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Chester Select Board meeting for Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2014

The Chester Select Board will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 17 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Below is its agenda. General Fund, Water & Sewer 2015 Budget Review Discussion with state Rep. Leigh Dakin regarding legislative issues Approve minutes from the Dec. 3, 2014 Select Board meeting Citizen Comments Old Business AT&T Tower […]

Chester’s Frank Kelley named Volunteer of Year at Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports

KILLINGTON Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports, the largest year-round disabled sports non-profit organization in Vermont to offer programs on a daily, year-round basis, has announced that Frank Kelley of Chester and Laura Schutz of Burlington are the 2014 recipients of the organization’s annual Jim Hutchinson Volunteer of the Year Award. “These two volunteers exemplify what […]

Paving, police, library and health insurance among Chester budget topics.

Paving, police, library and health insurance among Chester budget topics.

By Shawn Cunningham ©Telegraph Publishing LLC – 2014 Taking up next year’s budget first on the agenda again at its Wednesday, Dec. 3 meeting, the Chester Select Board looked at issues from the cost of changing police and fire dispatch from Springfield to Hartford, to the need for a fifth full-time police officer and whether […]

Chester police log for Aug. 25 to Nov. 24, 2014

Chester police log for Aug. 25 to Nov. 24, 2014

Editor’s Note: The Chester Telegraph Police Log is a sampling of incidents directly from Chester Police reports. We do not identify individual victims of crimes nor those who have been arrested. Monday, Aug. 25, 8:01 a.m. Officers responded to a one car accident on Route 10 that was the result of the driver falling asleep […]

Chester business owners seek changes to sign regulations

Chester business owners seek changes to sign regulations

By Shawn Cunningham ©Telegraph Publishing LLC — 2014 About 25 people, most of them local business owners, attended the Chester Planning Commission’s Dec. 1 meeting to tell members about problems they have had with the current and past sign laws and  offer advice on what they think is needed in the new sign ordinance that […]

Chester Select Board agenda for Wednesday, Dec. 3, 2014

The Chester Select Board will hold its regular meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 3 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Below is its agenda. General Fund, Water & Sewer Budgets Approve minutes from Nov. 19, 2014 Select Board meeting and Nov. 19, 2014 Executive Session Citizen Comments Old Business New Business/Next Agenda Adjourn

'Guys & Dolls,' 'Glass Menagerie' on tap for 2015 Weston season

‘Guys & Dolls,’ ‘Glass Menagerie’ on tap for 2015 Weston season

Pointing to its new slogan – Celebrating the Classics, Nurturing the New – Steve Stettler, resident producing director of the Weston Playhouse, introduced the theater company’s 79th season at the new Manchester Community Library on Saturday Nov. 29. Stettler also announced the expansion of discount programs to encourage locals and families to attend this summer’s […]

J&L shelves Armory expansion plan; 2nd snafu, VTrans objection arise

J&L shelves Armory expansion plan; 2nd snafu, VTrans objection arise

By Shawn Cunningham ©Telegraph Publishing LLC — 2014 Peter and Nathalie Klepp, owners of J&L Metrology, continue to work at securing the permits needed to move their business to the former Chester Army Reserve Center on Route 11 west. But as soon as one problem was set aside, two more arose at a meeting of […]

Chester board addresses school funding, police resources, Popple Dungeon Road

Chester board addresses school funding, police resources, Popple Dungeon Road

By Shawn Cunningham ©Telegraph Publishing LLC — 2014 At its Nov. 19 meeting, the Chester Select Board continued to review  a proposed town budget and received updates on a number of projects including the solar farm to be built on town land behind the Jeffrey Barn, the long delayed Popple Dungeon Road project and improvements […]

Chester sign regs to be addressed Monday: Public, business input sought

Chester sign regs to be addressed Monday: Public, business input sought

The Chester Planning Commission, which recently revised zoning regulations into new Unified Development Bylaws, will take up a revision of the town’s sign ordinances at its Monday, Dec. 1 meeting. (Read sign regulations at right.) The ordinance was left as is in the bylaws, since revising it was deemed too complex and several members questioned  […]

