All Entries in the "Weston Select Board Agenda" Category

Weston Liquor Control, Select Board agendas for Feb. 27
The Town of Weston’s Liquor Control Board and Select Board will meet on Wednesday, Feb. 27, beginning with the Liquor Control Board at 7:15 p.m. The meetings will be held at the Town Office, 12 Lawrence Hill Road. Below are the agendas of both. Liquor Control Board 1. Second Class Liquor License: Weston Village Store […]

Weston Select Board agenda for June 26, 2018
The Weston Select Board will meet at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 26 at Town Offices, 12 Lawrence Hill Road. Below is its agenda. 1. Any Requested Changes to the Agenda: 2. Public Comment: 3. Review and Approve Minutes: 4. Budget & Comparison: 5. SO #14 Payroll, SO #14 Vendors: 6. Committee Reports: 7. New […]

Weston Select Board agenda for June 12, 2018
The Select Board of the town of Weston will meet at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 12 at Town Offices, 12 Lawrence Hill Road. Below is its agenda. 1. Any Requested Changes to the Agenda: 2. Public Comment: 3. Road Foreman: 4. Senior Solutions: 5. Appoint Full Member to Planning Commission: 6. Support Planning Commission […]

Weston Select Board agenda for May 22, 2018
The Select Board for the Town of Weston will meet at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 22, in the Town Office, 12 Lawrence Hill Road. Below is its agenda. 1. Any Requested Changes to the Agenda: 2. Public Comment: 3. VLCT: 4. MVP Administrator: 5. Access Permit: 6. Banking: 7. Financial Management Questionnaire: 8. Municipal […]

Weston Liquor Board, Select Board agendas for Jan. 23, 2018
The Liquor Control Board for the Town of Weston will meet at 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 23 at Town Office, Lawrence Hill Road, followed at 7:30 p.m. by the Select Board meeting. Below are its agendas. Liquor Control Board agenda 1. Any Requested Changes to the Liquor Control Board Agenda: 2. Public Comment: 3. […]

Weston Select Board agenda for Sept. 12, 2017
The Weston Select Board will meet at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 12 at Town Offices, 12 Lawrence Hill Road. Below is its agenda. 1. Any Requested Changes to the Agenda: 2. Public Comment: 3. Road Foreman: Ford 550 Warranty; Markham Lane 4. Comcast Building: 5. Review and Approve Minutes: 6. Unifirst: 7. Door Lock: […]

Weston Select Board agenda for Aug. 22, 2017
The Select Board for the town of Weston will meet at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 22 at Town Offices, 12 Lawrence Hill Road. Below is its agenda. 1. Any Requested Changes to the Agenda 2. Public Comment 3. Unifirst 4. Little School: Lease; Drainage 5. 90 Day CD 6. Door Lock 7. Lister Consultant […]

Weston Select Board agenda for Aug. 8, 2017
The Select Board of the town of Weston will hold it regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 8 at the Town Office, 12 Lawrence Hill Road. Below is its agenda. Any Requested Changes to the Agenda: Public Comment: Road Foreman: Grant Foley: Little School Lease: Review and Approve Minutes: Delinquent Tax Report: SO […]

Weston Select Board agenda for Tuesday, July 25, 2017
The Select Board for the Town of Weston will meet at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 25 at the Town Office, 12 Lawrence Hill Road. Below is its agenda. 1. Any Requested Changes to the Agenda: 2. Public Comment: 3. Conflict of Interest Policy: 4. Oil Bids: 5. Windows: 6. Review and Approve Minutes: 7. […]

Weston Select Board agenda for June 27, 2017
The Select Board for the town of Weston will meet at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 27 at Town Office, 12 Lawrence Hill Road. Below is its agenda. 1. Any Requested Changes to the Agenda: 2. Public Comment: 3. Shaw Knoll: 4. Unlicensed Dogs: 5. Web Mail Posting Cost: 6. SO #14 Payroll, SO #14 […]

Weston Select Board agenda for May 23, 2017
The Select Board for the town of Weston will meet at Town Offices, 12 Lawrence Hill Road, at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 23. Below is its agenda. Any Requested Changes to the Agenda: Public Comment: Library: Graffiti: Earned Sick Leave: Review and Approve Minutes: SO #11 Payroll, SO #11 Vendors: Committee Reports: New & Old […]

Weston Select Board agenda for May 9, 2017
The Select Board for the town of Weston will hold its meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 9 at Town Offices, 12 Lawrence Hill Road. Below is its agenda. Any Requested Changes to the Agenda Public Comment Road Foreman: Shaw Knoll Culvert; Access Permit Conflict of Interest Policy VLCT Ins Request Act 69 Review and […]

Weston Select Board agenda for April 25, 2017
The Town of Weston Select Board will meet at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 25 at Town Offices, 12 Lawrence Hill Road. Below is its agenda. Any Requested Changes to the Agenda: Public Comment: LEOP & NIMS: Road Foreman: Access Permit: TAN: Conflict of Interest & Lockout/Tagout Policies: Appointed Officers: Review and Approve Minutes: SO […]

Weston Select Board agenda for April 11, 2017
The Weston Select Board will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 11 at Town Office on Lawrence Hill Road. Below is its agenda. 1. Any Requested Changes to the Agenda: 2. Public Comment: 3. Road Foreman: 4. Transfer Station: 5. Fire Dept. Letter: 6. VLCT Ins.: 7. Cash Flow: 8. Appointed Officers: Alternate Planning Commission […]

Weston Select Board meeting for Tuesday, March 28 CANCELED
The Select Board meeting for the Town of Weston, scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 28 has been canceled. It’s planned agenda is below. When the meeting has been rescheduled and a new agenda issued, The Telegraph will publish it. 1. Any Requested Changes to the Agenda: 2. Public Comment: 3. Road Foreman: 4. […]

Weston Select Board agenda for Aug. 9, 2016
The Weston Select Board will meet at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 9 at Town Offices, 12 Lawrence Hill Road. Below is its agenda. 1. Any Requested Changes to the Agenda: 2. Public Comment: 3. Road Foreman: Crushing of Gravel Bids 4. Little School Painting Bids:Water Faucet for Testing 5. Little School Parking: 6. Furnace […]

Weston Select Board agenda for July 26, 2016
The Weston Select Board will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 26 at Weston Town Offices, 12 Lawrence Hill Road. Below is its agenda 1. Any Requested Changes to the Agenda 2. Public Comment 3. Little School Painting Bids 4. Furnace Bids 5. Oil Bids 6. SO #16 Payroll, SO #16 Vendors 7. Review and […]

Weston Select Board agenda for Tuesday, June 28, 2016
The Select Board for the Town of Weston will hold its regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 28 at Weston Town Offices, 12 Lawrence Hill Road. Below is its agenda. 1. Any Requested Changes to the Agenda: 2. Public Comment: 3. Little School Ramp: Corrosion Control Water Supply: 4. WVFD: 5. Unlicensed Dogs: 6. […]

Weston Select Board meeting for Tuesday, April 26
The Weston Liquor Control Board will meet tonight at 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, April 26, at the Weston Playhouse to consider the First Class Liquor Licenses for West Town Eatery and The Inn at Weston. At 7:30 p.m., the Weston Select Board will meet, also at the Weston Playhouse. Below is it agenda. 1. Any Requested […]

Weston Select Board agenda for April 12, 2016
The Select Board of the Town of Weston will meet at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 12 following the Liquor Control Board meeting at 7:15 p.m. Both meetings will be at Town Office, 12 Lawrence Hill Road. Below are the agendas. Board of Liquor Control 1. First Class Hotel License to sell Malt & Venous […]