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Need a vax?  Springfield Hospital holds walk-in clinic

Need a vax? Springfield Hospital holds walk-in clinic

Springfield Hospital, working in close collaboration with the state of Vermont and the Vermont Department of Health, is utilizing the six-person FEMA team to provide an outpatient vaccination clinic onsite at the hospital. The vaccine clinic is held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. through Friday, Jan. 14 at the hospital, 25 Ridgewood Road in […]

Vermont Academy hires Chester business owner as snow sports manager

Vermont Academy hires Chester business owner as snow sports manager

Vermont Academy located in Saxtons River has hired Burleigh Sunflower of Lower Bartonsville and co-owner of Erskine’s Grain and Garden in Chester as its manager of sports on snow. “The coaches have a lot of passion for what the school’s program is about,” Sunflower said. “I’m excited about the prospect of continuing the snow sports […]

Weekly Covid Update: Vermont, Chester hit record Covid numbers again

Weekly Covid Update: Vermont, Chester hit record Covid numbers again

©2022 Telegraph Publishing LLC In a sentence that seems like a broken record, and as state officials predicted heading into the holidays, Vermont’s new Covid-19 cases have soared into record territory again this past week. The state hit a record single-day total of 2,188 cases Thursday. The record busting new weekly total now stands at […]

Police look for suspect in Westminster armed robbery

Police look for suspect in Westminster armed robbery

© 2022 Telegraph Publishing LLC Vermont State Police are looking for a suspect in one and possibly two armed robberies that took place on Thursday in Westminster and Springfield. According to a VSP press release, a man entered the Allen Brothers Farm Store on Rt. 5 in Westminster at 6:54 p.m. showing a handgun and […]

Landscape firm loses thousands of dollars in equipment in holiday theft

Landscape firm loses thousands of dollars in equipment in holiday theft

By Cynthia Prairie ©2022 Telegraph Publishing LLC It was Friday, Dec. 24, and the crew from Terrigenous Landscape Architecture  of Chester was looking forward to a holiday week off. They had been working in the back of a stone house in Baltimore, “putting in a stone wall and drainage to save one of these old […]

Andover Select Board agenda for Jan. 10

Andover Select Board agenda for Jan. 10

The Select Board for the Town of Andover will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 10 at Andover Town Hall, 953 Andover Road, and via Zoom. To access via Zoom, click here. Below is its agenda. 1. Call Select Board meeting to order. 2. Act on Agenda. 3. Act on Minutes: Act on the […]

Chester board OKs 'statement' encouraging individual Covid mitigation measures

Chester board OKs ‘statement’ encouraging individual Covid mitigation measures

By Shawn Cunningham © Telegraph Publishing LLC While a number of area towns including Cavendish, Ludlow and Windham have instituted mask mandates for public buildings, the Chester board issued a statement that while there is increasing transmission of Covid in Vermont and New Hampshire, “The Town of Chester is not supportive of implementing a mask […]

Rasmussen takes over leadership of Ascutney Regional Commission

Rasmussen takes over leadership of Ascutney Regional Commission

After more than 30 years as the executive director of the organization that is now the Mount Ascutney Regional Commission, Tom Kennedy has stepped down and Jason Rasmussen has become the new executive director starting on Jan. 1. Kennedy will start his new position as director of Community Development, remaining involved in brownfields, solid waste […]

Chester Select Board agenda for Jan. 5

Chester Select Board agenda for Jan. 5

The Chester Select Board will meet at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 5 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St., and via Zoom. You can access the meeting via Zoom by clicking here. Below is its agenda. 1. Approve Minutes from the December 15, 2021 Selectboard Meeting; Dec. 17, 2021 Special Selectboard Meeting and Dec. 29, […]

Judiciary seeks volunteers to join guardian ad litem program

Judiciary seeks volunteers to join guardian ad litem program

When the Department of Children and Families seeks to take a child into custody, Vermont law requires the court to appoint a guardian ad litem. GALs are volunteer, court-appointed special advocates who protect children’s best interests in these juvenile court cases, which usually involve allegations of abuse or neglect. A GAL works closely with a […]

