All Entries in the "Latest News" Category

Free or low-cost insulating window inserts available in Bellows Falls
Rockingham and nearby residents can get free or low-cost window inserts to help keep their homes warm this winter. Window insulating inserts are a simple, effective way to weatherize one’s home. They do not need any fasteners and slide easily into existing window frames. All households eligible for LIHEAP or other public assistance programs qualify for up […]

Managing the Rain: Free stormwater expo Sept. 6 at Jackson Gore
Submerged bridges. Ravaged roads. Mud-filled basements. Capsized culverts. Heavy storms impact us all, but what can we do? Although we cannot control how much rain falls or how quickly, we can help water slow down, spread out and soak in before it reaches a storm-swollen stream. The Black River Action Team invites everyone to join […]

Driver injured in I-91 tractor-trailer roll over this morning
© 2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC Early this morning, Monday, Sept. 4, a Pennsylvania man was injured when the tractor trailer he was driving on I-91 left the roadway and overturned. According to a Vermont State Police press release the driver, Andy J. Pena Batista, 22, of Carbondale, Penn., sustained “non-life threatening injuries” and was taken […]

Grafton alpaca farmer sentenced to 2 years for Covid funds fraud Lawyer: McIntyre to sell Houghtonville Farm to repay theft
By Adam Gaffin Universal Hub in Boston A Beverly, Mass., pizza-shop owner who received $680,000 in federal Covid-19 relief funds based on applications with inflated employee counts, then used the money to jump from pizza making to alpaca farming in Grafton, Vt., was sentenced last Wednesday, Aug. 30, to two years in federal prison for […]

Chester Democratic voters encouraged to attend caucus Sept. 13
All Democratic voters in the town of Chester, Vermont are here notified, in accordance with 17 V. S. A Section 2303, to meet in caucus at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 13 at the 2nd floor of Chester Town Hall located at 556 Elm St. in Chester. Held every two years in each town in […]

Deadline extended to apply for disaster unemployment aid
The U.S. Department of Labor has extended the application deadline for Disaster Unemployment Assistance to Friday, Sept. 29. DUA is a federal program designed to help people who lost their jobs because of a natural disaster. This program gives temporary income to those who don’t qualify for regular Unemployment Insurance. Qualified applicants in Windham and […]

UPDATED: Chester Select Board agenda for Sept. 6
The Chester Select Board will hold a special meeting at 6 p.m. on Wednesday Sept. 6 at Town Hall and via Zoom. To join the meeting, go to The normal start time for regular meetings is 6:30 p.m. but this meeting will begin at 6 p.m. with an executive session and then go into […]

Disaster Recovery Centers in Springfield, Rutland to close
The Springfield Disaster Recovery Center, located at the Springfield Health Center, 100 River St. in Springfield, will close permanently at 6 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 2, and the Rutland Disaster Recover Center, in the Asa Bloomer Building at 88 Merchants Row in Rutland, will close permanently at 6 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 1. Once a location […]

West River Farmers Market returns to Williams Park on Saturday, Aug. 26
The West River Farmers Market will reopen at Williams Park, at Routes 11 and 100 in Londonderry, on Saturday, Aug. 26, after six weeks away from its home site following flood damage to the park, the town and area businesses. The market is open 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Music will be provided by local […]

Van rollover injures driver, knocks out power in six towns
By Shawn Cunningham © 2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC A rollover on Tuesday afternoon left the 73-year-old driver of a van with minor injuries after his car sliced a utility pole that knocked out power to 1,400 Green Mountain Power customers across six towns. Chester Police Chief Tom Williams said that John G. Johannesen III, 73, […]

Andover Select Board agenda for Aug. 28
The Select Board of the Town of Andover will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 28 at Andover Town Office, 958 Andover Weston Road. Below is its agenda. 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Act on Agenda. 3. Act on Minutes of July 24th meeting. 4. Public Comment (Time allowance: Five minutes per visitor, […]

Repair help available for damaged private roads, bridges
If your privately owned road or bridge was damaged or destroyed by Vermont’s July severe storms, flooding, landslides and mudslides, FEMA and the U.S. Small Business Administration may be able to provide financial assistance for replacement or repairs. FEMA Individual Assistance Grants If you live in Windsor or Windham county or Caledonia, Chittenden, Lamoille, Orange, […]

Attorney General Clark brings warning about recovery scams to southern Vermont
By Cara Philbin ©2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC Vermont Attorney General Charity Clark hit the road last week to hear from southern Vermont residents impacted by the July floods. Together with Vermont Senate Majority leader Alison Clarkson who represents Windsor County, Stephen Clark of the Small Business Association and Emily McDonnell, a small business advocate in […]

Law school offers free help to businesses navigating FEMA, SBA, seeks volunteer attorneys
SOUTH ROYALTON Vermont Law and Graduate School‘s Entrepreneurial Legal Laboratory — VLSell — has introduced a new legal assistance program supporting businesses impacted by recent flooding. Under this initiative, VLSell has coordinated with volunteer attorneys to provide free legal assistance and education to businesses navigating the legal complexities of flood recovery. VLSell has partnered in […]

Andover Select Board agenda for Aug. 14
The Andover Select Board will hold its regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Monday Aug. 14, 2023 at Andover Town Hall, 953 Weston Andover Road. There is no remote access to the meeting. Below is the board’s agenda 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Act on Agenda. 3. Act on Minutes of July 24th meeting. […]

Chester residents call for more short-term rental regulations
By Shawn Cunningham © 2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC Last Wednesday, several Chester residents attended the Select Board meeting to tell members that they want more regulation of short-term rentals before it’s too late and that neighborhoods like the Stone Village are full of “empty houses for tourists.” The topic was on the board’s agenda because […]

Chester to bypass vendor, roll out first phase of STR registration applications No implementation dates from swamped Granicus
By Shawn Cunningham ©2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC Last Friday’s “kick off” meeting with Granicus, the company that Chester hired to establish and manage its short-term rental registry, has spurred the town to seek an old-school route while waiting for the more hi-tech segments to be created. “Alex bravely answered our questions and stayed chipper,” Zoning […]

Path of Least Resistance: Flood survivors struggle between the government maze or going it alone Business owners face a different road to recovery
By Cara Philbin ©2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC The federal government unveiled its new Disaster Recovery Center in Springfield last Friday under yet another deluge of rain and crackling thunderstorms, a seemingly new normal for this part of New England. Visitors to this new center, at 100 River St. in the Springfield Health Center, one of […]

FAQ: What does FEMA do; What does the SBA do
Editor’s note: The Federal Emergency Management Agency provided these Frequently Asked Questions. What is the difference between FEMA and SBA? FEMA offers grants to eligible homeowners and renters while SBA offers low interest disaster loans to businesses, homeowners and renters. Who can register with FEMA? Vermont homeowners or renters in Windham, Windsor, Chittenden, Caledonia, Orange, […]

To the editor: Aug. 14 concert at Pingree Park to benefit first responders
We at Londonderry Volunteer Rescue Squad and the local fire departments encourage everyone to attend the 5-Town Flood Relief Benefit Concert at Pingree Park in Londonderry on Monday, Aug. 14. Proceeds will benefit our first responders: the Londonderry, S. Londonderry, Peru and Weston fire departments; Londonderry Volunteer Rescue Squad and Londonderry Technical Rescue. It is […]