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Chester Select Board agenda for Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2013

The Chester Select Board will hold its bi-monthly meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2013, at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. in Chester. Below is the agenda. Approve Minutes from Sept. 18, 2013 Selectboard Meeting Citizen Comments Old Business VAST Request; Dick Jewett Health Insurance Discussion with Suzanne Swanson Solar Farm on Town Property; […]

Select Board mashup: Town solar farm now a question; supervisory union budget transparency questioned and answering a question: Who hired the consultant?

Select Board mashup: Town solar farm now a question; supervisory union budget transparency questioned and answering a question: Who hired the consultant?

By Shawn Cunningham The Chester Select Board seems to be talking itself out of a solar farm deal that it has been working on for the past eight months. During its meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 18, board member Derek Suursoo kicked off the discussion on the proposed solar farm — slated for town land off […]

Opponents lay out arguments against Dollar General plan

Opponents lay out arguments against Dollar General plan

This is Part II of a two-part series reporting on last week’s Dollar General appeal, today covering the testimony for opponents of the proposed Dollar General store in Chester and cross-examination. Feel free to share your views on the articles and the issues in the Comment section below the article or send us a Letter […]

Zaremba defends Dollar General plans in court

Zaremba defends Dollar General plans in court

This is Part I of two parts reporting on this week’s Dollar General appeal, only covering the testimony for Dollar General and cross-examination. Please share your views in the Comment section below the article. By Cynthia Prairie NEWFANE Many punches were thrown, quite a number were landed but none seemed to be a knockout in […]

Select Board agenda for Wednesday Sept. 18, 2013

The Chester Select Board will be in its regular meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 18, at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. in Chester. Here is its agenda: Approve Minutes from Sept. 4, 2013 Select Board meeting and executive sessions Citizen Comments Old Business Offer to Donate Real Estate to the Town; Ms. Suojanen Beer […]

Judge hears from Dollar General proponents

Judge hears from Dollar General proponents

Posted at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2013 NEWFANE The first day of testimony in the appeal of the Act 250 approval of a Dollar General for Chester wrapped up shortly before 5 p.m. after an early morning site visit and testimony from witnesses on behalf of the Zaremba Group, the developer for the 10,000-store […]

Issues over proposed bylaws returned to Planning Commission; Missing Link Bridge to be rebuilt

Issues over proposed bylaws returned to Planning Commission; Missing Link Bridge to be rebuilt

By Shawn Cunningham For the second meeting in a row, on Wednesday Sept. 4, the Chester Select Board went immediately into executive session. The closed door session was to talk with candidates for the positions of Lister and Planning Commission member. The board entered executive session at 7:07 and returned at 7:29 p.m.after which they […]

Police Log for March 27 through Aug. 23, 2013

Editor’s Note: The Chester Telegraph Police Log is a sampling of incidents directly from Chester Police reports. We do not identify individual victims of crimes nor those who have been arrested. Wednesday,  March 27, 10:07 a.m. Complainant advised he saw a trailer that belonged to him at an auction house.  It had been at his […]

Development Review Board for Monday, Sept. 9, 2013

The Chester Development Review Board, an independent quasi-judicial body, will meet at 6 p.m., Monday, Sept. 9. at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. in Chester. Below is its agenda for the evening. The DRB will meet at 5:30 p.m. for a site visit at 12 Andover Road. 1)    Review minutes from Aug. 26 hearing 2)   […]

Select Board meeting for Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2013

The Chester Select Board will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 4 at  Town Hall, 556 Elm St. in Chester. Below is its agenda for that evening. Approve minutes from Aug. 21, 2013 Select Board meeting  and executive session Executive Session on a Personnel Matter Citizen Comments Old Business Entertainment Permits: Pizza Stone; Country Girl […]

Study author recommends adding officers to Chester Police force

Study author recommends adding officers to Chester Police force

By Shawn Cunningham In a presentation to the Chester Select Board on Wednesday, Aug. 21, Doug Hoyt, a former police chief of Montpelier, suggested that the Chester Police Department staff should grow by two officers, to six total. Hoyt conducted a study of the police department under the auspices of the Vermont League of Cities […]

Development Review Board agenda for Monday, Aug. 26

The Chester Development Review Board will meet beginning at 6 p.m. Monday, Aug. 26 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Here is its agenda: 1. Review minutes from the July 22 and Aug. 12 hearings 2. Reconvened Conditional Use request by Scarlet Veil LLC-Chris Meyer for 18 S. Main St. 3. Reconvened Final Plat Review […]

Select Board meeting for Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2013

The Chester Select Board will be meeting at 6:30 p.m. (as opposed to its usual time of 7 p.m.) on Wednesday, Aug. 21 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. in Chester. Here is the agenda for the evening: Executive session on solar farm contractual matter Report on the Police Department by Doug Hoyt Approve minutes […]

Telescopes star at 78th Stellafane Convention

Telescopes star at 78th Stellafane Convention

Claudio Veliz of the Southern Vermont Astronomy Group, based in Chester, attended this year’s annual Stellafane Convention in Springfield, the 78th meeting of Amateur Telescope Makers. The event attracts amateur telescope and lens makers from all over the world. This year’s convention was held from Thursday, Aug. 8 through Sunday, Aug. 11. Organizers said that […]

To the editor: Does Dollar General fit in with Chester?

Have you been wondering and following why Chester has been targeted to allow a small box Dollar General store to be built across from the Country Girl Diner on our Main Street? As many of our good friends know, Bonnie and I have party status in the Act 250 hearing and the appeal process now […]

To the editor: A Dollar General for Chester?

Imagine a store next to the former Zachary Pizza restaurant but three times as large. Imagine a store that is a large rectangle, more than 9,000 square feet with the only natural light coming in the doorway. Imagine a parking lot in front and to the side. Imagine an attempt to have it look like […]

Select Board OKs business loan for carver Pinske, bond amount for portion of gravel pit restoration

Select Board OKs business loan for carver Pinske, bond amount for portion of gravel pit restoration

By Shawn Cunningham While the Chester Select Board had a quorum of three for its Wednesday, Aug. 7 meeting, the absence of two members who had attended the July 17 meeting combined with the presence of one member who had not lead to complications in completing an economic development loan discussed at that previous meeting. […]

UPDATES: DRB on Dollar General; Ballinger's stinkin' Kickstarter campaign; Winston art is selling

UPDATES: DRB on Dollar General; Ballinger’s stinkin’ Kickstarter campaign; Winston art is selling

The five-member Chester Development Review Board decided at its meeting on Monday, Aug. 12 that it would begin deliberating the Dollar General case on Thursday, Aug. 29. The meeting is not open to the public. In April 2012, the DRB had approved the construction of the proposed 9,100-square-foot Dollar General store. But opponents of the […]

Forum to explain new state health insurance options

Forum to explain new state health insurance options

Rep. Leigh Dakin is inviting all residents in the Chester, Andover, Baltimore and Springfield communities to attend a presentation and open forum on Vermont Health Connect from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 20 at NewsBank Conference Center, 352 Main St., in Chester. Robin Lunge, director of the governor’s Office on Health Reform, will […]

Police Log for April 14 through July 26, 2013

Editor’s Note: The Chester Telegraph Police Log is a sampling of incidents directly from Chester Police reports. We do not identify individual victims of crimes nor those who have been arrested. Sunday, April 14, 11:14 a.m. Police pulled a driver over on Elm Street after running a check and finding that his license was under […]