising openings

By Shawn Cunningham ©2015-Telegraph Publishing LLC Several pending issues including action on the disposition of the Yosemite Fire House and a board member’s  request to discuss the formation of a fire district were missing from the agenda for the  Wednesday, June 17 meeting of the Chester Select  Board. But the board re-appoinnted  members of the […]

Grafton residents turn out to hear details behind wind project

Grafton residents turn out to hear details behind wind project

By Gloria Dufield ©2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC It was an appropriately windy evening on Tuesday, June 16, as about 75 Grafton residents gathered under a tent at Grafton Ponds for an informational session and picnic held by Meadowsend Timberlands Ltd. and Iberdrola Renewables about their proposed wind project. The two companies are the landowner and […]

To the editor: GMUHS principal thanks community for graduation participation

I am writing to publicly thank our communities for their continued support of Green Mountain Union High School. The graduation ceremony held on June 19, 2015 was very well-attended with hundreds of community members present to honor and congratulate the Class of 2015. The graduation was held outside and in beautiful weather. Our campus was […]

Supreme Court finds for Dollar General in zoning appeal; Act 250 appeal still pending

Supreme Court finds for Dollar General in zoning appeal; Act 250 appeal still pending

© 2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC On Thursday, June 11, a three-judge panel of the Vermont Supreme Court heard an appeal by opponents of a 9,100-square-foot Dollar General store proposed for a parcel directly across from the Country Girl Diner on Main Street in Chester. The following day, the “rocket docket” as the panel is known […]

Families crowd GMUHS for graduating Class of 2015

Families crowd GMUHS for graduating Class of 2015

By Leah M. Cunningham ©2015-Telegraph Publishing LLC On Friday, June 19, overcast and rainy skies cleared in time for the evening’s ceremonies, as Green Mountain Union High School awarded 57 diplomas to students heading to either college, the work force or the military. (See photo gallery below) Despite adding 200 chairs to bring audience seating […]

Chester to hold two public meetings and a vote next week

Chester to hold two public meetings and a vote next week

©2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC Two public hearings and a townwide vote will be held in Chester next week: Monday, June 29 – The Town of Chester will hold an informational meeting ahead of a second vote on the town’s $4 million water project. This is happening because the first vote was not properly warned for […]

Grafton Select Board meeting for Thursday morning

The Grafton Select Board has called a meeting for 7:30 a.m. Thursday, June 25 at the Select Board offices in Town Hall  at 117 Main St. in Grafton. Below is its agenda. Public Comment Adopt Agenda Warrants: Payroll and Accounts Payable Paving Bid Award Town Garage Financing Contract Town Pound Contract Other Business: Date of […]

Lowell Lake Road to close in July for culvert replacement

Beginning July 6, 2015, Lowell Lake Road in Londonderry will be closed to through traffic. A deteriorating culvert near the intersection of Lowell Lake Road and Mountain Lake Road will be replaced. The project is scheduled to take approximately one month and is funded by a VTrans Structures Grant from the State of Vermont. A […]