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Dr. Barbeau honored; scholarship applications available

Dr. Barbeau honored; scholarship applications available

Dr. Barbeau to be honored by SMCS Delores Barbeau, MD, MPH, will be the recipient of the George F. Leland Community Health Award from Springfield Medical Care Systems.  The award ceremony will take place at this year’s Apple Blossom Cotillion on Friday, May 4 at Riverside Middle School gymnasium. This award is named in honor […]

Carol Jennings, Weston winter resident, dies at 88

Carol Jennings, Weston winter resident, dies at 88

© 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Carol Raymond Jennings, of Jamestown, R.I., and Weston, Vt., died peacefully on April 19, four days short of her 89th birthday. Dorothy Caroline Raymond was born in 1929 to Morris Thomas Raymond and Dorothy Cushing Whitridge Raymond, on her mother’s birthday. Mrs. Jennings was the fourth of five children – […]

Andover Select Board agenda for April 23, 2018

Andover Select Board agenda for April 23, 2018

The Select Board for the town of Andover will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, April 23 at Town Office, 953 Andover Road. 1. Call Select Board meeting to order. 2. Act on Agenda. 3. Act on Minutes: Act on minutes from April 9th meeting. 4. Public Comment (Time allowance: Five minutes per visitor, 10 […]

Cavendish interim principal pick says 'No'

Cavendish interim principal pick says ‘No’

By Chester Telegraph staff ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Madeline Carlock, the 32-year-old West Lebanon resident and instructional coach at Hartford School District, accepted the job of interim principal position at Cavendish Town Elementary School last night after Green Mountain Unified School District board offered it to her as the last remaining candidate. But then this […]

GM board splits, but hires interim CTES principal

GM board splits, but hires interim CTES principal 2 of 3 Cavendish reps vote no; board sends new budget to voters

By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC With two of three Cavendish members voting “no,” the Green Mountain Unified School District board voted on Tuesday night to hire Madeline Carlock — the sole remaining candidate — for the position of interim principal of Cavendish Town Elementary School. Also on the agenda was the consideration […]

Derry board covers much in short meeting

Derry board covers much in short meeting New Sunday operator, hours at Transfer Station; Thompsonburg Road problem discussed

By Bruce Frauman © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC In its 35-minute meeting on Monday, April 16, the Londonderry Select Board changed personnel and time of operation on Sundays at the Transfer Station. Board chair Jim Ameden said Matthew Wilder, who had been operating the Transfer Station on Sundays, was sent a letter requesting his approval […]

Chester DRB agenda for April 23, 2018

Chester DRB agenda for April 23, 2018

The Chester Development Review Board will meet at 6 p.m. Monday, April 23 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Below is its agenda. 1) Review draft minutes from the March 26th meeting 2) Citizens comments 3) Reconvene Sandri Realty Inc. Flood Hazard Review and Conditional Use applications (#518 & 519) 4) Deliberative session to review […]

Rediscovering Chester wins second award

Rediscovering Chester wins second award Village Master Plan honored by state planning group

© 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Vermont Planners Association has announced that it has given Chester’s Village Center master plan its Plan of the Year award, recognizing outstanding achievements in community planning in Vermont. Nominees come from all corners of Vermont and represent the best in local, regional and state planning by citizens and professional […]

Cavendish board talks infrastructure

Cavendish board talks infrastructure Paving, sewer and internet projects on the horizon

By Julia Purdy © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Monday night’s Cavendish Select Board meeting opened with citizens’ input from Margo Caulfield, who gave a quick overview on the slow progress of high-speed internet installation. TDS Telecom, Caulfield said, has said that there was a delay in the Comcast rewiring project due to confusion regarding net […]

Chester Select Board agenda for April 18, 2018

Chester Select Board agenda for April 18, 2018

The Chester Select Board will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 18 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Below is its agenda. 1. Approval of Minutes from April 4, 2018 Selectboard Meeting 2. Citizen’s Comments 3. Old Business 4. Popple Dungeon Alternatives Public Meeting 5. Salvage Yard Ordinance 6. Liquor Licenses First Class: Pizza […]

