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Londonderry Select Board agenda for April 6

Londonderry Select Board agenda for April 6

The Select Board for the Town of Londonderry will begin meeting at 6 p.m. on Monday, April 6. There will be no physical presence. To access the meeting remotely please follow these instructions:  Via web: (Meeting ID: 289 761 009); Via telephone: (929) 205-6099 (Meeting ID: 289 761 009). It is strongly recommended that […]

Hance named Chester town manager

Hance named Chester town manager Financially distressed urged to call town over taxes, bills

Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC In the 15 years that Julie Hance has worked for Chester town government, she has been assistant town clerk, assistant town treasurer, zoning administrator, executive assistant and assistant town manager. On Wednesday, April 1, the Chester Select Board unanimously named her town manager and gave her a one-year […]

State's Covid-19 modeling shows peak mid-April to early May

State’s Covid-19 modeling shows peak mid-April to early May

By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC In a lengthy Zoom news conference Thursday afternoon, members of the Scott administration explained that modeling done to predict the course of the coronavirus in Vermont is showing that the isolation and distancing measures ordered by the governor are working and that the peak of the infections […]

More medical surge sites announced for Vermont

More medical surge sites announced for Vermont 50-bed medical trailers for Brattleboro, Mt. Ascutney

By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Scott administration today announced that two more medical surge sites will be established — one in Rutland and one in Essex Junction —  as the state prepares for a large increase in the number of Covid-19 cases. In a press release today, Gov. Phil Scott said […]

Police agencies search for missing Springfield man

Police agencies search for missing Springfield man Joshua Webster last seen in Chester in early March

© 2020 Telegraph Publishing, LLC Three police agencies are searching for a Springfield man who was reported missing to Hartford Police and was last seen in Chester. Joshua Webster, 39 of Springfield was last seen leaving a home on Regina Drive in Chester early in the morning on Saturday March 7. A relative reported him […]

Chester Select Board to hold April 15 public hearing for Town Plan changes

Chester Select Board to hold April 15 public hearing for Town Plan changes

In accordance with the provisions of 24 V.S.A. §4384, the Town of Chester Select Board will hold the second (and final) of two public hearings on April 15, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. at the Town Offices to hear public comments on adopting the Chester Town Plan with amendments as described here. The meeting will be […]

Springfield Medical Systems manages under Covid-19 changes

Springfield Medical Systems manages under Covid-19 changes

By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The ongoing response to the coronavirus pandemic has meant that health care systems have had to make changes to the way they work on a day-to-day basis while coping with shortages in gear and uncertain finances that can be difficult for rural providers and all the more […]

Green Up Day delayed til May 30

Green Up Day delayed til May 30

Effective Monday, March 30, Green Up Vermont’s plan is to postpone Green Up Day from Saturday, May 2 to Saturday, May 30. The distribution of Green Up Day supplies will happen the first week in May, organizers announced. Although Green Up is shifting its planning toward May 30, the organization will still look for final […]

Testing reveals more cases; infections jump by 37

Testing reveals more cases; infections jump by 37

By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing, LLC The expanded testing regime announced by Health Commissioner Dr. Mark Levine seems to be turning up more new cases than were found when screening was limited to only the very sick. On Friday, Levine said that by having received a larger stockpile of test kits, the state […]

Gov. Scott: If you don't need to come to Vt., don't

Gov. Scott: If you don’t need to come to Vt., don’t New restrictions on lodging, mandated quarantine for travelers

By Shawn Cunningham ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC In an effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus, Gov. Phil Scott today ordered restrictions on travelers arriving in Vermont and ordered the lodging industry — including Airbnbs and others offering short-term rentals as well as campgrounds and RV parks — to close and stop taking reservations. […]

To the editor: Family Center seeks monetary donations

To the editor: Family Center seeks monetary donations

The Chester Telegraph is republishing this letter from the Chester-Andover Family Center seeking funds. While its website is still experiencing problems, the link to its Paypal account works. The Chester-Andover Family Center is asking the community for help in keeping our Food Shelf fully stocked to meet the needs of participating residents. As you know, […]

Weston board delays decision on special Town Meeting in its first remote session

Weston board delays decision on special Town Meeting in its first remote session

By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC In its first video-conferencing meeting during the Covid-19 shutdown, the Weston Select Board on March 24 delayed action on a proposal by board chair Denis Benson to hold a special Town Meeting to postpone large town expenditures such as a $90,000 bridge replacement and $30,000 for a fire […]

State Police check compliance at hundreds of hotels/motels

State Police check compliance at hundreds of hotels/motels

© 2020 Telegraph Publishing, LLC Vermont State Police troopers visited 295 lodging establishments across the state to check their compliance with Gov. Phil Scott’s Stay Home, Stay Safe executive order which required commercial lodging establishments to immediately begin to cease operations due to the coronavirus pandemic according to a VSP press release issued Sunday afternoon. […]

Covid-19 testing kicks off at Landmark College

Covid-19 testing kicks off at Landmark College Statewide testing increases by 56 percent from yesterday, 24 new cases, no new deaths

By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Just before 8 a.m. Sunday morning, in a chilly drizzle, Lt. Col. Miles Trudell and his crew of National Guard soldiers were putting the finishing touches on a drive-through testing operation at Landmark College’s parking lot D. The tents for registering and testing patients and processing specimens […]

Hospitals must protect patient information

Hospitals must protect patient information

From Grace Cottage Hospital In light of the recent pandemic of novel coronavirus known as Covid-19, Grace Cottage Family Health & Hospital in Townshend has received inquiries about patients that have been tested for coronavirus within the community. While it is understandable that people want this information to protect themselves and their families, Grace Cottage […]

Chester Select Board agenda for April 1, 2020

Chester Select Board agenda for April 1, 2020

The Chester Select Board will meet at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, April 1 via Zoom and at Town Hall, 556 Elm St., where the Select Board chair and the town manager will be located. To log-in to Zoom call (646) 558 8656 and enter the Meeting ID544 784 834  or and add Meeting ID: 544 […]

Guard sets up Covid-19 testing site in Putney

Guard sets up Covid-19 testing site in Putney Opens Sunday; health-care provider referral required

© 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Vermont Department of Health announced this evening – Saturday, March 28, that the state’s National Guard is setting up a Covid-19 testing facility at a building on the Landmark College campus in Putney that will open on Sunday morning. (The state has since altered its plan and the testing […]

State Covid-19 total surpasses 200; 2 more die

State Covid-19 total surpasses 200; 2 more die No new cases recorded in Windsor, Windham

© 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Vermont Health Department today announced that the number of positive results for the coronavirus jumped from 183 to 211, from a total of 2,374 people tested. The number of patients who have died also rose by two to 12. There were no new cases in Windsor and Windham counties, […]

New ways to do business with Town of Londonderry, Transfer Station & Library

New ways to do business with Town of Londonderry, Transfer Station & Library

While the Londonderry Town Office and the S. Londonderry Library are closed to the public during the Covid-19 crisis, there are still ways you can conduct business with the town, check out books and use the Wi-Fi.  And the Transfer Station is still open for some services. Doing business with the town If you need […]

Levine touts 'full-court press' to ease testing rules

Levine touts ‘full-court press’ to ease testing rules Covid positives up by 26 from yesterday, 2 more patients die

By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC While the nominal purpose of Gov. Phil Scott’s press conference this morning was to talk about his order to dismiss schools for the remainder of the year, that was overshadowed by the announcement of relaxed requirements for testing Vermonters for Covid-19, the increase in positive tests by […]