All Entries in the "Latest News" Category

Chester DRB agenda for Oct. 26
The Chester Development Review Board will hold a meeting preceded by site visits on Monday Oct. 26, 2020. Below are the times and places of the visits and meeting as well as the agenda. The meeting will be held via Zoom only which can be accessed through 4:45 PM Site Visit 482 Mattson Road […]

Broadband plan outlined to bring fiber to Weston, Derry, 14 other towns in Deerfield Valley CUD
By Cherise Madigan © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Deerfield Valley Communications Union District — of which Londonderry and now Weston are members — presented its business plan earlier this month, following months of surveys and studies into the region’s connectivity and potential. Officially formed this April, the 16-member town CUD aims to provide equitable, […]

In Vermont, hope that universal mail-in balloting becomes norm Advocates see opportunity for this progressive voting rights state to do even more
By Matt DeRienzo Editor-in-Chief The Center for Public Integrity Vermont has gone farther than almost any other state this year in making sure that residents can vote safely during the Covid-19 pandemic, temporarily switching to a universal vote-by-mail system in which every registered voter is sent a ballot. And there are few other barriers to […]

Derry board revisits future of Williams Dam
By Cherise Madigan ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Londonderry Select Board revisited the Williams Dam at its Monday, Oct. 19 meeting, continuing a discussion that has played out for years without resolution. Now, new safety classifications expected from the Vermont Department of Dam Safety in the near future poses a question for the Town of […]

Telegraph reporter on GNAT election night panel; Church removes Trump sign from rectory land
Telegraph reporter to be on GNAT-TV election night panel GNAT-TV is going live at 8 p.m. on Election Night with news director Andrew McKeever moderating a panel including Cherise Madigan Forbes of The Chester Telegraph, former state Rep. Jeff Wilson and Manchester Town Manager John O’Keefe, all offering commentary and analysis. Area high school students […]

Andover Select Board agenda for Oct. 26
The Select Board for the town of Andover will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 26 at Andover Town Hall, 953 Andover Road, with appropriate distancing. Below is its agenda. 1. Call Select Board meeting to order. 2. Act on Agenda. 3. Act on Minutes: Act on the minutes from the October 12th meeting. […]

Chester Select Board agenda for Oct. 21
The Chester Select Board will meet at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 21 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St., and via Zoom. In person attendance is limited to 25 people, so please consider if your physical attendance is needed or if you can participate via Zoom. To access via Zoom: Meeting ID: 819 8884 2129 […]

Woman critical after hit-and-run in W. Wardsboro State Police seek information on Saturday night incident
© 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Vermont State Police are asking for the public’s help in finding the driver of a car who hit and critically injured a West Wardsboro woman on Saturday night, then fled. According to a VSP press release, Deborah Ayers, 65, was found semi-conscious on the Stratton Arlington Road around 8 […]

Chester Chatter: A slower pace, a time for visiting
By Ruthie Douglas ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC A walk around the village streets of Chester in the 1950s looks different than today. Starting low on Route 103 was Putnam’s Diner, where the yard was nearly always filled with tractor trailer trucks. It was open nearly 24 hours a day. Moving up the road was the […]

Weekly Update: As Covid-19 cases rise slightly, emergency declaration extended to Nov. 15
© 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Gov. Phil Scott extended the State of Emergency in Vermont on Thursday for another month, through Nov. 15. This gives Scott the authority continue to implement and manage state guidelines in response to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. The state Department of Health continued to see higher than usual new positive […]

Chester Planning Commission agenda for Oct. 19
The Chester Planning Commission will hold its regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Monday Oct. 19 via Zoom. To join the meeting click on this link – By phone, call (646) 558 8656 and enter the Meeting ID:810 2925 6359 Below is the commission’s agenda. 1. Review October 5, 2020 minutes. 2. Citizen comments. […]

Weston firefighters seek new building; board appoints rep for Communications Union District
By Cherise Madigan © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Weston Volunteer Fire Department may be getting a new home following a preliminary presentation by Fire Chief Ryan Hart and Firefighter Jake Hart at the Oct. 13 meeting of the Weston Select Board. In their appeal, presented by Jake Hart, the fire company requested that, as […]

Vermont drops out of ‘green zone’ for Covid-19, White House says
By Liz Essley Whyte Center for Public Integrity Oct. 13, 2020 The Center for Public Integrity is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates betrayals of public trust. Sign up to receive our stories. More than half of states are in the “red zone” for new Covid-19 cases, meaning they had more than 100 new cases for […]

Prospects for Church St. sidewalk in Chester distant, dimmer Pinske questions loan fund, election update
By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Many Chester residents who use Church Street as part of their walking route have long asked for a sidewalk to separate them from the traffic. But the possibility of that happening dimmed a bit on Wednesday night as Christina Haskins of Dufresne Group gave a presentation to […]

Weekly Covid-19 Update: Cases double in week, mostly due to Shoreham orchard outbreak
©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Vermont Department of Health saw a dramatic spike of 78 cases this week, more than twice the 37 new Covid-19 cases reported last week. The statewide total cases now stands at 1,846. The increase is due in part to an outbreak reported among Jamaican migrant workers brought in to pick […]

Beattie named Vermont Emergency Management Director of Year
By Cherise Madigan ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Londonderry’s own Kevin Beattie has been recognized as Vermont’s Emergency Management Director of the Year for 2020, a year in which emergency management is anything but “business-as-usual.” “Kevin Beattie has all the characteristics that make an exemplary EMD,” said Mark Bosma, public information officer for the state Department […]

Derry Transfer Station food-scrap intake doubles
By Cherise Madigan ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Recycling Coordinator Esther Fishman told the Londonderry Select Board at its Monday, Oct. 5 meeting that the amount of food scraps being brought to the Transfer Station has increased by nearly 10,000 pounds per month since a state composting mandate went into effect this summer. Food scraps totaled […]

Drug Take Back Day set for Oct. 24
On Saturday, Oct. 24, the Windsor County Sheriff’s Office, local and state law enforcement agencies, and the Drug Enforcement Administration will give the public another opportunity to prevent pill abuse and theft by ridding their homes of potentially dangerous, expired, unused and unwanted prescription drugs. Sponsored by public health coalitions, the Take-Back Day event is […]

Andover Select Board agenda for Oct. 12
The Select Board for the town of Andover will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 12 at Andover Town Hall, 953 Andover Road, with appropriate distancing. Below is its agenda. 1. Call Select Board meeting to order. 2. Act on Agenda. 3. Act on Minutes: Act on the minutes from the September 28th meeting. […]

26 Covid cases found among orchard workers in Shoreham All board at same bunkhouse; one is showing symptoms
By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Vermont Health Department announced today that an outbreak of 26 Covid-19 positive cases has been identified among migrant agriculture workers at Champlain Orchards in Shoreham. The workers are Jamaicans who are in the United States on H2A visas and arrived at John F. Kennedy Airport on […]