RSSAll Entries in the "Windham" Category

Andover elects historic board; Chester voters return Whalen to Select Board after hiatus

Andover elects historic board; Chester voters return Whalen to Select Board after hiatus

By Shawn Cunningham © 2022 Telegraph Publishing LLC Andover residents, faced with three select board vacancies, created what is likely an historic board with a majority of women as members. With one member resigning his unexpired three-year seat and two members deciding not to run for re-election, Andover residents were voting to put three new […]

Fire destroys Windham family's mobile home; search is on for a new one

Fire destroys Windham family’s mobile home; search is on for a new one

By Cynthia Prairie ©2022 Telegraph Publishing LLC A 21-year-old Windham woman and her 1-year-old daughter lost their home to an electrical fire on Saturday, Feb. 5. Now the woman’s mother, who owns the Windham property but lives nearby, is hoping to help her daughter and granddaughter establish a new home in the same spot. In […]

Variations on a Town Meeting Day

Variations on a Town Meeting Day Area towns choose formats, new dates for annual votes

By Shawn Cunningham © 2022 Telegraph Publishing LLC Once again this year the Vermont legislature has taken its cue from the continuing Covid pandemic and is giving municipalities options in how they can manage Town Meeting Day. And area select boards have chosen several variations — from fully remote meetings and Australian ballots for all […]

Area towns shuffled, separated under proposed redistricting plan

Area towns shuffled, separated under proposed redistricting plan

By Shawn Cunningham © 2022 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Vermont House yesterday passed H. 589 to bypass the work done by a tri-partisan board set up to create a legislative redistricting plan. The move substitutes the bill as the design for the “initial district plan.” The text of the legislation says that lawmakers will be […]

Animals seized, Windham woman charged with cruelty

Animals seized, Windham woman charged with cruelty

© 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC A Windham woman has been charged with animal cruelty and more than 60 farm animals were seized from her residence after Vermont State Police descended upon her Popple Dungeon home on Friday, Nov. 5. Vermont State Police say they issued a search warrant on the home of 23-year-old Erika VanAlstyne […]

<strong>40,000 Meals & Counting</strong>

40,000 Meals & Counting $315,000 grant gives Chester Helping Hands-Springfield Family Center partnership the boost to feed more

By Cherise Madigan ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC During the bone chilling months of last March, when the Covid-19 pandemic was beginning it race across the country, Chester residents Chris Meyer and Jason Tostrup asked themselves a question: Will our neighbors be going hungry? As Vermont residents became confined to their homes, and unemployment spiked, the […]

Photo gallery: Local elections called 'smooth'

Photo gallery: Local elections called ‘smooth’

By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC A visitor to the polls in 10 local towns today heard the same word over and over: smooth. One after another, town clerks and other election officials told The Telegraph that turnout was light to moderate but steady. There were no long lines or waits to vote […]

Clerks: Mail-in voting pace is brisk, few errors

Clerks: Mail-in voting pace is brisk, few errors Voter registration rolls see a jump

By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Area residents are embracing mail-in voting in substantial numbers and making very few mistakes, according to several town clerks. And, since Sept. 2 more than 200 people have registered to vote in nine towns. The Vermont Secretary of State used that date as the cutoff for mailing […]

Local money in the presidential race

Local money in the presidential race NYT analysis details donation amounts, donor numbers

©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC On Monday, the New York Times published an analysis of campaign contributions by ZIP code. The reporters teased out the number of donations from April 1 through Oct. 14 and estimated their amounts by every ZIP code in the United States and looked at factors behind the numbers including education. The […]

<strong>The emerald ash borer: </strong>What we know, what's being done, what we can do, what we can expect

The emerald ash borer: What we know, what’s being done, what we can do, what we can expect

By Cherise Madigan ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Last October, a Londonderry landowner found a green beetle with a red abdomen lodged in his door. Inspection from a forester and entomologist confirmed that the insect was the invasive emerald ash borer that — though first found in Vermont in 2018 — was not expected in the region […]

