All Entries in the "Latest News" Category

New program offers meal vouchers for area restaurants Vermont Emergency Eats targets flood-impacted residents in Ludlow, Plymouth, Cavendish, Weston, Londonderry
©2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC In an effort to feed disrupted populations in flood ravaged communities in Vermont, beginning on Tuesday, Aug. 8 and running through Thursday, Aug. 31, the Vermont Emergency Eats program will begin signing up residents of Ludlow, Cavendish, Plymouth, Weston and Londonderry for meal vouchers for participating restaurants. To qualify in our […]

UPDATED – Chester police seek info in School St. gun incident
UPDATE: Chester Police say that the subject wanted in this incident called and asked to speak with an officer late this afternoon. Chief Tom Williams told The Telegraph that police have spoken with him and are continuing their investigation. © 2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Chester Police Department is looking for a man who brandished […]

FEMA hiring for local recovery efforts
FEMA, in partnership with the State of Vermont, is hiring state residents to assist with recovery from the July floods, severe storms, landslides and mudslides. The agency has several openings for short-term, full-time jobs based at FEMA’s temporary offices in the surrounding areas. The temporary positions are for 120 days, but may be extended based […]

Londonderry, Plainfield FEMA centers to shut down
DDisaster Recovery Centers in Londonderry at Flood Brook School and in Plainfield at Twinfield Union School will close permanently at 7 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 6. The centers will remain open Sunday until then. The schools must get ready for the school year, which begins at the end of August. If you need FEMA or […]

State seeks to ensure health coverage for flood victims Special enrollment announced for those needing insurance
The Department of Vermont Health Access is working to ensure Vermonters affected by flooding maintain their health coverage. Having health insurance will bolster Vermonters’ health and well-being throughout what is sure to be a long and arduous recovery. The Department of Vermont Health Access, which administers Vermont Medicaid and Vermont Health Connect, is offering a […]

How to qualify for property loss, other expenses Homes, rentals, businesses, other losses could be eligible
Vermont homeowners and renters in Windham and Windsor counties as well as in Caledonia, Chittenden, Lamoille, Orange, Orleans, Rutland and Washington counties who were affected by the severe storms, flooding, landslides and mudslides that occurred beginning July 7 may be eligible for FEMA grants for personal property losses and other eligible expenses. Individuals & Households […]

Update: Jamaica center opens; FEMA opens Disaster Recovery Center in Springfield UPDATE: New hours, days in centers throughout state
A new Disaster Recovery Center has opened in Springfield, becoming the second in the southern-central Vermont region following the floods of July 10. A center was opened in Londonderry more than 10 days ago. The new center — at 100 River St. within the Springfield Health Center — will help Vermont residents affected by the […]

TDS donates $2,000 to help Ludlow
TDS Telecommunications LLC, which maintains an office and services in Ludlow, has made a donation toward local recovery efforts after the community experienced massive flooding in early July. The $2,000 donation was made through the Okemo Valley Chamber of Commerce, which has set up a disaster resources page here. TDS’ office at 111 Main St. […]

What to know about emergency business gap funding
The Vermont Department of Economic Development has announced additional details and guidelines for the Business Emergency Gap Assistance Program. This $20 million grant program is intended to help businesses and nonprofits restore, reopen, and bring their employees back to work after suffering physical damages to their property beginning on July 7, 2023, when severe storms […]

Concerts & Caps: More flood relief fund-raisers
©2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Chester Telegraph continues to track efforts to raise funds for those affected by the floods in south-central Vermont. Below is a compilation of events and other opportunities to support those in need. If you know of other such efforts, please e-mail them in the format below, including a description of […]

CAES sustained minor damage during floods Other TRSU schools in good shape; all to open on time
By Shawn Cunningham © 2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC The area rumor mill was working overtime as people have added their own interpretations to a story about flood damage in Vermont schools that ran in VT Digger a week after the July 10 floods. With the Digger article attributing “major damage” to the school, one such […]

$300 cleanup grants available for liveable homes
If your home was damaged by Vermont’s recent floods but you can still live in it safely, FEMA may be able to provide up to $300 to help with cleanup. This Clean and Sanitize Assistance is intended to help homeowners and renters quickly address contamination from floodwaters to prevent additional losses and safety concerns. You […]

Chester Select Board/Water & Sewer Commission agendas for Aug. 2
The Chester Select Board will hold its regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday August 2 at Town Hall, 556 Elm Street and via Zoom. To Join the meeting go to The Select Board meeting will be followed by a meeting of the town’s Water and Sewer Commissioners. Below are the boards’ agendas. 1. […]

FEMA sets up long-term Disaster Recovery Center at Flood Brook School Individuals, businesses urged to sign up for assistance
By Cynthia Prairie ©2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Federal Emergency Management Agency has opened a Disaster Recovery Center at the gymnasium of Flood Brook School, at 91 VT-11 in Londonderry, to help those impacted by the floods of Monday, July 10. FEMA and the Small Business Administration will be on hand to help those affected […]

Work on Chester’s delayed short-term rental registry to move forward
By Shawn Cunningham © 2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC Implementing a short-term rental registry has been a more daunting task than Chester’s town government had expected. More than five months after signing a contract to provide Chester a short-term rental registration program that was planned to launch by April, Granicus told the town on July 13 […]

Chester public safety agencies to host National Night Out Tuesday, Aug. 1
The Chester public safety agencies are hosting their annual National Night Out from 6 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 1 at the Public Safety Building, 130 Pleasant St. Come join members of the Police and Fire departments and the Ambulance Service for a night of fun that includes food, games, music and various emergency […]

Weston Theater cancels last two shows;
‘Singin’ in the Rain’ moving to Walker Farm Financial losses multiply as damage to Playhouse, other buildings mount
By Cynthia Prairie ©2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC The damage to the Weston Playhouse from the July 10 flooding was so severe that the Weston Theater Company is canceling its last two shows and moving Singin’ in the Rain from the Playhouse to Walker Farm as the final show of the season. This will allow the […]

State offers $20 million in emergency gap funding for businesses An extra $11 million to be accelerated to 40 towns
Gov. Phil Scott, the Agency of Commerce and Community Development and State Treasurer Michael Pieciak announced multiple initiatives today to provide financial support to businesses and municipalities impacted by the severe flooding. “Hundreds of Vermont businesses have been impacted by severe flooding, and for many, loans will not be enough” said Gov. Phil Scott. “That’s […]

Convoy of Hope truck to distribute supplies at Cavendish Town Elementary
A Convoy of Hope truck will be distributing supplies to flood victims on Thursday and Friday at Cavendish Town Elementary School, 573 Main St. Convoy of Hope is a faith-based relief effort, headquartered in Springfield, Missouri, that responds to disasters throughout the country. Hours of the drive-through distribution will be 2 to 6 p.m. on […]

Disaster relief resource center open today and Thursday in Londonderry
A Multi-Agency Resource Center or MARC will be operating in Londonderry today and tomorrow to help area residents — including those in Ludlow — with disaster related needs. The MARC is located at Neighborhood Connections in the Mountain Marketplace, 5700 Route 100, with state and local agencies and other organizations including FEMA, Vermont Emergency Management, […]