Contact Us
Last Updated on January 27, 2025 by The Chester Telegraph
You can contact The Chester Telegraph with questions and suggestions in a number of ways:
- You can comment below;
- You can email;
- You can also write to PO Box 221, Chester, VT 05143;
- Or you can call Cynthia Prairie at 802-875-9722.
I wonder whether it would be worthwhile to have a section of the Telegraph devoted to items for sale, our own version of Craig’slist?
This rag has finally passed the point of no return.
It’s one thing to allow the towns controversial issues a forum, entirely another when biased reportage along with the usual gaggle of wingnut op-eds are a detriment to the town of Chester, and/or cost us key people.
This is not reporting or news. Nor is it ‘smart growth.’
For those who would stand this up against the 1st Amendment, I say fight fire w/fire.
Corrections and clarity can be demanded, complaints can be filed with the Vt Sec Attorney General otherwise.
Pull the plug on their cash flow, yank your ads, USDA rural development can be petitioned as well.
Chester Telegraph: I notice your report of me speaking at the selectmen’s meeting about Yosemite Firehouse incorrect or lacking full comment.
Where you say I saw only two possibilties is taken out of context. What I said was “I’m just hearing about this for the first time and have had than five minutes to think about it.” Then I spoke about the two options you mention. No one could be expected to have all of the answers in just five minutes. Check the minutes for verification of what I said.
Also the hand-pumper is 1849 not 1889
Impressed with Chester Telegraph.
Just a short note to let you know how much we look forward to your newsletter! It’s so informative and can’t help but smile when we see in our e-mail. Keep up the good work!
The Chester Historical Society has a couple of spaces on its lawn for rent. For information, email Ron at
Call Nancy Rugg at The Fullerton Inn — 802-875-2444.
Does anyone know who we contact to rent a site for the Fall Foliage Fair on the Green?
Also, The Chester Telegraph has called the attorneys for Dollar General and a spokesman for Dollar General. Neither has returned those phone calls.
The DRB approved it with 35 conditions. Smart Growth Chester filed and appeal with the Environmental Division of the Superior ourt. That is underway. The next step for the developer (Zaremba) is to file an application for an Act 250 permit. That has not yet happened but is expected soon. Smart Growth Chester will contest the Act 250 application and appeal that as well if necessary. Of course, this takes resources, and tax deductible contributions to the effort should be made out to “Preservation Trust of Vermont” with the word Chester in the memo, and sent to Smart Growth at P.O. Box 732, Chester, VT 05143.
What is the status of the Dollar Store going into Chester?
Thank You Chester
Dear Chesterites,
My business, Swiss Precision Remodeling, came to an immediate stand-still after I got diagnosed with Cancer in January.
Now, 6 months and a big operation, followed by intensive chemo and radiation treatments later, I must thank you again, in public, for your support. My wife and I are deeply in your debt. Numerous neighbors and friends, strangers even, from Chester and surrounding areas came by and brought food, courage and much needed moneys to my bedside.
They helped out in the garden and shoveled snow. Even a Chester plumber worked free of charge for a much needed service in my house. Alas, there is still a long way to a full recovery. But recover I shall. In the meantime: Thank you. Danke. Merci and God Bless.
Chris Zuppinger
Thanks for the inquiry. Rich. We don’t have any that came out well. But if anyone else has pix or video, we’d love to post!
Any photos or video from the recent GMUHS play “The Pajama Game” ?
This is a really nice website. But I am not surprised, because I have always thought Chester was a beautiful little town. Before I moved to Vermont, I was passing through the village as a fall tourist and, from my car, could see Captain Kangaroo signing books outside the bookstore. That is when I knew Vermont was for me.
Thank you for keeping us informed about the important issues affecting our town. Your reporting is a great service to our community.