RSSAll Entries in the "Weston" Category

Weston board opens bids, prepping for winter

Weston board opens bids, prepping for winter

By Shawn Cunningham © 2019 Telegraph Publishing, LLC It may have been the middle of August, but winter was in the air at the Weston Select Board meeting last Tuesday, Aug. 13, as the board opened bids for winter sand and fuel oil and discussed heating contract expenses for the town annex among other issues. […]

Weston board acts to fix Town Office flood issue

Weston board acts to fix Town Office flood issue Cemetery maples, emerald ash borer, bid process discussed

By Bruce Frauman ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC At its meeting on July 23, the Weston Select Board agreed to fund two minor projects in town-owned buildings. It then spent the rest of the meeting on updates, discussions and comments. One project will provide up to $1,000 for the proper hookups to accommodate a generator for […]

Weston board OKs tax rates, stream work bid

Weston board OKs tax rates, stream work bid

By Shawn Cunningham © 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Weston Select Board approved 2019 tax rates representing a 4.76 percent increase for residents and a 2 percent increase for non-residents and commercial property owners. Town Clerk Kim Seymour presented the numbers, which included a 6-cent increase in municipal taxes (from $0.4773 to $0.5375) and education […]

Weston board mulls Priory solar; decommission of Devil's Den Trail

Weston board mulls Priory solar; decommission of Devil’s Den Trail

By Shawn Cunningham © 2019 Telegraph Publishing, LLC One Weston Select Board member’s solitary action regarding a solar installation at the Weston Priory brought an annoyed reaction from chairman Denis Benson at the board’s June 25 meeting. Charles Goodwin said that he had registered the Town of Weston on the Public Utility Commission’s website to […]

Weston board considers plan for ash beetle threat

Weston board considers plan for ash beetle threat

By Bruce Frauman ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Weston Select Board on Tuesday, May 28 moved forward on several ongoing projects including addressing threats from the emerald ash borer beetle, and upgrade of the town website. Tree Warden Raymond Mara distributed a packet of information and proposals from the state on how to deal with […]

After April 15 flooding, Weston board considers repairs to Town Office basement

After April 15 flooding, Weston board considers repairs to Town Office basement

By Bruce Frauman ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC The longest discussion at the April 23 Weston Select Board meeting revolved around installing sump pumps in the Town Office building at 12 Lawrence Hill Road following flooding in the basement during heavy rains and melting snow in mid-April. Acting chair Jim Linville said the basement flooded on […]

Weston board tables OK for Fire Dept. airpacks, seeking financing data

Weston board tables OK for Fire Dept. airpacks, seeking financing data

By Bruce Frauman ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Weston Select Board on April 9 tabled a decision on purchasing eight airpacks for the Weston Volunteer Fire Department until more information could be gathered about financing options. Christine Falango represented the Weston Fire Department in requesting funds to replace airpacks at a total cost of $60,000 […]

Early morning flooding hammers area towns

Early morning flooding hammers area towns

By Shawn Cunningham ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC Overnight rains and melting snows combined on Monday morning to cause flooding and close roads throughout the area. Luckily, it was also the first day of the spring break for local schools. At 6:24 a.m., a Weston firefighter asked the Keene Mutual Aid dispatcher to tone fire department […]

Spring snow turns roads treacherous

Spring snow turns roads treacherous

By Shawn Cunningham © 2019 Telegraph Publishing, LLC Freezing rain and snow turned area roads slick this April Monday afternoon. Accidents were reported in Chester, Landgrove and Weston among others. According to witnesses and a State Police press release, at about 1:13 p.m. a 2006 Subaru Impreza was being driven west on the Weston Andover […]

Weston voters OK paving, dam removal funds

Weston voters OK paving, dam removal funds

By Shawn Cunningham © 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC The 2019 Weston Town Meeting got it just about right. The town business was taken care of quickly and efficiently, there were a couple of opportunities for community celebration and just enough political wrangling to keep everyone’s interest. In the end, all the articles passed and the […]

