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Heather Chase: Increase public participation in town government

Heather Chase: Increase public participation in town government

©2015-Telegraph Publishing LLC Heather Chase is a Chester resident with four children. She is also a nurse and the owner of a small business, Corporate Lactation Services, a company she founded in 1996 to “assist companies in creating environments and programs that would allow women to continue to breastfeed once they return to work,” according […]

Candidates in contested Chester Select Board race address pressing issues

Candidates in contested Chester Select Board race address pressing issues

©2015-Telegraph Publishing LLC The Telegraph asked the two candidates for the open three-year term on the Chester Select Board to respond to a set of questions that address their vision for the town. The other two candidates — incumbents Tom Bock and Arne Jonynas — are unopposed in seeking re-election to one-year terms. The three-year […]

Weston Liquor Board and Select Board agendas for Tuesday, Feb. 24, 2015

The Town of Weston’s Liquor Control Board meeting will be held at 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 24 at Town Offices at 12 Lawrence Hill Road. At 7:30, the Weston Select Board will hold its meeting. Below are their agendas. Liquor Control Board 1. Any Requested Changes to the Agenda: 2. Second Class Liquor License: Weston […]

Londonderry hears from candidates, considers new fire truck

Londonderry hears from candidates, considers new fire truck

By Shawn Cunningham ©2015-Telegraph Publishing LLC About 25 people turned out for Candidates Night at Town Hall in South Londonderry on Tuesday Feb. 10. In the absence of town moderator Wendell Coleman, Select Board member Robert Cowles took over the moderating duties. Cowles also announced that after 18 years on the board, he would not […]

Chester firefighters stretched and cramped and looking for a solution

Chester firefighters stretched and cramped and looking for a solution

By Shawn Cunningham © 2015 Telegraph Publishing, LLC The two-bay end of the town garage that houses the Chester Fire Department was quiet on a recent evening — a welcomed break from more than a month of non-stop action for the 17 part-time firefighters, whose main coverage area spans 89 hilly square miles in Chester […]

Chester Select Board agenda for Feb. 18, 2015

The Chester Select Board will hold its regular meeting on Wednesday February 18, 2015 at 7 p.m. at Town Hall 556 Elm Street. Below is its agenda.  Approve Minutes from February 4, 2015 Selectboard Meeting Citizen Comments Old Business Liquor License Renewals Free Range Restaurant Sunoco Lisai’s Water Project Update; Naomi Johnson Merritt Edson Day; […]

Grafton Select Board meeting for Monday, Feb. 16, 2015

The Grafton Select Board will meet on Monday, Feb. 16 at 6 p.m. at Grafton Elementary on School Street in Grafton. Below is its agenda. Public Comment Adopt Agenda Town Audit – Fred Duplessis Minutes: Jan. 19, 2015 Warrants: Payroll and Accounts Payable Highway Report Work Schedule Town Garage Update Other Highway Issues Delinquent Taxes […]

Community architect addresses villages' futures at Rotary talk

Community architect addresses villages’ futures at Rotary talk

By Shawn Cunningham ©2015-Telegraph Publishing LLC An architect who specializes in helping people think about the futures of their town centers attracted a crowd of 45  to the Fullerton Inn in Chester last Thursday night. While most were from Chester, residents of Ludlow, Londonderry, Springfield and Grafton also came to hear the Chester Rotary Club-sponsored […]

Board seeks higher return on Chester economic loan fund

Board seeks higher return on Chester economic loan fund

By Shawn Cunningham ©2015-Telegraph Publishing LLC Having speculated for several years whether a loan fund created to help Chester’s businesses could get a higher rate of return on its unused balance, the Chester Select Board heard a presentation by representatives of the wealth management division of People’s Bank at its Feb.y 4 meeting. The Chester […]

Chester Police Log for Nov. 7, 2014 to Jan. 28, 2015

Chester Police Log for Nov. 7, 2014 to Jan. 28, 2015

Editor’s Note: The Chester Telegraph Police Log is a sampling of incidents directly from Chester Police reports. We do not identify individual victims of crimes nor those who have been arrested. Friday, Nov. 7, 2014,  5:37 p.m. A Londonderry resident was charged with reckless endangerment after a Chester resident reported that as he was driving […]

