Search Results for 'zoning regs'

DRB to keep flood hazard review open on Chester Jiffy Mart

DRB to keep flood hazard review open on Chester Jiffy Mart

By Shawn Cunningham © 2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC After a contentious hearing on June 1, this past Monday’s Chester Development Review Board meeting was polite and even relaxed in portions as the town’s quasi-judicial land use arbiters once again took up the application of Robert Record and Champlain Oil for a conditional use permit to […]

Our year in review: Land rights, wrecks, fires, floods and friendships

Our year in review: Land rights, wrecks, fires, floods and friendships

©2014 Telegraph Publishing LLC When The Chester Telegraph began publication three years ago, more than a few people (including the publisher of a local newspaper) warned us that “nothing ever happens” in these communities. And yet, over the past year, keeping up with “nothing” has often been hectic work. Here’s a selection of some of […]

Top 10 from 24 months of unique reporting in The Chester Telegraph

Top 10 from 24 months of unique reporting in The Chester Telegraph

  By Cynthia Prairie On Jan. 16, 2014, The Chester Telegraph celebrates its second birthday. A few of our faithful readers have asked us to compile a list of the 10 top stories that we covered in 2013. We thought it was a great idea but, since we didn’t do it last year, we decided […]

DRB approves Dollar General proposal

DRB approves Dollar General proposal

By Cynthia Prairie The Chester Development Review Board has approved the proposal for a 9,100-square-foot Dollar General store on a 1.4-acre empty parcel southeast of Main Street Pizza, former home to Zachary’s Pizza House. The decision was 3 to 2, and voted on Monday night, April 16. The DRB did place 35 conditions upon the […]

Chester Select Board to vote on UDBs; opts for open interviews

Chester Select Board to vote on UDBs; opts for open interviews

By Shawn Cunningham © 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC While the main attraction at Wednesday’s Chester Select Board meeting looked to be the continuing struggle over the town’s Unified Development Bylaws, the events of the previous Monday’s Planning Commission meeting – in which commission member Tom Hildreth walked out resulting in a loss of the quorum […]

Chester planners send bylaw revisions for approval over some objections

Chester planners send bylaw revisions for approval over some objections

By Shawn Cunningham © 2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC After nearly two years of work, the Chester Planning Commission voted – at the end of  Tuesday night’s public hearing – to send its revisions of the Unified Development Bylaws to the Chester Select Board for review. A number of residents and business owners spoke in favor […]

DRB green-lights new Jiffy Mart for Chester

DRB green-lights new Jiffy Mart for Chester

By Shawn Cunningham © 2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC At its Monday Sept. 21 meeting, the Chester Development Review Board gave its approval to an application by Champlain Oil to construct a 4,980-square-foot Jiffy Mart, which would house convenience store, a Subway and a Ramunto’s Pizza Express. The Jiffy Mart would also have four double-sided gas […]

Commentary: Signs for our times

By Cynthia Prairie ©Telegraph Publishing LLC-2014 The Chester Planning Commission has begun considering making further changes to the sign regulations within the Unified Development Bylaws after tweaking them in the last go-round. (You can read them at right.) It had amended the Home Occupation and Home Business standards by cutting in half the allowable signage […]

Chester business owners seek changes to sign regulations

Chester business owners seek changes to sign regulations

By Shawn Cunningham ©Telegraph Publishing LLC — 2014 About 25 people, most of them local business owners, attended the Chester Planning Commission’s Dec. 1 meeting to tell members about problems they have had with the current and past sign laws and  offer advice on what they think is needed in the new sign ordinance that […]

J&L shelves Armory expansion plan; 2nd snafu, VTrans objection arise

J&L shelves Armory expansion plan; 2nd snafu, VTrans objection arise

By Shawn Cunningham ©Telegraph Publishing LLC — 2014 Peter and Nathalie Klepp, owners of J&L Metrology, continue to work at securing the permits needed to move their business to the former Chester Army Reserve Center on Route 11 west. But as soon as one problem was set aside, two more arose at a meeting of […]

Editorial: Chester officials can do more to engage the public

By Shawn Cunningham ©The Chester Telegraph — 2014 Tonight, Wednesday, Sept. 17, the Chester Select Board is scheduled to adopt new zoning regulations, and from comments made by board members at the Sept. 3 meeting, Chester residents either don’t have an opinion on the regulations or are not engaged in the process because they have […]

Issues over proposed bylaws returned to Planning Commission; Missing Link Bridge to be rebuilt

Issues over proposed bylaws returned to Planning Commission; Missing Link Bridge to be rebuilt

By Shawn Cunningham For the second meeting in a row, on Wednesday Sept. 4, the Chester Select Board went immediately into executive session. The closed door session was to talk with candidates for the positions of Lister and Planning Commission member. The board entered executive session at 7:07 and returned at 7:29 p.m.after which they […]