Derry Planning Commission to hold forum on Main Street Master Plan

Derry Planning Commission to hold forum on Main Street Master Plan

The Londonderry Planning Commission is inviting residents to view and discuss the consolidated Main Street Master Plan recommendations developed by Stevens & Associates for Londonderry’s North Main Street. The recommendations will be presented from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 6 on Zoom. Additional information and access to the Zoom meeting can be found […]

Vermont Covid cases hit new records

Vermont Covid cases hit new records Omicron has yet to show impact on hospitalizations, deaths

©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC As state officials predicted heading into the holidays and the new year — and likely driven by the more contagious Omicron variant –Vermont’s new Covid-19 cases have soared into record territory this past week. The state hit a single-day case total of 1,352 on Thursday, Dec. 30, and a record weekly […]

Free rapid test kits available for students in K-12

Free rapid test kits available for students in K-12 Registration required prior to pickup

MONTPELIER Gov. Phil Scott has announced that parents and caregivers of Vermont’s K-12 children will be able to pick up one free rapid antigen test kit per student this week at sites around Vermont. The state is encouraging parents to use these kits to test kids before they return to school next week, but a […]

Rt. 131 in Cavendish reopens as crash cleanup is completed

Rt. 131 in Cavendish reopens as crash cleanup is completed

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Vermont Rt. 131 in Cavendish appears to be open to traffic again after being closed for nearly a day as emergency personnel worked to get a tractor trailer out of the Black River. Read yesterday’s Telegraph article here. But while the closure no longer appears on New […]

Op-ed: A Q&A with Chester Planning Commission chair Cathy Hasbrouck

Op-ed: A Q&A with Chester Planning Commission chair Cathy Hasbrouck

  In early November of this year, Chester businessman Steve Mancuso, owner of Chester Electric and head of the nascent Chester Business Coalition**,  asked a series of questions of Cathy Hasbrouck, chair of the Chester Planning Commission, which is working on updating the town’s bylaws, to clarify recent activities and the general direction of the […]

UPDATED: Truck crash into river closes Rt. 131 in Cavendish; recovery ongoing

UPDATED: Truck crash into river closes Rt. 131 in Cavendish; recovery ongoing

By Shawn Cunningham ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC UPDATE 5:45 p.m. – In what appears to be a change of plan, Proctorsville Fire has just told Hartford Dispatch that the tractor portion of the rig has been removed from the river and they are working on the trailer. We will continue to monitor scanner traffic through […]

6-member FEMA team to aid Springfield Hospital in onsite pediatric clinic

6-member FEMA team to aid Springfield Hospital in onsite pediatric clinic

Springfield Hospital welcomed a Federal Emergency Management Agency team to assist the hospital in its pandemic response. Working in close collaboration with the state of Vermont and the Vermont Department of Health, Springfield Hospital is utilizing the six-person FEMA team that arrived last Friday to staff an outpatient pediatric vaccination clinic onsite at the hospital. […]

Rt. 103 murder suspect to be released on bail

Rt. 103 murder suspect to be released on bail Piri pleads not guilty, must surrender passports and guns

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC A Florida physician who owns a second home in Londonderry pled not guilty Monday to a charge of second degree murder in the 2019 shooting death of Roberto Fonseca-Rivera during a virtual arraignment and will be released on bond. He will be released on $250,000 bond after […]

Chester Select Board special meeting agenda for Dec. 29

Chester Select Board special meeting agenda for Dec. 29

The Chester Select Board will hold a special meeting at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 29 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St., and via Zoom by clicking here. Below is its agenda. 1. Citizen Comments/Answers from Previous Meeting 2. Approve Written Statement Re: Recommendations & COVID-19 3. General Fund Budget Review: Library and Facilities 4. […]

Police seek help in Cavendish RTV theft

Police seek help in Cavendish RTV theft

© 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Vermont State Police are asking the public for help in connection to the recent theft of a rough terrain vehicle. According to a VSP press release, at about 3 a.m. on Tuesday December 21, a Kubota RTV 900 was stolen from a home on Densmore Rd. in Cavendish. Police included […]