Only one contested race in Chester, eight offices have no candidates

The petitions have been submitted, the signatures checked and here is the slate of candidates standing for elective office in Chester. The only office that is being contested is the three year select board position currently held by Derek Suursoo.  Heather C. Chase is running to take Suursoo’s place.   A write-in candidate for any […]

Fiscal issues for Londonderry Town Meeting

The following fiscal issues will be considered by the legal voters of Londonderry at its Town Meeting, Tuesday March 3, beginning at 9:30 a.m.  at the old town hall at 139 Middletown Road.  Fiscal issues for Weston, Grafton, Andover and Chester were published in last week’s Telegraph. Article 7 asks for approval for a funding […]

Fire destroys Chester home on Sunday, donations welcome

Fire destroys Chester home on Sunday, donations welcome

By Cynthia Prairie ©2015-The Chester Telegraph Chester Fire Chief Matt Wilson says that a fire that destroyed the home of Andy and Judy Lavallee on First Avenue in Chester on Sunday was not suspicious, but that the cause has not been officially confirmed. According to the Chester Fire Department, firefighters responded around 8:30 a.m. to […]

CANCELED: Grafton Select Board agenda for Feb. 2, 2015

Tonight’s meeting of the Grafton Select Board is canceled due to the weather. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, Feb. 16. The Grafton Select Board will meet at 6 p.m. Monday, Feb. 2 at Grafton Elementary School on School Street. Below is its agenda. Public Comment Adopt Agenda Minutes: Jan. 19, 2015 Warrants: Payroll […]

Chester Select Board agenda for Wednesday, Feb. 4, 2015

The Chester Select Board will meet at 7 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 4 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. in Chester. Below is its agenda. Approve Minutes from Jan. 21, 2015 Select Board Meeting and Jan. 21, 2015 Executive Session Citizen Comments Old Business Chester Rotary Request for Use of the Green Investment of Economic Development […]

Chester Select Board rejects Open Meeting Law complaint, pulls Australian ballot articles

Chester Select Board rejects Open Meeting Law complaint, pulls Australian ballot articles

By Shawn Cunningham ©2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Chester Select Board heard from the town’s attorney regarding The Chester Telegraph’s complaint of a violation of Vermont’s Open Meeting Law and the board removed the questions regarding Australian ballot voting for all questions from the Town Meeting warning at its Jan. 21 meeting. Jim Carroll, attorney […]

Chester Historical Society throws future of Yosemite Fire House into question

Chester Historical Society throws future of Yosemite Fire House into question

By Shawn Cunningham ©2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC The future of an iconic Chester structure is in question as the organization that has been responsible for it for nearly 38 years has expressed a desire to shed that responsibility. At a meeting on Thursday Jan. 22, Chester Historical Society President Ron Patch told the society’s membership […]

Spending issues on Town Meeting agendas for Andover, Chester, Grafton & Weston

Spending issues on Town Meeting agendas for Andover, Chester, Grafton & Weston

2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC This time of year, town governments throughout Vermont begin setting their proposed spending agendas that voters will have to vote up or down either from the floor or by Australian ballot. Below are summaries of those articles for Andover, Chester, Grafton and Weston. Because of the Tuesday snows, we’ll give you […]

From the editor: On the recent downs and ups of the Chester Telegraph

From the editor: On the recent downs and ups of the Chester Telegraph

Around 11:20 a.m. last Tuesday morning, as we were editing and writing articles for The Chester Telegraph, the company that hosted our website began experiencing instability on its servers. As you probably noticed, attempts to access the paper were met with 502 errors, 504 errors and other messages that indicated we and other websites hosted […]

Canceled: Weston Liquor board, Select Board meetings for Tuesday, Jan. 27

The Town of Weston has canceled these meetings due to the impending snowstorm. The Town of Weston will hold a special meeting of the Board of Liquor Control at 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 27 at Town Offices at 12 Lawrence Hill Road, followed by the Select Board meeting at 7:30. Below are the agendas. Board […]