Casting your ballot: A guide to voting procedures

Casting your ballot: A guide to voting procedures

By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Voting in this pandemic year will not be like any vote we have ever cast and Secretary of State Jim Condos is suggesting that everyone have a voting plan. One suggestion is to vote by Saturday, Oct. 24 — “to reduce contact at polling places and to […]

How VTel's phone/internet outage happened

How VTel’s phone/internet outage happened

By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Multiple equipment failures brought to a standstill VTel phone and internet service to Chester, Andover, Grafton and Windham — first on Thursday, then on Friday and into Saturday of last week, prompting questions about access to public safety agencies and how to make that more robust. According […]

Three young local snowboarders to compete in Burton Open Junior Jam

Three young local snowboarders to compete in Burton Open Junior Jam

© 2020 Telegraph Publishing, LLC Snowboarders Sumner Orr of Weston, Connor Cavanagh of Windham and Tommy Okesson of Connecticut will be representing Southern Vermont as they head to Vail, Colo., next week to participate in the Burton U.S. Open Junior Jam. This is the first time the Junior Jam that three riders from Southern Vermont […]

Windstorm knocks out power for days

Windstorm knocks out power for days

By Shawn Cunningham ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC A powerful storm on Thursday night into Friday left thousands of Green Mountain Power customers in the dark with many still powerless on Sunday morning. As of this morning — Monday — GMP was reporting 371 statewide customers without power with more than 25 percent in The Telegraph […]

Emerald ash borer found in Londonderry

Emerald ash borer found in Londonderry Surrounding towns now seen as infected or high risk

By Shawn Cunningham © 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Vermont Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation has announced that the emerald ash borer, a beetle that has been decimating ash trees from Michigan to Maine, now has been found in Londonderry. According to a statement released Thursday, the infested area includes all of Londonderry, Windham, […]

Derry residents hear Nature Conservancy's plans for Glebe Mountain

Derry residents hear Nature Conservancy’s plans for Glebe Mountain

By Cherise Madigan © 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC The future of a 3,500-acre parcel of land on Glebe Mountain, in the towns of Londonderry and Windham, was the topic of discussion during a session hosted by the Nature Conservancy at the Londonderry’s Old Town Hall last night. There, around 20 residents discussed their experiences with […]

Act 171 & forest blocks: Derry hosts ANR with changes to town plans down the road

Act 171 & forest blocks: Derry hosts ANR with changes to town plans down the road

By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Act 171, which the governor signed into law more than two years ago, will impact towns throughout Vermont as the state attempts to save Vermont’s wildlife, including large animals such as deer, bear and moose and smaller ones such as foxes and otter, by preserving “habitat connectors” that […]

Ct. woman watches burglars in Windham home

Ct. woman watches burglars in Windham home VSP seek public's help identifying duo

© 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC A Waterford, Conn., woman called Vermont State Police on Sunday morning to say that she was watching burglars in her Windham house. According to a Vermont State Police press release, at 8:01 a.m. , Sept. 16, Janice Chieka was telling police that her security cameras were catching two men in […]

Man charged in dozens of Derry area crimes

Man charged in dozens of Derry area crimes

© 2018 Telegraph Publishing, LLC A Bellows Falls man was charged yesterday in more than three dozen incidents of burglary and other crimes that took place in the Londonderry area between May 2015 and April 2017. Vermont State Police say that Travis Despain, 27, burglarized businesses, schools, churches and town offices, as well as homes […]

4 arrested in damage to Tater Hill Golf Course

4 arrested in damage to Tater Hill Golf Course Charges include DUI, burglary, unlawful mischief, possession of stolen property

© 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Four area men between the ages of 18 and 20 were arrested early this morning on a variety of charges in an overnight burglary at the Tater Hill Golf Course in Windham. According to a Vermont State Police press release, at about 2:30 a.m. Saturday, troopers got a report that […]