Search Results for '"dollar general"'

Dollar General proposed for Zachary’s property

The Chester Development Review Board is in the process of assessing plans by the corporation that owns the Dollar General chain to build a 9,100-square-foot store on the eastern edge of the parking lot of Zachary’s Pizza House, 319 Main St. The 10-acre parcel along VT Rt. 103, which is owned by Zachary’s, would be […]

Chester Select Board agenda for June 19

Chester Select Board agenda for June 19

The Chester Select Board will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 19 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St., and by Zoom by clicking here. The Select Board agenda is below. 1. Additions or Deletions to the Agenda 2. Approve Minutes from June 5, 2024 Selectboard Meeting 3. Citizen’s Comments 4. Old Business 5. Short […]

Chester Select Board agenda for June 5

Chester Select Board agenda for June 5

The Chester Select Board will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 5 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St., and by Zoom by clicking here. 1. Additions or Deletions to the Agenda 2. Approve Minutes from May 1, 2024 Selectboard Meeting 3. Citizen’s Comments 4. Old Business 5. Nuisance Ordinance 6. Short Term Rental Ordinance […]

Police looking for person in credit card theft, use

Police looking for person in credit card theft, use

© 2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC Police are looking for a man who stole credit cards from a car at the Bellows Falls Country Club and used them to make purchases at the Dollar General store in Chester and at other locations. According to a Vermont State Police press release, two people stole credit cards from […]

THE IMPACT: Homes, businesses flooded, roads washed out

THE IMPACT: Homes, businesses flooded, roads washed out

 Gene Palma of Weston shot this video of the Weston Green. The West River once again jumped its banks in a torrent, flooding the historic Playhouse, apparently higher than it was during Tropical Storm Irene in August 2011. Homes and their residents along the river and the Town Office Building are also being impacted. […]

Chester Select Board agenda for April 5

Chester Select Board agenda for April 5

The Chester Select Board will hold its regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday April 5, 2023 at Town Hall, 556 Elm Street and via Zoom. To join the meeting go to: Below is the board’s agenda. 1. Approve Minutes from the March 22, 2023 Special Select Board Meeting 2. Citizen Comments/Answers from Previous […]

Chester Select Board agenda for March 16 - New time

Chester Select Board agenda for March 16 – New time

The Chester Select Board will hold its regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday March 16 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. and via Zoom. To join the meeting go to: Please note the board has changed its starting time. Below is the board’s agenda: 1. Approve Minutes from the March 2, 2022 Selectboard […]

New dimensions in Chester zoning proposal

New dimensions in Chester zoning proposal

March 17: Huge changes possible in Chester’s proposed new bylaws March 24: Proposed zoning bylaws raise questions of uses, costs By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Allowed uses — such as single family home, restaurant, retail shop or light industry to name just a few —  are not the only way of crafting […]

Chester Select Board agenda for April 7

Chester Select Board agenda for April 7

The Chester Select Board will hold a special meeting following a public forum that will begin at 6 p.m. on Wednesday April 7, 2021. The meeting and forum will be held in-person at Town Hall, 556 Elm Street and via Zoom. To join the meeting go to In person attendance is limited, so please […]

Chester Select Board agenda for March 18

Chester Select Board agenda for March 18

The Chester Select Board will hold its regular meeting on Wednesday March 18 at its new time of 6 p.m. in the Chester Town Hall, 556 Elm Street. Below is its agenda. 1. Approve Minutes from the March 4, 2020 Selectboard Meeting 2. Citizen Comments 3. Old Business 4. Discussion regarding Academy Building Lease 5. […]

Chester Select Board agenda for March 18

Chester Select Board agenda for March 18

The Chester Select Board will hold its regular meeting at 6 p.m. Wednesday March 18, 2020 at Town Hall, 556 Elm Street. Please note the change of time from 6:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Below is its agenda: 1. Approve Minutes from the March 4, 2020 Select Board meeting 2. Citizen Comments 3. Old Business […]

Chester Rescue Squad holds holiday party for local kids

Chester Rescue Squad holds holiday party for local kids

Chester Volunteer Rescue Squad, the local Dollar General and generous shoppers teamed up to help area families with gifts for the holidays. Leading up to the holidays, the Dollar General gathered the names of families in need. Then shoppers would buy gifts at the Dollar General and donate them in a box at the store. […]

Chester Select Board agenda for April 3, 2019

Chester Select Board agenda for April 3, 2019

The Chester Select Board will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 3 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Below is its agenda. 1. Approve Minutes from the March 6, 2018 Select Board meeting and March 6, 2019 executive session 2. Citizen Comments 3. Old Business 4. Town Plan Public Hearing 5. Sale on the […]

To the editor: Thanks to all who made Chester outerwear drive a success

To the editor: Thanks to all who made Chester outerwear drive a success

The Eleventh Annual Warm Hands Warm Hearts event on Oct. 19 and 20 was truly a heart warming event. Thousands of donations of warm, gently used items were on display at the Chester Congregational Church in Chester. At least 150 shoppers were able to find coats, hats, scarves, sweaters, vests, socks, boots and more that […]

Chester Select Board agenda for Feb. 21, 2018

Chester Select Board agenda for Feb. 21, 2018

The Chester Select Board will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 21 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Below is its agenda. 1. Approval of Minutes from the January 8, 2018 Special Selectboard Meeting and January 17, 2018 Selectboard Meeting 2. Citizen Comments 3. Old Business 4. Chester Development Fund Update; Remus Preda & […]

Chester board cancels planning, zoning interviews; appeals Act 250 decision

Chester board cancels planning, zoning interviews; appeals Act 250 decision

By Shawn Cunningham and Cynthia Prairie © 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Chester Select Board last Wednesday, Jan. 18, decided to cancel scheduled interviews with four candidates for the Chester Development Review Board and the Planning Commission until its members can agree on a process for interviewing them and all future candidates for such positions. […]

Chester Select Board agenda for Jan. 18, 2017

Chester Select Board agenda for Jan. 18, 2017

The Chester Select Board will meet as the Chester Water & Sewer Commission at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2017 to set the water rates. Following that, the Select Board will meeting. Both meetings will be held at Chester Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Below is the Select Board agenda. 1. Approval of Minutes […]

Chester Police Log for May 1 through July 20, 2016

Chester Police Log for May 1 through July 20, 2016

© 2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC Editor’s Note: The Chester Telegraph Police Log is a sampling of incidents directly from Chester Police reports. In general, we do not identify individual victims of crimes nor those who have been arrested. Sunday, May 1, 9:57 a.m. A complainant told police that over the weekend someone had stolen a […]

Chester police capture fugitive

Chester police capture fugitive

© 2016 Telegraph Publishing, LLC Today, using information on a vehicle driven by a suspect involved in a stabbing in Keene, New Hampshire, Chester Police Officers were able to locate Osvaldo Dejesus, 30, of Hinsdale New Hampshire, at a residence on South Main Street between the construction sites for Dollar General and Jiffy Mart. As […]

To the editor: Saving Yosemite Firehouse can spur Chester economy

To the editor: Saving Yosemite Firehouse can spur Chester economy

I was happy to take part in this meeting at the Yosemite Firehouse in Chester on Friday. If this process makes ownership clear I think without question the town should move forward to acquire it. This is an opportunity not only to own the historic building but to to see if we can really come […]