Weston board mulls cell coverage during power outages

Weston board mulls cell coverage during power outages

By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Weston Select Board members Jim Linville and Ann Fuji’i said at their April 10 meeting that they will reach out to the Planning Commission to see what can be done to improve cell phone service when there is a power outage. When the renewal of the Local Emergency […]

Celebration of life set in May for Janet Greenlees

Celebration of life set in May for Janet Greenlees

A celebration of the life of Janet Greenlees will be held at the First Universalist Parish on North Street in Chester at 11 a.m. Saturday, May 12. Janet Greenlees died on Nov. 12, 2017 at age 90 in the Meadows Home in Rutland.  She moved to Chester in 1978 and spent many years as a […]

Chester dental expands as medical services move

Chester dental expands as medical services move

By Cynthia Prairie ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Springfield Medical Care Systems will expand its dental services at the Ellsworth Building at 55 Route 11 in Chester, adding dental staff and taking over space now occupied by the Chester Health Center. SMCS will be bringing on a second dentist, by July 1, plus two dental hygienists […]

Cavendish residents question principal hopefuls

Cavendish residents question principal hopefuls Interim elementary school job a sticking point with many

By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC As children frolicked on the Cavendish Town Elementary School playground Wednesday evening, Madeline Carlock and Joseph Smith made their cases to parents on why each should be the interim principal for the next school year. Speaking before a large turnout, the two candidates could not have been […]

New fire engine arrives in Chester

New fire engine arrives in Chester Added features mean faster response

By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Last year’s Town Meeting ballot in Chester included a new pumper to replace a 1997 model that was at the end of its safe and useful life, according to Fire Chief Matt Wilson. The vote wasn’t even close, with the $500,000 truck purchase approved 463 to 175. […]

Chester board begins to look at regulating junk

Chester board begins to look at regulating junk Zoning administrator under fire from area businesses

By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC The third try was the charm as town attorney Jim Carroll of Middlebury finally made his twice-snow-delayed trek to Chester to brief the Select Board on a draft salvage yard ordinance, the employee status of a zoning administrator, and the town’s budget committee and how it might […]

Chester days from owning Yosemite Fire House

Chester days from owning Yosemite Fire House

By Shawn Cunningham ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC The town of Chester is just a few weeks from being officially recognized as the owner of the historic Yosemite House, located on Depot Street, the town’s attorney, Jim Carroll, says. Slightly more than three years ago, the ownership became an issue when the Chester Historical Society said […]

Vision, Finance panels meet on ed plan, budget

Vision, Finance panels meet on ed plan, budget Public weighs in on STEM, foreign language offerings

By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing, LLC The Green Mountain Unified School District Vision Committee once again tread the path between planning and action at its April 9 meeting, this time with members of the district’s finance committee in attendance as budget deadlines near. Voters in the district created by the Act 46 merger […]

SPECIAL UPDATE: I-91 Rockingham - Rolling road block

SPECIAL UPDATE: I-91 Rockingham – Rolling road block Thursday April 12, 2018 at 10 a.m.

© 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Vermont Agency of Transportation is replacing the bridges on I-91 over the Williams River in Rockingham. The projected completion date is May 18, 2020. Here is the anticipated construction schedule for the week of March 26, 2018. I-91 northbound bridge activities: THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 2018 at 10:00am ROLLING ROAD […]

Windstorm knocks out power across area

Windstorm knocks out power across area Emergency responders, GMP pull all-nighter; restoration work expected to continue into weekend

By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing, LLC Winds with sustained speeds of up to 63 mph lashed Vermont overnight and into this morning, knocking down branches, trees and power lines and leaving thousands in the dark. As of 9 a.m. Thursday, 17,730 Green Mountain Power customers in 93 Vermont towns had no power. Closer […]