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Top 10 from 24 months of unique reporting in The Chester Telegraph

Top 10 from 24 months of unique reporting in The Chester Telegraph

  By Cynthia Prairie On Jan. 16, 2014, The Chester Telegraph celebrates its second birthday. A few of our faithful readers have asked us to compile a list of the 10 top stories that we covered in 2013. We thought it was a great idea but, since we didn’t do it last year, we decided […]

Chester Select Board special meeting for Thursday, Jan. 2, 2014

The Chester Select Board is holding a special meeting on Thursday, Jan. 2, 2014 beginning at 7 p.m. at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. in Chester. Below is its agenda.  Approve Minutes from Dec. 18, 2013 Selectboard Meeting Citizen Comments Old Business Sign Tax Anticipation Note Final 2014 Budget Review for Water & Sewer Budgets […]

Town water billing formula to change in 2014

Town water billing formula to change in 2014

By Cynthia Prairie In an attempt to even out wildly fluctuating revenue coming into the Chester water department, town manager David Pisha is looking to “radically alter the way we will bill for water in the future.” Currently, the 650 or so homes on Chester town water are billed at $2.95 per 1,000 gallons of […]

Chester town solar farm approved on a 3-1 vote

Chester town solar farm approved on a 3-1 vote

By Shawn Cunningham At its Dec. 18 meeting, the Chester Select Board approved the contract for a solar power farm to be built on town land at Route 103 and Trebo Road. Green Lantern Capital proposed the 5 acre, 500 kilowatt installation back in April of this year, making it the fourth company in the […]

Special meeting of the Chester Select Board on budget issues, Monday, Dec. 30, 2013

The Chester Select Board will hold a special meeting at 6 p.m. Monday, Dec. 30 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. in Chester. Below is its agenda. Water & Sewer 2014 Budgets General Fund 2014 Budget New Business Adjourn          

Prescription drug disposal site opens at Chester Town Hall

Prescription drug disposal site opens at Chester Town Hall

  By Cynthia Prairie The Chester Police Department is participating in a nationwide effort to collect unused prescription drugs to keep them out of public water systems as well as keeping them out of the hands of children and others who might abuse them. In the long run, the goal is to deter crime. A […]

Chester Select Board meeting for Dec. 18, 2013 – Updated

The Chester Select Board meets at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2013 at Chester Town Hall, 556 Elm St. in Chester. Below is its agenda: Approve Minutes from Dec. 4, 2013 Select Board Meeting Citizen Comments Old Business Liquor License (New): Bill Austin’s Lobster Pound & Wheelhouse Restaurant Cemetery Rules & Regulations Water & Sewer […]

Residents question use of town funds for re-enactment as Chester Select Board frets over tight budget

Residents question use of town funds for re-enactment as Chester Select Board frets over tight budget

By Shawn Cunningham* The Chester Select Board meeting of Wednesday, Dec. 4 was unusual – not for its four and a half hour length – but for the crowd of more than 20 who attended it. Many were there to explain or advocate for funding under the 2014 town budget, including several members of the […]

Weston Select Board agenda for Monday, Dec. 9

During reconstruction of Town Hall, the Weston Select Board will meet up the street on Mondays at the Wilder Memorial Library, 24 Lawrence Hill Road in Weston. The meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. Below is its agenda. Public Comment Derry Sled Dogs Road Foreman: Chloride System SO # 27 Payroll & SO #27 Vendors Review […]

Weston Playhouse expansion site plan gets OK with conditions

Weston Playhouse expansion site plan gets OK with conditions

  By Cynthia Prairie Site plans for the new cultural arts facility of the Weston Playhouse Theatre Co. have been given the go-ahead by the Weston Planning Commission with seven minor conditions for use and one conclusion of law that could force the playhouse to speed up its capital fund-raising campaign. The decision was sent […]

Chester police log for Sept. 29 to Nov. 16, 2013

Editor’s Note: The Chester Telegraph Police Log is a sampling of incidents directly from Chester Police reports. We do not identify individual victims of crimes nor those who have been arrested. Sunday, Sept. 29, 1:27 p.m. Police were dispatched to the scene of a motorcycle accident on Route 11 West near the Chester Rod & […]

Chester Development Review Board agenda for Dec. 9, 2013

The Chester Development Review Board will meet at 6 p.m. Monday, Dec. 9 for its regular public hearing, which will take place at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. in Chester. Below is its agenda. 1) Review minutes from Nov. 25th hearing 2) Review Motion to Clarify for Rapanotti minor subdivision 3) Final Plat Review for […]

Det. Wilson recognized for safety during accident

Det. Wilson recognized for safety during accident

  The Safariland Group, a company based in Florida and California that specializes in constructing body armor for police departments, presented Chester Det. Matthew Wilson with a plaque and a new vest on Tuesday, Nov. 26 while inducting him into its Saves Club, in recognition of Safariland’s  No. 1,858 life saved. Wilson had been seriously […]

Chester takes possession of new fire truck

Chester takes possession of new fire truck

  By Cynthia Prairie The Chester Fire Department took possession on Tuesday Nov. 26, of its new fire truck – a Class A pumper. Crew immediately began switching out accessories from the old truck and testing the equipment at the  town garage off Depot Street, with the expectation that it could be ready for work […]

Chester Select Board agenda for Dec. 4, 2013

The Chester Select Board will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 4 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. for its twice a month meeting. Below is its agenda. Citizen’s Comments Old Business Fall Festival: Malcolm Summers Snowmobile Club Request General Fund Budget Review Water & Sewer Budgets Solar Farm on Town Property New Business Adjourn

Green Up Day funded; police, insurance budget concerns and solar farm discussion continues

Green Up Day funded; police, insurance budget concerns and solar farm discussion continues

  By Shawn Cunningham If the Nov. 20 Chester Select Board meeting had a theme, it was “green,” with issues being discussed including next year’s budget (money), Green Up Day (conservation) and new information on the perennial topic of the solar farm on town land (clean energy). Chester resident and teacher Frank Kelley went before […]

Chester Development Review Board agenda for Nov. 25, 2013

    The Chester Development Review Board will meet at 6 p.m. Monday, Nov. 25, 2013 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St.  Below is its agenda. 1)    Review minutes from Nov. 11th  hearing 2)    Re-convene the VT. Foam Conditional Use hearing (the applicants have subsequently asked for an extension until Dec. 9th) 3)    Reconvened  Fuller […]

Parks agency repairs Chester state forest accessibility, drainage problems

Parks agency repairs Chester state forest accessibility, drainage problems

  By Cynthia Prairie Chester’s only state-owned forest, the 108-acre Williams River State Forest in the Popple Dungeon area west of Nudist Camp Road, has gotten some much-needed work that will make it much more accessible to the public. Tim Morton, a Saxtons River resident who is the state District 1 stewardship forester for the […]

Chester Select Board agenda for Nov. 20, 2013

The Chester Select Board will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 20 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St.  Below is its agenda. Approve Minutes from Nov. 6, 2013 Select Board Meeting Citizen Comments Old Business Green-Up Day; Frank Kelly Vendor Permit; V-Tel Tax Map Maintenance Proposal Beer & Wine Permit Vermont Institute of Contemporary Art […]

The charter question: Wentworth, Chandler and Chester's confounding founding history

The charter question: Wentworth, Chandler and Chester’s confounding founding history

  Editor’s note: We undertook this explainer to attempt to clarify why some people say Chester’s 250th was in 2011 and others say it is in 2016. The issue has arisen because the Chester Historical Society is seeking $15,000 from the town to mount a re-enactor event among others as part of 2016 festivities. You […]