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4th public-private solar proposal aired; economic development plan suggested; Missing Link Bridge in question

4th public-private solar proposal aired; economic development plan suggested; Missing Link Bridge in question

By Shawn Cunningham During its April 3 meeting, the Chester Select Board heard from a fourth company proposing to put a solar farm on town land on Route 103N across from Trebo Road, discussed a four-page economic development plan for the town and considered not replacing Missing Link Bridge, this following 20 minutes of correcting […]

Sugar house spark ignites hillside fire

Sugar house spark ignites hillside fire

Richard Root of Green Mountain Turnpike was just finishing up sugaring for the season, cleaning and rinsing his equipment around 2:30 p.m. Sunday, April 7th,  when he noticed smoke. The hillside adjacent to his sugar house had caught fire – due to a stray spark from his smokestack. According to Root, within 10 minutes, the […]

Select Board agenda for April 3 meeting

Chester Select Board Meeting Agenda for April 3, 2013 Meeting begins at 7 p.m. at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. 1.    Approve Minutes from March 20, 2013 Selectboard Meeting and March 20, 2013 Executive Session 2.    Citizen Comments 3.    Old Business 4.    Entertainment Permit Pizza Stone 5.    Liquor License Renewals Heritage Deli Main Street Pizza […]

Police Log for Jan. 18 - March 8

Police Log for Jan. 18 – March 8

Editor’s Note: The Chester Telegraph Police Log is a sampling of incidents taken directly from Chester Police reports. We do not identify individual victims of crimes nor those who have been arrested. Friday, Jan. 18, 8:15 a.m. Police spotted a car traveling at a high rate of speed in a 50 mph zone on Route […]

Potential biomass traffic alarms Select Board; board responds to SoVerA letter

Potential biomass traffic alarms Select Board; board responds to SoVerA letter

By Karen Zuppinger Speaking at the Chester Select Board meeting on Wednesday, March 20, Tom Kennedy, of the Southern Windsor County Regional Planning Commission, addressed the board’s concerns about the amount of truck traffic that may be driving through Chester as a result of a biomass plant proposed for North Springfield. Chairman John DeBenedetti said […]

Appeal of Dollar General ruling filed; People’s bank offers smartphone deposits; farm credit distributes profit to members

 Second Dollar General Appeal is filed O n behalf of a number of Chester residents who oppose the building of a Dollar General on Main Street, attorney James Dumont has filed a notice of appeal of the District 2 Environmental Commission’s ruling to grant an Act 250 permit to the project. The appeal of the Act […]

Citing deadline and lack of Select Board support, SoVerA pulls astronomical observatory offer

Citing deadline and lack of Select Board support, SoVerA pulls astronomical observatory offer

By Cynthia Prairie In a letter to the Chester Select Board, the Southern Vermont Astronomy Group has withdrawn its offer to donate to Chester, and then operate a publicly accessible astronomical observatory on town land. The letter, dated March 12, states that in October 2012, SoVerA received initial enthusiastic support from town manager David Pisha, […]

TARPS movie fund-raiser; Whiting presents global warming author; spring over to Family Center; Herrick's Cove event

TARPS movie fund-raiser; Whiting presents global warming author; spring over to Family Center; Herrick’s Cove event

Mary Poppins Benefit for TARPS shelter Bellows Falls Opera House is sponsoring a benefit showing of Mary Poppins 7 p.m., Thursday March 21 at The Square in Bellows Falls to raise funds for The Animal Rescue and Protection Society based in Chester. Part live action and part animation, Mary Poppins is rated G and is […]

Select Board meeting agenda for March 20, 2013

The Chester Select Board meets at 7 p.m. at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Agenda 1.    Approve March 6, 2013 Select Board Meeting Minutes and Executive Session Minutes 2.    Citizen Comments 3.    Old Business 4.    Annual Highway Financial Plan 5.    Entertainment Permit     Pizza Stone 6.    Liquor License     Pizza Stone     Williams River House […]

Voters approve Windsor County Courthouse renovations

Voters approve Windsor County Courthouse renovations

The 24 towns of Windsor County approved – 5,412 to 3,828 at the March 6 elections – a$2 million, 20-year bond to pay for extensive renovation to the Windsor County Courthouse in Woodstock. Because the ballots were co-mingled before the count, vote tallies by town were unavailable, said Chester Town Clerk Deb Aldrich. The courthouse, […]