Schedule for Chester’s Overture to Christmas

Monday Dec. 1 4 to 5 p.m. – Gingerbread House Making Workshop for children in grade K through 2. Fullerton Inn, 40 the Common Tuesday, Dec. 2 4 to 5 p.m. – Gingerbread House Making Workshop for children in grade 3 through 6. Fullerton Inn, 40 the Common Saturday, Dec. 6 8 to 10 a.m. […]

Grafton Select Board agenda for Monday, Dec. 1, 2014

The Grafton Select Board will next meet at 6 p.m. Monday, Dec. 1 at the Grafton Elementary School, 58 School St. Below is its agenda. Public Comment Adopt Agenda Minutes: 11/17/2014 & Special Meeting 11/14/2014 Warrants: Payroll and Accounts Payable Library Tax Increase Request (Deb Toomey) Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies (SEVEDS) Fund Request Highway […]

Appeal of Environmental Court OK of Dollar General goes before VT Supreme Court

Appeal of Environmental Court OK of Dollar General goes before VT Supreme Court

By Cynthia Prairie ©2014 – Telegraph Publishing LLC MONTPELIER Chester’s Dollar General opponents took their fight to the Vermont Supreme Court Tuesday, a venue that — by its very nature as the court of final decision — awards more technical wins based on nuances of law than KOs delivered by an attorney’s one-two punch. Thirty […]

Chester voters keep new auto uses in Residential-Commercial zones

Chester voters keep new auto uses in Residential-Commercial zones

By Shawn Cunningham ©2014 – Telegraph Publishing LLC A 3-to-1 majority of Chester voters who turned out to cast ballots at town hall on Tuesday voted against leaving a 40-year-old prohibition on automotive uses in the town’s new zoning bylaws. The 160 to 460 vote was colored by a number of issues including a proposed […]

Chester Select Board agenda for Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2014

The Chester Select Board will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 19, at Chester Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Below is its agenda. 1. Budget Review: General Fund, Water & Sewer 2. Approve minutes from the Oct. 5, 2014 Select Board meeting 3. Citizen Comments 4. VAST Request: Use of Town Property 5. Old Business […]

An explainer: Clearing up some confusion surrounding Chester's referendum

An explainer: Clearing up some confusion surrounding Chester’s referendum

By Shawn Cunningham ©2014 — Telegraph Publishing LLC On Tuesday Nov. 18, Chester voters will have the opportunity to cast a ballot – Yes or No – on a zoning issue. Over the past few weeks, there have been many posters, letters to the editor, Facebook posts, a petition and even a mailing from the […]

Chester Select Board raises sewer rates, green-lights design of water system upgrade

Chester Select Board raises sewer rates, green-lights design of water system upgrade

By Shawn Cunningham © 2014 – Telegraph Publishing LLC In a busy Nov. 5 meeting run by vice chair Derek Suursoo, the Chester Select Board raised sewer rates effective immediately for its 600 users, gave a nod toward hiring Golden Cross for a winter ambulance restructuring and OK’d a $155,000 contract to design a $4.6 […]

New zoning bylaws complicate Chester armory development

New zoning bylaws complicate Chester armory development

By Shawn Cunningham © 2014 – Telegraph Publishing LLC An application for a conditional use permit to convert the former Army Reserve armory on Route 11 west for light manufacturing met with a friendly reception from Chester’s Development Review Board on Monday night. But a snafu in the new Unified Development Bylaws made the process […]

As Grafton begins to look at updating Town Plan, its citizens brainstorm

As Grafton begins to look at updating Town Plan, its citizens brainstorm

By Cynthia Prairie © 2014 – Telegraph Publishing LLC Almost 50 Grafton residents turned out at the elementary school Monday night to offer up their views of and hopes for the town that they call home. The input will be gelled into a more concise form and will likely become part of a new Grafton […]

Weston Select Board agenda for Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2014

The Weston Select Board is scheduled to meet at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 11 at Town Offices, 12 Lawrence Hill Road. A quorum will not be present, but Select Board chairman Denis Benson  will sign payroll and vendor orders. Below is the agenda. 1. Any Requested Changes to the Agenda 2. Public Comment 3. SO […]