Cold Spring group seeks Weston funds for lower dam removal

Cold Spring group seeks Weston funds for lower dam removal

By Shawn Cunningham ©2019 Telegraph Publishing  LLC With more than 30 people jammed into the Weston Playhouse living room, members of the Weston Community Association and the Conservation Committee explained how they came to the conclusion that the lower dam along Lawrence Hill Road should be removed and the stream bed restored. They are asking […]

Weston board OKs funds for walk/ride study

Weston board OKs funds for walk/ride study Of $6,000 portion, some is expected to come from businesses

By Bruce Frauman ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC Weston Select Board chair Denis Benson signed an agreement between the Town of Weston and the Windham Regional Commission for a scoping study despite his reservations that the town would be liable for a full $6,000, which is 20 percent of the full cost of the study. Planning […]

Weston board rejects land donation; town purchases more salt, sand to meet weather need

Weston board rejects land donation; town purchases more salt, sand to meet weather need

By Bruce Frauman © Telegraph Publishing LLC Weston Select Board on Tuesday, Dec. 11, agreed to tell the estate of a local landowner who was hoping to donate property to the town that “it is not in the best interests of the town to accept the property.” The land, owned by the estate of James […]

Power outages enter fourth day as new storm approaches

Power outages enter fourth day as new storm approaches GMP warns further outages possible, be prepared

By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing, LLC For more than 2,500 Green Mountain Power customers in Southern-Central Vermont, this was another morning of waking up to find that electricity had not been restored overnight. And with final restoration slated for Saturday night, GMP is now warning of another storm that could cause outages at […]

Snow cripples area, thousands without power

Snow cripples area, thousands without power Falling trees, heavy snow hamper cleanup

By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Area residents awoke on Tuesday morning to cracking tree limbs and the woosh of heavy snow cascading off those trees and roofs. They also awoke in the dark as hundreds of trees, weighed down by  the wet snow, toppled onto wires and roads and snarled traffic. Schools […]

Weston Board targets cluttered Longley Loop

Weston Board targets cluttered Longley Loop

By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC After Road Foreman Almon Crandal left the Weston Select Board meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 13, board chair Denis Benson said that Crandal told him that culverts were not replaced this year because the road crew was busy with lining roads with stones, as per state flood mitigation grants. […]

Brisk turnout for cold, rainy midterm contests

Brisk turnout for cold, rainy midterm contests

By Cynthia Prairie ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Tuesday’s General Election had three strikes against it: Most Vermont races – from U.S. Congress to the governor’s mansion and the State House – were pretty much foregone conclusions even before Tuesday and wouldn’t make a huge impact on the national scene; Mid-terms are usually ho-hum affairs that […]

Act 171 & forest blocks: Derry hosts ANR with changes to town plans down the road

Act 171 & forest blocks: Derry hosts ANR with changes to town plans down the road

By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Act 171, which the governor signed into law more than two years ago, will impact towns throughout Vermont as the state attempts to save Vermont’s wildlife, including large animals such as deer, bear and moose and smaller ones such as foxes and otter, by preserving “habitat connectors” that […]

As Weston board wrestles with building upgrades, it votes down designated committee

As Weston board wrestles with building upgrades, it votes down designated committee

By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Weston Board member Ann Fuji’i was unable to convince fellow board members during their Tuesday, Oct. 9 meeting that they should establish a committee to manage town buildings. Fuji’i argued that a standing committee that meets as needed could help oversee replacing the Town Office building’s oil burning […]

Weston mulls Rt. 100 scoping project

Weston mulls Rt. 100 scoping project Potential ash borer problem weighs heavily on board

By Bruce Frauman 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Nicole Pfister of the Planning Commission told the Weston Select Board at its Tuesday, Aug. 28 meeting that the state Agency of Transportation would assign an agency project manager and a supervisor to the Route 100 scoping project. The project would provide the town with options for a […]