Fire truck vote set; 4th solar firm presents farm plan

Fire truck vote set; 4th solar firm presents farm plan

By Karen Zuppinger After addressing the issue at Town Meeting, the Select Board at its meeting on Wednesday, March 6, said it is moving forward with leasing a new fire truck. Town Manager David Pisha will send the contract to town attorney James Carroll for review. Barring any setbacks, the Select Board will vote on […]

Bock, Jonynas re-elected to Select Board; school budgets pass

A political newcomer failed to overtake incumbents Tom Bock and Arne Jonynas,  both of whom handily won re-election to one-year terms on the Chester Select Board in Tuesday’s vote. Tami Wilkins Ravlin, a lifelong Chester resident, did garner a respectable 225 votes compared to Jonynas’ 278 and Bock’s 288. With only 496 voters going to […]

TOWN MEETING: Voters agree to purchase new grader, dump truck and police SUV

TOWN MEETING: Voters agree to purchase new grader, dump truck and police SUV

ON THE COVER: Chester’s annual Town Meeting gets under way. Photo by Claudio Veliz By Cynthia Prairie It was a relatively pain-free Town Meeting in Chester Monday night, with about 110 voters showing up to support almost unanimously every one of 13 fiscal articles that had to be voted on, including raising $2.4 million in […]

Select Board meeting agenda for Wednesday, March 6

The Chester Select Board meeting for Wednesday March 6 begins at 7 p.m. Meetings are held in Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Agenda 1. Select Board organization following elections 2. Approve Feb. 20, 2013 Select Board Meeting minutes 3. Citizen Comments 4. Old Business 5. Town Appointments 6. Appoint Chester Transportation Advisory Committee representative 7. […]

Act 250 panel gives Dollar General land-use permit

Act 250 panel gives Dollar General land-use permit

By Cynthia Prairie The District Environmental Commission on Wednesday gave the Zaremba Group the necessary land-use permit to build a 9,100-square-foot Dollar General store on 1.4 acres on Main Street in Chester. Still, the commission also placed several requirements on the developers and the store itself, including: adding a “Stop Ahead” sign on Route 103 […]

Police Log for Jan. 4 to Feb. 10, 2013

Police Log for Jan. 4 to Feb. 10, 2013

Editor’s Note: The Chester Telegraph Police Log is a sampling of incidents directly from Chester Police reports. We do not identify individual victims of crimes nor those who have been arrested. Friday, Jan. 4, 3:41 p.m. About $600 in uncirculated $2 bills and Kennedy half dollars were reported taken from two cash registers at a […]

Town Meeting Monday, Election Day Tuesday

Chester’s annual Town Meeting begins at 6 p.m. Monday, March 4, at Chester Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Voters will decide on a number of articles including Chester Town School District items and a Chester Town government spending measure totaling $540,000 for: a new dump truck ($128,406); a new grader ($250,000); sidewalk replacement ($60,000); $44,000 […]

Two solar farms slated for Chester

Two solar farms slated for Chester

By Karen Zuppinger Two large solar farm projects are making their way into Chester.  Representatives from three of the four companies involved attended the Select Board meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 20 to make presentations and  answer questions. The biggest company, Solar Renewable Energy LLC, will locate its project near Route 103 North and Trebo Road.  […]

Bock sees hope in enterprise economy, influx of baby boomers

Bock sees hope in enterprise economy, influx of baby boomers

By Cynthia Prairie To add to Chester’s tax base, Tom Bock sees hope in the baby boom generation, those with money who wish to retire to quiet, small town Vermont. To add to the job base, Bock, who is running for his fourth consecutive year on the Select Board, believes that light manufacturing – an […]

Jonynas sees benefit to police review board, promoting Chester

Jonynas sees benefit to police review board, promoting Chester

By Cynthia Prairie Arne Jonynas calls on his experience in both public and private sectors to inform his views on town government and his duties on the Select Board. Jonynas is seeking a third one-year term. In a recent interview, Jonynas, who owns Chester Plumbing, recalls working at the Town of Windsor Windham Highway Department. […]